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Exam Topic: Education

ECCE Speaking

Situation 01:

My cousin has poor performance at school and his parents want to do

something about it.

Option 1 Option 2

Stay in his public school and have Enroll in a private school.

some private tutoring.

a. what are the two options?

b. what are the advantages of each option?
c. what are the disadvantages of each option?

Situation 02:

Your school will be given a considerable sum of money to upgrade its


Option 1 Option 2

Renovate its indoor gym Upgrade the computer lab

a. what are the two options?

b. what are the advantages of each option?
c. what are the disadvantages of each option?
Exam Topic: Education
ECCE Speaking

Situation 03:

A student of mine has really poor grades. He wants to quit school get a job
and study art.

Option 1 Option 2

Stay at school Get a part time job

a. what are the two options?

b. what are the advantages of each option?
c. what are the disadvantages of each option?

Situation 04:

A friend of mine has to take exams in a very demanding lesson. He loves

this lesson but he is not good at memorizing a lot of information.

Option 1 Option 2

Take the exams Do the project

a. what are the two options?

b. what are the advantages of each option?
c. what are the disadvantages of each option?

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