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I took this photograph during my photoshoot five in school.

I included it into a series of different

photographs of this certain photo book that I found in the photography room during my search for a
range of photo books. The intensive colour red of the cover of the book is what drawed me to it, so I
decided to put it into my project.
The reason why I took this certain shot with the book open is so the viewer can get a look inside the
book, as this gets you a different perspective and makes the project more interesting in general.
While going through the book, this page catched my eye particularly. The photograph in the book
shows a forest with quite tall trees covered in snow. Looking at the image, it reminded me of the fact
that books are made out of wood and the forest is a good representation for that. The trees also
relate to the project as they reminded me of books standing next to each other in a bookshelf, where
only the spines of the different books can be seen. This way there is a good bridge between my
project idea and the technical, practical side of it.
What helps the contrast between the monochrome black background and the white book pages is
the red book over which can’t be seen entirely but the small parts of it really help the general
composition of the image.
The placement of the book in this shot is effective in my opinion as this way it creates interesting
leading lines that guide the viewer through the image. As the book is open the leading lines are
placed vertical, fitting together with the actual photograph seen in the photo book. The margin
around the book is slightly out of place so what I would do next time is place the book slightly to the
right so the photograph is better balanced.
I used artificial light for this shot to light it out completely. In the end shadows can be seen in the
picture which I think helps creating a narrow depth of field. There is a stronger, darker shadow on
the right side of the image created by the book and the light shining from outside the left of the
The story or meaning behind that image is the comparison of the two elements in the image. The fact
that the photographer who took this image seen in the photo book, wanted to capture the beauty of
the winter forest but then went ahead and produced a book made out of this wood. I really like the
thought of that and even though the photographer most likely didn’t think about it, I think I captured
this juxtaposition quite good.

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