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S M P N E G E R I 3 N G A M P R AH
Jl. Bukit Permata Raya Desa Cilame Kec. Ngamprah Kab. Bandung Barat (022) 87781555
Web: E-mail: NSS: NPSN: 20279854

MATA PELAJARAN : Bahasa Inggris (Task 2)

TANGGAL : Sabtu, Januari 2021
NAMA SISWA : ............................................
I Complete the following paragraph with the words from the box in the right column.
Paragraph 1 Sangkuriang
Dayang Sumbi was a… and kind hearted princess, but … whenever one day
she was very lazy. Her hobby was … cloth. … witch father male
her weaving toll fell. Tumang a… dog, came to bring her… turn weaving tool
back to her. As she had promised, she … him. Tumang was married dog
actually a… who had been cursed by a …. To become a dog. But son woods
sometimes he could… back to normal man. Dayang Sumbi and beautiful sometimes
Tumang got one … . his name was Sangkuriang. He didi not man sadly
know that Tumang was his… because he was a dog…
he was with him. Tumang always accompanied… whenever he
went hunting in the ….

Paragraph 2 leave brought
When he was twelve years old, Dayang Sumbi … Sangkuriang village
to brong her a deer`s … . But after may days in the … , gave asked
he could find a… . He didi not want to… his badly told
mother, so he killed Tumang and… his heart home and … a piece of love
To his mother. Because of her… to Tumang. Dayang Sumbi … knew deer`s
it was his heart, not a… heart. She got very angry … at deer woods
Sangkuriang. She hit him with… wood on his forehead, disappoint
and … him to go away. … wounded, heart want
Sangkuriang left her and the…

II Answer these questions briefly (singkat)

1. Who was Dayang Sumbi?
2. Who was Tumang? Why did Dayang Sumbi marry him?
3. Was Tumang a human being or a dog?
4. What did Sankuriang know about Tumang?
5. Write 1 thing that does not make sense of the story!

NOTE Mulailah selalu dengan bismilah dan Tulislah selalu tiap soal di buku catatan kalian sebelum kalian
mengerjakan di lembar tugas ini untuk dikumpulkan, sehingga kalian memiliki dokumen untuk setiap
pertemuan. Barokallohufikum

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