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Salmon fish live in the sea, but when they are born in rivers, they lay their eggs on
the highest plateau in the river. Before laying eggs, it will flap its tail in order to
sweep the gravel from the riverbed. As a result, a basin is formed in the riverbed
and in that basin the salmon lay eggs and incubate the eggs. When the incubation
temperature reaches a certain level, small salmon (young salmon) come out and
then it will move around the estuary. Then the size starts to grow and slightly
enlarges and here they will stay about 6 months to 3 years depending on the type of
fish after that they swim to the sea, Young salmon make their way to penetrate the
rearing areas of the ocean where they fully grow in maturity and size. When the
reproductive season arrives, adult salmon return to spawning areas, namely rivers.
Here the adult salmon spawn and the whole circle of life begins again

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