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Circle the pronoun that can replace the underlined words.

1) Charles puts the books on the table.

a. It b. Me c. Us d. He

2) The children are making a snowman.

a. Me b. We c. They d. You

3) Mom put the pie on the table.

a. Me b. She c. You d. Them

4) Monique sings beautifully.

a. She b. He c. We d. They

5) James has two cats.

a. They b. Them c. We d. He

6) Dad reads the paper at night.

a. Me b. You c. He d. It

7) Michael finishes his homework.

a. I b. He c. We d. They

8) Melanie and Sarah share a bedroom.

a. I b. He c. We d. They

9) The children play with the kittens.

a. me b. them c. you d. her

10) Hens lay eggs.

a. They b. You c. He d. She

11) Arden and I go to the movies.

a. I b. We c. He d. They

12) You and I like cookies.

a. We b. You c. They d. Us

13) You and Michael prefer cake to pie.

a. We b. You c. They d. Me

14) The teacher told you and me what to do.

a. us b. you c. them d. her

 Circle all the subject pronoun in each sentence.

1. I think that we are ready for the game.

2. We are going to see a play on weekend.

3. He is a very dependable person.

4. It is one of the best movies I have seen.

5. Tell her that she must arrive to the gate on time.

6. I am excited about going back to school.

7. You are a very helpful person.

8. They are going to show us around the city.

9. Make sure she brings all the food to the party.

10. I believe that we are making good choices.

 Complete the following sentences with personal pronoun.

I, you, he, she, it, we, they

1. My name is Sofia. (Sofia) _________ am a grade 1 pupil.

2. My mom´s name is Angie. (Angie) _________ is very kind.

3. Bob is my dad. (My dad) _________ is a waiter.

4. On the left side you can see Ana. (Ana) _________ is my sister

5. (Ana and I) _________ are twins.

6. We have a cute dog. (dog) _________ is two years old.

7. (May mom and my sister) _________ like our dog very much.

8. My grandparents live in London. (My grandparents) _________ often come

and see us.

9. (My dad, mom, sister, and I) _________ are very happy.

10. What can _________ tell me about your family?

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