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1) The four major layer that make up the earth are the crust, MANTLE, INNER CORE AND OUTER

2) The soil forms a thin layer between the EARTH'S CRUST and ATMOSPHERE.
3) In earth, with increase in depth there is a tremendous INCREASE in temperature.
4) About 71% percent of earth’s surface is covered with water.
5) Lithosphere accounts for 93.06% percent for the earth’s mass.
6) At the sea level atmosphere exerts pressure of 1033.41gms/ cm2.
7) In general, primary minerals are present in coarser fraction of the soil whereas secondary
minerals are dominant in the FINER fraction of the soil.

1) Pedology ( does not / does ) focus on the soils immediate practical use.
2) Soil air contains a ( higher / lower ) concentration of carbon dioxide


1. Soil is a naturally occurring part of earth which builds the lithosphere. It is a combination of biotic
and abiotic components including organic matters, minerals, air and water. It being the main
component of one of the major spheres of earth, plays a vital role in every living thing in the planet.

Edaphology (derived from the Greek word “edaphos”, which means soil or ground and logos, which
means knowledge) is the study of soil from the standpoint of higher plants including human use of
land. This means that the approach focuses on the relationship of the soil towards anything that
lives on it, on how it can be used.

Pedology is the study of the origin, classification and description of the soil. Pedology does not
focus on the soils immediate practical use. Thus, unlike the first approach this one pertains to the
soil itself regardless of other matters surrounding it. This together with Edaphology, both the
aspects are important for an understanding of soil development.

Soil Matrix pertains to the arrangement of the main components of the soil: minerlas, water and
air. These components play vital role with their interaction. They are measured in proportion with
respect to the whole soil with mineral being the largest next is water and lastly air.

2. A soil means one individual soil, it is a natural body-a piece of landscape - with depth, shape and
area. While The soil is the general term for all the soils of the world.

Mineral Soil was form from the weathering of rocks while Organic Soil is formed from the remains
of living organisms from the decomposition process.

Land is a broader term used and often include location, structures that are built on top or other
physical descriptions whereas Soil only part of the land.

3. Do you agree that all soils are ISOTROPIC?

I strongly disagree to this statement soils are isotropic which means that soil arrangements or
sequence are the same across the planet. The truth is it is anisotropic because of the different
natural and chemical process happening in every part of the world. One common reason is the
weatherin of rocks and the continuous movement of the tectonic plates that enable translocation
and recrystallization of rocks and minerals at different times.

Knowledge of rocks and soil is essential.

It is indeed very much essential for us to acquire the knowledge about rocks and soil because it
pertains who we are, where we came from and what are the facts about our origins. All of these can
be answered through soil and rock samples. And im the most practical sense, knowing about rocks
and soil enables us to be more efficient in using these resources for our better future.

4. a. What are the important characteristics of soil?

Soil is a natural medium for plant growth and cannot be synthesized artificially. Soil contains
mineral particles, organic matter, water and air.

b. Enlist constituents of atmosphere.

(78% of total air quantity) nitrogen

(21% of total air quantity) oxygen

1% Argon, carbon dioxide, helium, and others

c. Enlist five major elements of lithosphere.

Oxygen, Silicon, Aluminum, Iron and Calcium

d. Define Soil fertility. What is the concept of soil fertility?

Soil fertility is defined as the ability of soil to supply nutrients for plant growth. The concept of soil
fertility includes how well the nutrients are protected from leaching and their enhanced availability
to plants in addition to the quantity of nutrients the soil contains.

5. Give a detailed account on Lithosphere

The solid crust of rocks on which we live is lithosphere. It accounts for 93.06% of the earth’s mass.
Visible land is more concentrated in the Northern Hemisphere. One hundred eight elements are
known to occur in nature. But only few of these occur in abundance in earth’s crust. Oxygen and
silicon exist to the extent of approximately 74%, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium,
potassium makes up nearly 24% and all others only nearly 1% of the earth’s crust. Oxygen, carbon
and nitrogen exist in a free state in nature.

It takes a long time to produce an inch of soil that supports plants. Under favorable environmental
and geological conditions, the soil can evolve from the bedrock in 1000-1500 years. Soil is one of
our most vital natural resources as it provides sustenance for plants, insect and animals. We need
to be extra cautious of whwt actions we do towards it to be able to determine its implications on
the years to come.
In recent years, there has been an increased awareness of the multiple roles. The soil scientists
endeavor to improve our understanding of the earth’s complex soil system in order to preserve and
effectively utilize our soil resources.

Give a detailed account of the recent agenda for the 21st century in the field of soil science set by
International Congress of Soil Science in 1994.
In this era where everything is turning High-tech and developed, rural areas are turned urban and
accounts for the increase in the global pollution. In the 1994 International Congress of Soil Science
one of its aim is to develop urbans which are of holistic approach. This means that we continue
developing without compromising the environment and this is what the world needs right now.

Expanding the focus of soil science to include food security and the likes is also a promising step to
take for lots of years to come thinking that soils and crops goes hand in hand.

These, with the other agendas tacled including the continuous research on soil science is a winning
factor for us to maximize our soil and land resources as well as promote a healthier environment
not just now but for the years to come.


a. Slice of the Earth showing its different layer.


b. Composition of the Soil

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