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This is life. We smile despite of uncertainties.

Laughing despite of
the challenges and loving despite misery. It takes courage and
determination to face everything. We’ve been damage physically, mentally
and spiritually but staying with the breaking can lead to blessings. Find a
reason to keep going, to keep striving. You can make and live your life with
how you want it to be. It’s going to be a good life.

I know you hate yourself for breaking down and crying in private
because of something you couldn’t control even if it was something small.
Stop hating yourself. Stop beating yourself up. It’s okay to have those
moments as long as you don’t let them define you.

Even if no one knows about the battles you’re fighting or whatever

you’re going through right now, God does. He fights our battles too

It’s not in His character to leave us out when we struggle. This is

where He gets closer in our hearts.Your battle may be silent to some but
it’s not silent to God. He already knows.

If you’re hurting, treated unfairly, rejected, missing someone,

scared, misjudged or losing hope, there is no safer place in all the world
than in God’s hands. Lean in to Him— He is closer than your next breath.

Learn how to be kind to yourself. Don’t put yourself down. Don’t let
one negative thought become the way you feel about yourself. Try your
very best to turn a negative into a positive; and watch how quickly your
mindset can change.

You understand that loving yourself is a process. It’s not going to

happen overnight. Be patient with yourself, and give yourself the time you
need to heal and grow to love who you are on the inside and on the

Please don’t give up on your dreams and the life you always wanted.
You do not deserve the horrible things that you think you do, and I hope
one day you can truly believe that. It is up to you whether you want to
move forward or stand still; but know that if you choose to stay exactly
where you are, you will never know how far you could have gone.

Every failure is a step closer to success. Always think that you have
something inside you that will allow you to be the person you want to be in
the future. You'll make the breakthroughs sooner or later. Keep trust in
yourself and believe in yourself. If you're not going to fail, that means
you're not even going to try. To get something you've never had before,
you must do something you've never done before. Take the risk or lose
your chance. You're the one you desire to become. The choice is yours,
the harder the battle, the sweeter the victory. It's all right to be scared
and to cry. But to give up is not the answer. When you're feeling like
giving up, ask yourself why you've even started it. No matter what life
throws at you, no matter how hard the challenges you face. Life isn't
over. God is going to process you. The character that you build, the
courage that you develop, and the faith that you manifest, will lead you to
a different kind of person. You knew life was hard, but you embraced it.
You're not exactly what happened to you, you're the one who you want to
be. Let God be the center of your life and he will make wonders in your
life if you remain steadfast in your faith.

So please, keep going. And please, be kind to your precious mind and
body. You have come so far and you will go far. One breath at a time.

God, I don’t know what the future holds but I’m counting on you.

I don’t know what you’re planning for me. I don’t know how the next
few months will unfold but I’m counting on you to give me the strength
and patience I need to get through it.
I don’t know if you will answer my prayers or if you will keep taking
me on another ride I wasn’t prepared for.

I don’t know if you will give me a break or another difficult test.

I have been trying to handle everything in the best and wisest way
possible. I’ve been trying to connect all the dots and understand the
bigger picture and follow the signs you’ve been sending me but I admit
that I’m tired.

My brain is tired. My heart is tired. My soul is tired.

I don’t know what the future holds but I’m ready for things to
change. I’m ready for my life to finally start making sense. I’m ready for
peace. I’m longing for stability.

I know that either way, I’ll be fine. That either way, I’ll count on
you. I know that you will guide me through the hard times like you always
do but I guess I’m asking for leeway this time. I’m ready for a miracle to
lift all the heaviness and all the burdens.

I’m counting on you this time but in a different way. Counting on

your generosity. Counting on your forgiveness. Counting on your
magnificent surprises. Counting on your mercy.

I don’t know what the future holds but I want it to be brighter and
better than what I had imagined.

I don’t know what the future holds but all I know is that there’s
nothing you can’t do. There’s nothing you can’t fix. That you are the only
one who can turn everything around in the blink of an eye.
God is never going to put you in a situation that you can't get off.
Remember how great our God is. You'll see for yourself that you've taken
a big step in taking the risk and letting yourself out of the box. Always
encourage, encourage and believe in yourself. Have a strong faith in you.
When you finally get the stuff, you've been fervently praying for, reach
back and pull someone else up. Aspire to inspire everyone.

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