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Remote Learning Day for Inclement Weather Communication Checklist

Please use this checklist to make sure that all steps have been completed for a Remote Learning Day due to
inclement weather.

⬜ Send a communication to families and your dean by email before 8 AM on the Remote Learning Day.
The email must include the following information:

⬜ Students will have pre-recorded lessons and assignments to complete posted in Google
Classroom by 8:00 AM.

⬜ Highlight the importance of attendance. (They need to know that they need to sign
in and complete the assignments in order to be marked present.)

⬜ Communicate with families what Special your students have, and remind them to go to
that teacher’s Google Classroom to complete their assignment.

⬜ If there are two inclement weather days in one week, Interventions will see their groups
virtually at their regular times on the second day. Please include the ELA and Math intervention
times for parents.

⬜Check with resource room, speech, OT, ABSS, ELL and social work staff to see what they are
doing on the inclement weather day, so communications can be consistent.

Additional Items:
⬜ You must have a Math, ELA, and Sci/SS prerecorded lesson/video
posted in your Google Classroom by 8:00 AM. (If you put the assignment in your Google
Classroom the night before, do not schedule it to be released until that morning.)

⬜ Take attendance. (Students have 24 hours to complete online work.)

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