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Four Realms of Mechanics

Early year of this year Early year of this year

Quantum Mechanics
Classical Mechanics (Schrodinger, Heisenberg, Bohr
(Newton) et al)
Speeds Relativistic Mechanics Quantum Field Theory
(Einstein) (Dirac, Pauli, Schwinger, Feynmen
et al)

Introduced by Einstein in 1905 The thirties and forties

Smaller Distances

The four great realms of mechanics

Even today, QFT cannot
claim to be a completely
satisfactory system
Four Kinds of Forces

List of four basic forces to Physics (in order of decreasing


1. Strong (hold protons & neutrons together in the atom

2. Electromagnetic (we live in an electromagnetic world)
3. Weak (certain kinds of radioactive decay: far less
powerful than electromagnetic force)
4. Gravitational (10-42 times than electrical forces)
Awalnya Kelistrikan dan kemagnetan adalah subjek terpisah
Tahun 1820 Oersted menyatakan bahwa arus listrik dapat
membelokkan jarum kompas magnetik.
Selanjutnya Ampere membenarkan postulat bahwa fenomena
kemagnetan terjadi karena muatan2 listrik yang bergerak.
Tahun 1831, Faraday membuktikan bahwa magnet bergerak akan
menghasilkan arus listrik. Maxwell & Lorents menyatakan bahwa
teori kelistrikan dan kemagnean: seperti saudara kembar (two
aspects of a single subject: electromagnetism
Faraday berspekulasi bahwa cahaya juga is electrical in nature
Teori Maxwell menjustifikasi kebenaran spekulasi tersebut, dan
kemudian memasukkan optics ke dalam electromagnetism
Properties of Electric Charge

Charge comes in two varieties: plus and

minus: because their effects tend to cancel

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