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After a long night of study, Tom opened his eyes as the sun hit his face, looked at his

cell phone to
see the time and was off, had forgotten to charge it. He quickly looks at the wall clock in the living
room and it was 7:50 a.m. Because of the rush, he dressed in a hurry and went out to take the bus,
his first class starts in 10 minutes. While he was running to the bus stop, stepped on dog poo and
slipped. After taking the bus and arrive to the College, the teacher wouldn't let him into the
classroom saying “Sorry” because he arrives 15 minutes later. After that he wanted to go to study
at the library for the test that he will have next, he couldn't pass the tourniquet because he wasn't
carrying his student card so he went to a bench near to that place. He took off the books and
opened it, a wild pigeon pooped in his head then he turned to watch where it comes from and
another piece of poop felt into his eyes. He run quickly to the to the nearest bathroom to clean
himself, while he was washing his face a scream of a angry girl surprised him, he was in the women
bathroom, the girl took a photo of him and posted to Instagram to expose the case. The test time
has come, when the teacher gave him, Tom saw the test and

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