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第2 章实时网 I/O 功能块

2.1 Analog down-net function block XNETAI, ID s


2.1.1 Icon

2.1.2 Paramete
Table 2.1-1 Parameter Description
Tag name Data type Default Describe
And Float 0.0 Output the simulated measure of the
specified point on the network
参 数 GID Word FFFFH Referenced network simulation dot name and
its global ID on the source node
参 数 T Word 500 超时周期, 取 10~36000 (x10ms)

2.1.3 Description of the function

This function block removes the internet simulation points that other DPus
have shared properties and stores them in Y for other function blocks
to read.

If the online point is a bad point, the module status is bad. If the point
value is not received within the specified timeout, the module status is
set to a bad point. Subsequent modules can use these states as a bad point

12 GEK-114946 OC 6000e Function

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