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A) Fill in the blanks with Past Simple forms of the verbs in brackets. 20p

1) Margaret -------------------------- ( wash ) the dishes after dinner.

2) My mother ------------------------ ( wait ) for the bus in the morning.

3) Dorothy ---------------------------( plan ) every detail of the journey.

4) The little boy ----------------------( live ) in the city.

5) The gardener --------------------- ( try ) to help me.

B) Turn the sentences into negative or question 40p

1) The police arrested the thieves in two minutes. (-)
2) The man closed all the windows.
3) The young man disappeared in the darkness. (-)
4) We tried to find the city center.
5) Tommy failed all his exams.(-)
6) He played tennis yesterday.
7) The mechanic repaired our car.
8) The secretary typed the letters two hours ago. (-)

C. Write a short description of your primary school teacher (no more than 10 lines) 30p

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