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The Carnavales of Catacaos

What is a catchy title for your article?
The carnavals of Catacaos.
What’s the name of the event?
Catacaos Carnivals.
When and where does/did it take place?
The last week in Catacaos.
Who takes/took part in it?
The local population and people who come from outside participle.
What kind of event is/was it?
This event has been fraternal and traditional.
Have you ever taken part in this event?
Yes, I have gone with cousins and friends.
What are/were the preparations for the event?
The preparations were to carry out parade.
What kind of activities take/took place during the event?
The activities that had parades and small parties among the settlers.
What happens/happened after the event?
After the even they retired to their homes to rest.
What is your overall opinion of the event? Do/Did you like it?
It was a pleasant event to share whit family and friends.

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