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In Castilla a family starts a somewhat peculiar business, they decided to venture

into the chocolate business ... Why who does not like a good chocolate? Well,
when talking to the woman who leads this project, I could realize that this was born
from the passion of cooking, from a hobby that began as a game between families
and that they decided to expose their love for gastronomy.
The objective of this report is to publicize a project of common people and how
these families are looking for options to learn, we need to support new talents, new
Colombian businesses, we need to be ourselves who drive our gastronomic
industries. When talking with the participants of this beautiful project and trying
their delicious product and comparing it with local businesses that this is different, it
is full of love, of natural fruit which makes these chocolates different.
After conducting some research on the different types of chocolate in this area and
averaging sales and preferences of those who consume them, it was concluded
that these chocolates were well received for their great visual appeal and taste.

• The arguments in favor are:

1. Their economy makes them affordable for everyone. You have to be aware that
price is a very important factor for a product to succeed.
2. They are made with fresh products, which allows them to taste the palate.
3. Natural fruits are used which gives a touch that is a healthy product and gives
you the certainty that it is a product made of the best quality.

• These were the main reasons why support this business.

1. Family business. It is very common to see businesses that arise every day.
However, coordinating a family for a common goal, that is teamwork.
2. Colombian entrepreneurship. Every day consumerism the products of other
countries and we ignore the business of our country, it is time to change this.
3. Woman leads gastronomic business. Although female empowerment has
increased today, there are still very few successful businesses for women.
My recommendation is that if you have the possibility to try this delicious product,
do so, the contact number is 3208656264 and that you have to support the
Colombian businesses that arise, it is necessary to realize the importance of the
Colombian industry.

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