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The rise of the novel

dealt with everything that could affect social status and were mainly intended for
a bourgeois audience with a simple writing that could be understood even by less
educated people,

The subject of the novel was the bourgeois man with his problems.

To reinforce the idea of realism, the characters were given contemporary names.
Great importance was also given to the place or setting, the writer was
omnipresent an d omniscient, and this helped to make the novels even more

Daniel Defoe was born in London in 1660. His father wanted him to become a
priest, but he preferred to be a merchant. In 1684 he married Mary Tuffley, and
had seven childrens.

In 1719 he wrote "Robinson Crusoe", the story of a shipwrecked man alone on an

island. The book was based on the memoirs of Alexander Selkirk, a Scotsman who
spent four years on an island in the Pacific Ocean as a punishment for
insubordination against the captain of his ship.

Jonathan Swift
Jonathan Swift was born in 1667 in Dublin.

In 1726 he wrote "Gulliver's Travels.

The novel is divided into 4 parts

in the first trip gulliver after a shipwreck finds himself in liliput populated by
lilliputians, where he stays for little and then manages to return home

on the second trip, after a storm, gulliver finds himself in Brobdingnag, a

peninsula inhabited by giants, where he's considered a pet. in the end he
manages to escape

in the third trip he decides to go to the East Indies where after a clash with pirates
he finds himself in Laputa, populated by scientists. Gulliver will leave when he
realizes that they subdue a population.

in the last trip gulliver goes to a land populated by houyhnhnm, horses with
reason and other human beings, the Yahoo, who represent the servants of the
horses, gulliver finds himself teaching him the English language and the

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