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We know that cellphones are very important in our lives because if we don’t have cellphones
maybe anyone could communicate with another person that is fair. Nowadays, cellphones
could be the gadget most famous on the world. I’ve never seen such useful could be these
devices in which it has evolved enormously with the internet and apps.

If we talk about advantages, we can say cellphones are useful to calls traditionally but now we
can make videocalls, we can send audios, take photos too.

We can pay our bills by online and also; we can buy thing by internet with only a click. Not only
that, we can send our documents between partners without necessity to have a computer.
Nowadays, cellphones could fulfill the role of a computer.

So, we can say that cellphones are important in our diary lives but also could be dangerous for
us because we don’t know how people use these devices and for what purpose

One of disadvantages that have cellphones is people could be dependent of this device. I know
some friends who are dependent like drugs of cellphones. Different games like Free Fire, FIFA,
call of duty could be addict for people

Another disadvantage could be people are socializing less and less. Social networks are
displacing this because, it’s easier to chat with another person with only writing. Could you
imagine if you are in a familiar meet and you chat with other friends?

Finally, we can say, cellphones are useful but the same time could be dangerous for humans
and we must be aware of how we use the cell phone. We know that it can save us many
activities but we must also know that everything is extremely bad.

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