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Joseph Alexander Laura Bustamante I12


A technology store is a place where you can buy any electronic device either laptops,
computers, tables, etc. Not only that, now with 5g technology, most technology stores sell IOT
products. Internet of Things is a way to access remote products from an application with the
Internet. Many stores in China already have it. Neither Hiraoka nor Magitech have these tools
in Peru, but it is expected that within a few years better technology will be accessible.

Mainly, a technology store is a place very spacious, where you can walk around devices a see
all of them. It could a strategy of marketing because it could be more comfortable for the
customer. Also, we have to know that devices are on and very clean to captivate the customer.

The sellers are people who should know about technology. I see two kind of sellers. There are
either the persuaders or recommenders. The persuaders don’t know enough about technology
but the power of convince you could be very well and recommenders are people who knows
about that and they have the knowledge to recommend a product according to your need.
According my experience.

There are many technology stores. You could find either expensive or cheaper but if we talk
about technology, we can say that people who buy cheap devices, you have to know a lot of
that device because the sellers could lie you and the quality could be poor and it’s probably
your device works for a short time. Neither Wilson nor Compuplaza will give you guarantee
that your device can be in optimal condition, but in many cases, you can find it good and

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