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1. complete the sentences with should, shouldn't, have/has to, or don´t/doesn´t have to.

1. To be healthy, we should sleep seven or eight hours every night.

2. I have a car, so I have to walk to work. But I still walk for exercise.
3. You shouldn´t drink so much soda every day. It´s bad for you.
4. My sister is really busy. She has to write ten essays before the semester ends.

2. match the informatio to make complete sentences

1. Whe have to pay the fees E
2. Should wwe warm up A
3. You should get some fresh air D
4. You shouldn´t exercise C
5. You don´t have to go on a diet B
6. How much do we have to pay F

A. before we excercise?
B. to lose weight.
C. after a big meal.
D. because you´ve been indoors all day.
E. before we take the class.
F. to join the gym?

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