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-She threw the pillow at him as she sat up.- dont get cocky.

It's because I havent had attention in a while

that you got that reaction.

DestructiveTendency — 11/04/2019

He laughed, catching the pillow and using it to lie down I’ll take what I can get when I get - no matter the
reason! It’s not often I get to one-up you.

Azyra — 11/04/2019

One up. And how do you think you did that?

DestructiveTendency — 11/04/2019

By making you blush. Sage law- I am right.

Azyra — 11/04/2019

-She leaned over, getting close to his ear.- trust me, you won nothing. -She whispered softly as she ran a
finger down his cheek.- I could say things that would make your mother blush. -She tilted his head to
look at her, her golden optics peered into his.- so nice try. -She then sat up.-

DestructiveTendency — 11/04/2019

His body shivered, goosebumps forming along his arms while the tiny hairs at the nape of his neck rose
in excitement. Perplexed eyes of sapphire stared into fiery honey eyes, mouth agape and speechless N-
Now that’s cheating! He declared, tossing her the pillow again

Azyra — 11/04/2019

-She caught it and chuckled.- no, that's called winning. -She smirked.-

DestructiveTendency — 11/04/2019

He twitched a corner of his lips Unfortunately, I will have to accept that. He sighed before smiling This
time anyways. Next time you wont, and consider that a fair warning.

Azyra — 11/04/2019

-She laughed.- Bring it.

DestructiveTendency — 11/04/2019

Best have no regrets, Temptress. I’m not always so gentlemanly. He smirked, flicking a tiny ember to
spark at her rear I can assure you I won’t.

Azyra — 11/04/2019

-She looked at him, the fire still burning in her eyes as she smirked before getting up and turned to him,
taking his hand in her hand and swallowed the ember, soon blowing smoke out of her mouth.- I never
have regrets. And I guarantee you, you will leave with your tail between your legs.

DestructiveTendency — 11/04/2019

He stared intently, noting the intensity of her eyes. His face became stern, observant, and soon his hand
closed around hers. With a tug he pulled her down onto his lap, face to face. The Aura in his eyes burned
wild, like an ocean of blue fire Leave? We’ll see who’s the one to leave. He dared, slowly lifting the hand
he held behind her head while leaning closer and closer to her face, where an inevitable kiss would
happen if she didn’t move

Azyra — 11/04/2019

Her gaze kept on his, not faltering as she listened and watched him. When he had pulled her into his lap,
she didnt so much as even flinch. "We shall see." She said as she sat there, her gaze locked on him.

DestructiveTendency — 11/04/2019

He brought their clasped hands behind her head, and just as their lips were about to touch he drew in a
breathe of air.

His lips closed around hers, expelling a blissful, almost, longing sigh. With his kiss, a wave of warmth
would spread throughout her body, starting from their lips, down her throat,, her heart and her veins - a
conduit of warmth to fill her with a near euphoric sensation while he kissed her. Every pucker, every
exchange - a deep warmth like bathing in the sun while he gently pressed his body against hers, using
whatever advantage he may have to lean her to the ground, keeping focus on the kisses while testing her
submission by using a free hand to rub at one of her thighs.

(That’s rude! Is this better?)

Azyra — 11/04/2019

((You need to fix this lol I am having a hell of a time understanding what is going on.))

DestructiveTendency — 11/04/2019

(._. That’s what happens when you get sleepy. xD One sec.)

Azyra — 11/04/2019

((Sounds like a you problem ahaha.))

DestructiveTendency — 11/04/2019

Azyra — 11/04/2019

((Well well you really changed it didnt you.))

DestructiveTendency — 11/04/2019

(Shdishsahcie! You wanted it fixed! I took out what sounded confusing! Dx)

Azyra — 11/04/2019

As he held her hand, she remained close and when he kissed her, she stayed still but yet kissed him back.
Taking in his scent with each exchange. She raised a brow at his sigh but left it alone. As his warmth
moved through her it was familiar and inviting. Their hands that where together soon started to become
warm as she moved her own aura through them to start to fill his own veins, his own body. She was
going to show him this time. It was not a challenge per say but she didnt want her to be the only one
feeling something even if she didnt give him all of it because it alone would set him a flame. When his
body moved against hers she moved with him, moving her free hand to his back in the middle to pull
him with her as they went down. How long had it been? Sense she even had been touched. Not just
sexually but even a hug, probably not sense the last time they did this. Honestly it was a surprise to her a
bit sense they had not discussed it sense but none of that mattered now.

((Lol its fine.))

DestructiveTendency — 11/04/2019

Warmth. It took him a couple of seconds to know that it was her warmth spreading through him. He
called it her warmth because he knew how it felt. A certain hot and dark heat, flooding inside of him,
and she was being careful, and as was he. What he wanted to do was “win”, to do something that she
may not have expected but now he was just entranced, taken by how her aura felt in him, how her lips
felt, how her hand found the middle of his back. How much did she want from him at this moment? How
much did he?

He moved his hand from her thigh, slipped under her shirt to feel her skin beneath his palm. He moved
away from her lips, let her hand go and clutched her hair. With fickle control he turned her head, moving
nips and kisses from her lips, the lining of her jaw, the apple of her throat, down the curvature of her
shoulder and then to her chest where he focused on kissing what exposed flesh her shirt offered. Little
by little, he moved the hand beneath her shirt to crawl up the toned muscle of her stomach, calloused
digits tracing the feminine lining of her womanly body until his hand found the cup of her bra. His hand
circled its curve, his thumb tracing over the unseen nipple hidden beneath the garment to note her
reaction, lifting his gaze to see if she wanted him to proceed. He wondered if she knew he was being
gentle..sweet. But the intensity of his eyes spoke volumes of potential excitement.
Azyra — 11/04/2019

Many thoughts ran through her mind as she returned each kiss, each touch, each prick of their auras,
returned it . What did she want? Unsure of that herself but what did he want as well. That was a
question she thought of in this moment but it never left her lips. Releasing her hand, she relaxed as he
moved his hand under her shirt but her body portrayed her as goose bumps appeared along her flesh
from his touch. Moving her head she payed attention to each nip and kiss he gave her. The feeling of his
lips against her skin was nice and she enjoyed each second as her heart beat raced a bit more from the
excitement. It was hard not to show it, but at this point she really didnt give a fuck anymore as he moved
to the top of her chest and gently rubbed it underneath her clothing.

When his gaze returned to hers, she peered up at him, her own hands both making their way under his
own shirt to start sliding it off. She wasnt really gentle or kind about it except when it got up to where
she wanted to take it off of his shoulders and over his head which she hopped would show him her

DestructiveTendency — 11/05/2019

The way her body reacted was something he aimed for. He wanted to believe that he excited her in ways
he wanted to believe her could, and her reactions proved he could. Whether by touch, proximity, or any
reason, he knew that he was in the right course. When her eyes met his, a circle of fire churned in the
depth of his hues. Once he felt her hands under his shirt, his body grew warm but he arched his body
inward and shifted so she could remove his shirt with ease once he realized how eager she was to rid
him of his shirt, and after that he sat up and looked down at her, even when he knew how she wanted
this to play out.

He did so for three reasons: One, to admire the woman beneath him and savor the sight of a her drawn
up shirt exposing covered breasts, the marvelous color of her skin that he now classified as a sort of
“warm honey”.

His second reason was for egotistical reasons. He wanted her to admire the fact of the man she half-
undressed, to see the body of the man that would soon be taking her, from chiseled pecks to firm abs
firm enough grind rocks again. More importantly, he wanted to see a desire in her eyes, wanted to see a
want that would drive him more than he already was.


He reached for her shirt, but rather than lift it as she did he ripped it open to the sides, figuring he would
deal with her disapproval when it came but right now he was making a statement:

He was going to fuck her. Fill a deep desire that they both perhaps wanted and needed.

He still hovered above her, let the suspense hang as he parted his lips, initiating a low growl that expelled
his aura out of his mouth like flames. “Just to let you know..” He spoke, placing his hands at the edge of
her pants. “I’m gonna fuck you intensely.” And he dipped low, pressing a firm kiss at center of her of
stomach - a kiss which ignited his aura into blue colored flames and traveled over her body in a sheet of
warmth, warmth that seeped into the pores of her body, touched her soul and envelopes into a brief, but
sensational burst of spiritual euphoria- a pleasure beyond what human touch can ever achieve.

After the first kiss, he gave another, venturing each kiss to her ribs, toned feminine abs, her navel and
continued further, each kiss dampening her kiss while his aura made his lips feel like they were made of
fire, his tongue, idly tasting her skin occasionally with gentle flicks.

Azyra — 11/05/2019

His skin was warm beneath her hands and she smiled a little as he reacted and helped her remove his
clothing. When he sat up, her gaze never left him. Each movement of his muscles, his eyes, his hair,
everything, she watched and took in each movement on how he moved. He was too damn good looking
for his own good. Maybe that was one thing that drew her to him, maybe it was the fact that even in this
situation, they drew this hunger from each other, who knew but those where the last things on her mind
for now. As he looked her over, she laid there but ran her hands along his body, until he reached for her

Once he ripped her shirt, she chuckled. "Hey, that was my favorite shirt." Her voice was smooth but
showed little to no sign of disapproval about what he had just done. But when she met his gaze once
more she felt something,, different. Something she honestly had been hungry for in the time it had
passed to get to this point and it wasnt until the words escaped his lips that she raised a brow, the flames
made her wonder just for a brief moment what was wrong with him before the words hit her ears. Those
words. No one had spoke them before, at least not to her. Not during a moment like this. Shivers
immediately went through her body as goosebumps appeared more clearer as she bit her dark lips.
"Now, that sounds like a fun time." She said in a smooth but seductive voice.

Azyra — 11/05/2019
When he started to kiss down and around her bods, she closed her eyes briefly, taking in each kiss
against her skin, enveloping herself into his aura, letting it wash over her as he moved around. When his
aura flickered inside of her, her own flickered back. Making the connections and bond with his which
only intensified it more for her. After he moved further she opened her eyes and looked at him, smirking
before she sat up, hooked both hands under his and to his back and pulled him forward. She had the
strength to do it. Beyond strength to do it and once she had him facing her, she would then turn them so
she would be straddling his waist and looked down at him on his back. "Now, dont you think I am going
to let you have all of the fun." She said in a low voice as she leaned in and kissed him briefly before
pulling away.

Once she pulled away her hands where already exploring his body as her lips immediately went for his
neck. Kissing, biting, anything to get him to react while she moved down to his collarbone area. While
kissing along his collarbone, she found his sides just under his ribs and gently dug her nails into him.
Nothing to harm him, but enough that when she pushed her aura through, it went straight into his body.
Sending waves of warmth, desire, and pleasure through him as she then bit into his collarbone. Once
again, nothing to hurt, but as it was a pleasure center, she bit enough to send chills down his body as she
pushed her aura through him. Making everything feel much more intense than it normally would for a
human but he was no ordinary human was he? She knew he could handle it as she released only a little
more intense of her aura. But then again, she wanted to show him, she was not the same as the others
he had been with. She was a different kind of women all on her own.

DestructiveTendency — 11/05/2019

It was a riveting feeling, having their auras pass through each other back and force - a cascade of power
and warmth. It felt amazing, like their auras were slinking back and forth from one end to another. It
made him hot, physically and sexually. But every taste he had of her was a temporary relief, but
everything spun when he felt a powerful pull being him to face the vixen before him.

His face was flushed, confident blue hues a haze, he was there but she would be able to tell that her
power was intoxicating. A drug unlike man could ever craft, but his focus was clear - his focus was her.
The shift in power was unexpected but not unwelcomed. As soon as he was on his back the ferocity of
his eyes became clear, and he looked up towards the woman, taking sight of how amazing she looked
with only a bra covering her.


DestructiveTendency — 11/05/2019

“Is that what we are doing?” He replied, tempering a rush of masculinity that could have easily
overtaken her, choosing to enjoy her kiss instead, take in how her hands felt feeling ever aspect of his
body. He couldn’t help but arch his waist against her, relieving a hot tension beneath his pants. It became
no easier as she ventured down, nipping here and there her breathe hot on already warmed skin. He
twitched and stifled a moan as her nails scraped his flesh, his hands clutching at her shoulder blades just
so he could have something to touch.

She was being careful. As confident as he was of his hardened body and skin, he knew how sharp her
nails were. Because he was already burning inside and out he wouldn’t be able to tell if she drew blood.
Not that he would care. He trusted her to draw blood and keep him alive if that made their sex more


DestructiveTendency — 11/05/2019

“Oh, FUCK!” He hissed in bliss, when she bit him, poked into the side of his ribs to channel her aura into
him. It was...beyond words. Two ends of power moving through him and crashing what felt like his chest,
an explosive rush of power and pleasure that would have knocked anyone unconscious from sheer
pleasure, tempting him from an early release, but rather, he took advantage of that sensation, the pool
of power that gathered.

With his moan his fingers unclasped her bra, the rush of power in him serving as his ace to overpower
her just as she had with him. She was strong, and this was the added boost he needed for a surprise.

He pushed her off of him, both with his hands and with a wave of flames that covered every inch of her,
seeped into every pore in her body till every spot of her felt like static, all while her body met a firm wall,
and [c]

DestructiveTendency — 11/05/2019

even before her discarded bra touched the floor he was in front of her. Her pants already drawn down to
her knees with her underwear the only thing keeping her protected from what he was about to do.

He looked into her eyes, foreheads pressed, breath hot on her lips. “You’re gonna have to try harder if
you want to have fun.” He smirked, suddenly hoisting her off the ground till she was a full person above
him, the back of her knees over the back of his shoulders, his hands on her hips, her back on the wall but
more importantly his face between the heat of her legs. He started by nipping her inner thighs, testing
where she was most sensitive before moving to the front of her underwear and starting to kiss and suck
against the fabric to feel the lining of her sex. [f]

Azyra — 11/05/2019

As she continued, she focused on his collarbones a little more before she started to move down his body
slowly. Her hands stayed as she kept her nails as they where, sending wave after wave of herself into
him. Crashing with his aura was even pleasurable for her and she shook a little from the sensation. As
his body reacted to her kiss, her touch, she loved every second of it. Knowing she could make him feel
and act that way made her smirk as she continued to work her way over and down his body. Hearing him
moan, talk, everything only confirmed she knew what she was doing and she was not going to stop. As
he touched her shoulders she relaxed as he touched them before unhooking her bra.

The straps became lose but it just hung on her as she continued to work over his body. He was going
crazy, every inch of him expressed his excitement and enjoyment of the moment and she loved it. Loved
that she was pushing him to a early release, to make him moan out and go crazy under her, it made it all
the tastier. When he over powered her, she was not all too surprised. She figured it would happen
eventually but it was part of whatever this game was they where playing wasnt it? A chuckle escaped her
lips before his flames engulfed her body, a gasp escaped her lips as she banged against the wall, cracks
appearing in it as she looked at him. Her bra fell off in the movement but she was ok with that, and
honestly the moment she noticed her pants where down she shimmied out of them and kicked them to
the side swiftly as he pressed their foreheads together. (c)

What was his plan? What was he going to do to turn this on her, her body filled with excitement more
than it already was doing as she smirked when he spoke. Her eyes where even more a flamed than
before. More intense and fierce as she looked at him. "Oh I will get to that, dont you worry." This was all
she could offer, all she could challenge before he had her up in the air and on his shoulders. It was new.
She had seen it before, seen it in pornos and magazines and everything, she just never had the pleasure
to do it herself. It was exciting and she smirked as she looked down at him. When he started to bite on
her thighs, she bit her lip and gripped one of his hands on her hips but it was then when he started to
pay attention to her womanhood, she gasped and leaned against the wall more.

It felt amazing and he knew this was one of her favorite things about sex. It made her feel a little
defeated but then she pushed it out of her mind and thought fuck it. She was giving in for the moment.
His breath was hot and intoxicating against her which drove her wild all the more. Plus in this position
she couldnt think of a move that would properly move them both to give her the upper hand so why not
just enjoy it for the time being. As he did what he did, she ran a hand through his hair and the other
stayed on his that was on her hip.

DestructiveTendency — 11/05/2019

His choice of “attack” seemed like it paid off. Aside from wanting to give her some head, he needed to
buy time to temper what would have been an early orgasm, and distracting himself by eating against her
underwear proved a good method. But he didn’t expect the intense heat beneath the fabric to be strong.
He knew from experience how hot her nether lips were but the heat, her was humanly
overwhelming. He couldn’t help but groan at how hard he got.

With her hands secured on his head and hand, he pushed deeper, pressed his tongue hard against her
clothing to feel her folds. She was wet, either through his own saliva or her own arousal. Either way, she
had a hot flavor that he couldn’t describe, and it was one that he couldn’t stop tasting.


He turned his head, strayed from her sex to focus on her inner thighs to feel where he could make her
body twitch the most. He made sure to cover every portion. Hell, he even pushed moved the one hand
he hand free to open one of her legs wide, damping her inner thigh with a long trail of his tongue. And
as much as he wanted to keep eating her in this position he knew he would have to make another move.
And so he did - and this was gonna be a big one.

He closed her legs around his head and pulled her away from the wall. Securing her hips with both hands
and keeping her balanced he kept himself pressed into her folds, sucking away at an already wet crotch.
His palms burned, heating [c]

Up her hips like a furnace, everything between her waist and thighs feel like prickling needles. And
then...he leaned back, then forward, bringing her straight down as if to slam her to the ground.

Like powder bursting from a bag his flames roared to life, swallowing everything in a violent vortex of
flames. His aura overtook the walls, stretches to the ceiling, burned the wood clear and everything else
but them. [c]

DestructiveTendency — 11/05/2019

With destruction came creation, and rather than the Hound being slammed on the floor, the cushion of a
soft king mattress caught her on her back, silk sheets billowing down around them as his flames
materialized a king sized canopy, transparent curtains gently falling against his side as he stood at the
edge of the bed with her heels resting on his shoulders. His flames surrounded them, creating a room of
fire that burned with his and her power, her flames could even be seen blazing with his own.
It was hot. He was hot, sleek in a mild sweat, but he was in no danger. With her back on the bed he did
what would be obvious next and slipped off her underwear, and tossed it to the a burning floor where
nothing seemed to exactly burn. The flames were controlled, spiritually made and just as he made the
bed, anything within the fire could be materialized. [c]

It was their “own space”. A little pocket dimension where conjuration was easily possible. The flames
could be walls, a ceiling, a floor, the only thing natural was an overhead night sky. It may be something
Azyra may be unaccustomed to, and if so he would use this moment to look down at her naked form as
he began to undo his belt.

“Like I said..I’m going to straight out fuck you.” He reminded, waiting to see if she would move at him. If
she did, he was ready to make an attempt to use his belt to tie her hands together. And he would give a
fight if need be. [f]

Azyra — 11/05/2019

As he continued, she gasped a little hear and there as she bit her lip until he licked her through her
clothing. A small gasp and moan escaped her lips as he sent a pleasure through her womanhood. Finally
she looked down at him as he did what he was doing and wondered why he liked her taste so much but
she didnt question it as honestly it felt good to be here with him and what was happening. When he
stopped, she still watched him as he moved through her body again and she bit her lip, her body
twitching with his nips, opening her legs, and just continued to cover her body. Leaning back again she
relaxed as his touch sent pleasure through her body.

When he closed her legs, she looked at him before he stepped back and balanced her but yet it was hard
to concentrate with him still doing what he was to her area. Soft moans escaped her lips in protest as she
held onto him. His palms where hot against her legs and she gripped his shoulders as his fire moved
around her body and she sent her own through him again. When he leaned down, she held onto him
again as they made their way to the ground, she braced herself for the impact with the ground, but it
never came. Watching as the flames filled the room, her gaze watched until her back met the soft silky
feeling of the bed that was now underneath her. Gazing at the bed, she looked around as she spread out
on the sheets so he would have something to look at as her golden optics peered into his.

He was riddled in sweat, which made his skin shimmer and brought out his features more and she
smirked as she then turned onto her side gently to look at him after he took off her underwear. Her own
body shimmered in the fire light as her dark but golden flames entwined with his and she too had a
sheet of sweat on her body. Honestly if the garments had burned it wouldnt have bothered her to be
honest. She could always get more. (c)
It felt... Like it was their own and as her gaze looked around, it was more clear that it was. How was it
not? Flames burned from both of them, even the bed, granted it was his making, was exactly how she
herself would have made it as well. Everything screamed them, which was ironic because the room
looked like fiery chaos but then the sky was full of stars and it made it all beautiful. Moving her gaze back
to him as he undid his belt. She had wanted to do that herself but she did not mind watching him as well
and once his words reached her ears, she raised a brow.

Her mind then raced, her heart quickened, and her body trembled. It was very exciting but yet, maybe
because of her past, it sent a fire through her. Maybe it was the way he was standing there. Maybe it was
the tone or that he held the belt in his hands but there defiantly was a war in herself now and she
needed to remind herself for a moment that he was not the past. After he spoke, she let out a small
chuckle before sitting up and then crawled over to him. Once she was in front of him, she sat up onto her
knees and then placed his chin in her hand. "Not with out me getting my fun first." With a quick motion,
she moved her hand through his pants, undoing and dropping them in seconds before her hand found
his manhood and she started to rub him. (c)

With that, she wrapped her other arm around him and her lips planted firmly onto his, gentle at first and
yet got a little deeper as she continued. She wrapped her arm around as she placed her hand back onto
his side once more and pulled him to her and then brought them down. Trying to catch him off guard,
and if she did, and was successful she would then move them so he was on his back again and with swift
motion she still would be rubbing him. She was not done and was not going to let things end so quickly.

DestructiveTendency — 11/06/2019

The way she spread herself out on the bed, it was a sight to remember. It was seductive, alluring, and he
wondered how predatory she looked when she did. Even when he had gone to remove her underwear it
felt like he was the one being baited. When he had his belt ready to tie her hands, however, there was a
shift in the surrounding flames, and more importantly- doubt. Dark was still a master of Aura, he could
sense a conflicted soul and he made a pause in everything to better read the situation.

So when she crawled to him he watched, inhaling a deep breathe at the fantasies that ran through his
mind, causing the flames around them to dance in excitement.


DestructiveTendency — 11/06/2019

When his chin rested on her hand all he could do is look at deep golden hues. They darkened, slightly,
confusing him enough to let her have his way. His pants were pulled down, his screaming arousal finally
in much needed hands. He was quick to gasp and submit, finding their bodies pressed together as her
lips took his. He dropped the belt, his reaction returned as her motions to his shaft greatly appreciated
while he kicked off what was left of his clothes.

He moved his hands behind her, each hand firm on her buttocks, pulling her up against him through
heated pants and moans.

The flames rose in intensity, his dick hard and hot inside her palm. He didn’t even put up a fight when
she pulled him down, pushed him to the bed and continued to jerk him off.


For seconds he may in submission, arching his back, parting his lips in elongated moans. Hell, he even ran
this hands through his own hair at the sensation before looking down at her with crystal clear blue eyes.

“Haah..No reason we both can’t have fun.” He told her, making a motion with his finger to bring her
body around, “I wasn’t done earlier.” He told her, suggesting they sixty-nine the situation. As much as he
would love to keep eye contact, he would love to share on the fun. [f]

Azyra — 11/06/2019

As she continued to rub his shaft, she kissed his collarbones, his chest, nipping along his body. Listening
to each moan and watching each movement as she continued to pleasure his body. When he met her
gaze and spoke to her, she smirked and nodded before releasing him.

Once she let him go she turned her body and gently placed her knees at his shoulders and moved into
position for him. She always found this position enjoyable but a little awkward because of how she was
over him but it would be fine. Once she was in the position, she leaned back over his body and started to
rub his shaft again but this time she put his tip in her mouth and began to lick and suck on it.

As she did, some of her saliva moved down his shaft which she wanted to help her rub him more. After a
few moments she took him out of her mouth and licked up and down the sides.

Azyra — 11/06/2019

DestructiveTendency — 11/07/2019

He was conflicted. Part of him was glad she released him so she could reposition herself, allowing him a
couple of seconds to ease the tension in his stomach. Dark was beyond sensitive right now. Arousal was
at its highest. His length was screaming to be used. He was confident in his stamina and endurance, but
everything they were doing now was new. Her infusing her power into him in waves of pleasure - a
normal human body and mind would have nutted, even before she started the handjob. He already
escaped one orgasm. Doing again would be hard, not that he would admit it to her.

And yet, he hasn’t had wanted her to stop. He would have enjoyed a climax, feel that immeasurable
release of pleasure. It wasn’t like he wouldn’t be able to get it up again. [c]

He initially planned to fuck her senseless, make her body heat up at the intensity but....she had game as
well, and so sharing turns would be fun. Besides, Time was still barely turning.

By the side her knees were by his head he had relaxed himself enough to keep him from an orgasm. Now
he just mentally braces himself, bending his elbows to hug around an extremely round butt, his hands
firm on her skin while massaging her butt cheeks, as if declaring himself ready.[c]

Even before she had started rubbing himself he already started kissing at her nether lips, sticking his
tongue out to tease each end of her sex. A second later he felt her mouth, her tongue, her work. His
breathing got harder, hotter, but as she pleased him he returned the favor, lathering her womanhood
with his tongue, twisting when thrusting into her, sucking and nipping at her skin. The tighter his hands
became on her ass was a sign at how good she made him feel.


In response to her service, he spread his knees to give her more room, but as he did he moved one hand
away from behind her, slipped in between her legs and as he thrusts his tongue to lash it around inside
of her he began to stimulate her clit, rubbing it like the string of a violin. [f]

Azyra — 11/07/2019

When he started kissing her area, she closed herself as she continued to move up and down his shaft
with kisses and then she gasped once he started to lick, suck, and work her womanhood over. His grip
was enough to show she was doing well herself but she wanted him to feel more.

Moving to finally put him back into her mouth she enveloped him into it until he was in the back of her
throat but then a moan moved through her throat as he rubbed her clit and her legs shook a little
making her suck harder while her throat vibrated.
It was amazing how he made her feel and how he knew how to make her body feel. She moved one
hand and it grabbed his testicles, she started rubbing as her mouth moved up and down his shaft and
her free hand moved to his hip bone. Another sensitive spot on men. Her nails dug into him again as she
then did as she had before. Her aura swiftly infused into his body while her mouth got hotter around his
manhood. (F)

DestructiveTendency — 11/08/2019

It was great hearing the sounds she expelled, just made him feel that he knew what she was doing, but it
wasn’t enough for him. He wanted to fight the right angles, the right points, and as her legs shook and
her throat trembled with her moan, he tried his damndest to see where he could stimulate her best. But
it was hard, especially when she moved to deep throat, and coax his sacks, and graze his hip.

“Fuck me..” He didn’t it in the literal sense, thought he knew they would get there eventually. Her nails
caused his legs to twitched, the muscles to tense, his breathing to turn into pants. When a rush of power
filled into the enlarged member, he moaned into her lower lips, licked her fluids clean before slipping a
finger into her, mixing the thrusts of his tongue with thrusts of his finger, pushing in and out of her,
curling his fingers, pushing the digits into her flesh to find where he could make her quiver and moan. [c]

As soon as he became busy with his fingers he turned his head, nipped at the flesh of her inner thighs,
trailing his tongue along her skin while breathing out a fan of flames on her skin, and each ember that
would seep into her skin to create a welling tension of the pleasure to spread from her hip and grow in
her crotch.

“Temptress..” he called in pants, pushing his fingers faster into her, “I..” He tensed, “I’m gonna burst..” he
admitted, no longer to fight back and orgasm as he hid moans and pants with kisses on her inner thigh,
all while keeping a steadily rise in pace with his fingering thrusts. [f]

Azyra — 11/08/2019

Just as the words escaped his lips, she thought the same but obviously couldnt say it with his dick so far
into her throat as he was. She continued to moan and her body shook as he stimulated her. She
continued to send her fire, her aura through him as she rubbed his testicles and sucked on him.

When he entered his fingers into her, her body twitched and she moaned as he curved them. Her mind
raced as she continued to push him back into her throat. It was hard. Trying to concentrate and enjoy her
own pleasure from him. When he kissed along her thighs and sent the sensation through her, a louder
moan escaped her lips as she almost chocked on him.
Once he spoke again, she listened to him, pulled him out of her mouth but continued to rub him. A smirk
formed on her lips briefly. It was hard not to smirk at the words he spoke. (C)

Azyra — 11/08/2019

As he continued to run his fingers in and out of her, it still felt wonderful and she still let out moans
herself. Her body would feel hot against him for more than one reason. She licked up and down his shaft.
"Then burst. Burst all over. How ever you want." She said before taking him in her mouth again. (F)

DestructiveTendency — 11/10/2019

Fire and electricity run through his veins, his body, lit him up and excited every nerve in his body as if
throwing coal into a fire engine. His mind reeled with a dozen of sensations, her breasts against stomach,
the damp and wetness of her mouth moving up and down on him, how her hand rubbed him, how the
her legs trembled above him, how her body leeked juices to her arousal.

The flames around them dances, blue and dark flames crashing into each other and growing like her fire
inside of his body. There was a specific hot point, right above his stomach, a hot tension building and
bubbling the more she rubbed and sucked him. He couldn’t hold out, and the closer he got to his orgasm
the harder and faster he fingered her and then..he covered his moan, which would have been similar to
a howl of pleasure by pressing his lips into her inner folds, letting a wave of heat breathe into her woman
hood as he clutched one of her butt cheeks and pushed his fingers [c]

Into her till his knuckles.

He came, and with a hot rush of semen exploding from the tip of his read with one explosive burst, the
flames surrounding them rose. His body trembled with the force, and his body arched against her as a
second release came shooting out, then a smaller third one, remnants of his orgasms slowly shooting out
until his tense body relaxed, every inch of his groin and hips sensitive to her touch. [c]

“Fuck..” he groaned, waiting for his body to relax to continue eating her out, only this time he opened
her lips with both hands, exposing the inner pink flesh and landing his tongue along the walls. He wasn’t
done, but he needed a few seconds. [f]

Azyra — 11/11/2019

As she continued, she pushed him as deep as physically possible and pleasurable to him as she could into
her throat. His body was reacting how she planned on getting him to react. She closed her eyes as he
picked up her pace and moaned with him in her mouth. Sending vibrations through her throat both for
his pleasure and from him pleasuring her.
It was then that she pulled him out of her mouth so he could climax all over her chest. She knew the
throb all too well and when he let out the howl into her own sex and pushed his fingers in deep, a moan
escaped her lips as well. Once, it was warm and spread across her chest as he howled into her but then
again, more hotter and then another. Covering her chest as she rubbed his shaft during the process.

His body arching and going in between relaxing and tensing she moved with him. When he spread her,
she looked back before letting out a gasp and a small moan escaped her lips. (F)

DestructiveTendency — 11/13/2019

Her touch continued to make him twitch, the sensitivity after an orgasm weak against the warmth of her
hand, but steadily got hard again as she continued to run on him. Between pants and elongated moans
he thrust his tongue in her, the sound of her moan and gasp bringing him an arousing satisfaction. He
pushed his fingers into her harder, faster, flicking his tongue against her folds to increase her physical
pleasure. When he pulled his mouth away he turned to look over her hips to see her looking back at him.
He blew her a kiss and a smirk, then slowly stopped fingering her and pulled his body up from beneath

“I need a better position.” He told her, and as badly as he wanted to sit her on his lap and have her ride
him he wasn’t quite done. He gently pushed her off him, turned her body on her back and rested his
knees between her legs. “Don’t make me tie you up, Temptress. Just lie back for a moment.” He
requested, for the moment looking at how the surrounding flames caused her body to glisten. Their
space was hot, but the fire didn’t seem to bother him as much as he thought it would. His eyes looked
towards her, darkened honey, down flawless skin to mounted peaks dotted with bits of his semen.
Hoping to win his request, he leaned over her and kissed her, soft and gentle, an honest plea which he
soon turned to seduce by running his hands up and down her hips, creating that warm static by running
his aura into her, soon pressing harder on her lips to deepen the kiss, to change it to a more eager and
lust-driven want before kissing away from her lips, nipping the skin, parting his mouth to breathe across
dampened skin, follow the lining of her jaw to the apple of her neck, slowly working his way down to her
chest where he focused on kissing her collarbone.

Azyra — 11/22/2019

As they continued she soon stopped to a gentle stroke for him. Yeah she wanted to please him, not hurt
him as most males need a moment to relax after climaxing. As he continued to rub his tongue on her and
finger her, she continued to moan. It felt good, being with him felt good, and she was not shy about
showing him it was pleasing her. A chuckle escaped her lips when he blew her a kiss. When he got hard
again, she looked back down at his member and smirked before she started to lick him until she felt him
stop and move so she let go.
When he pushed her off, she just fell onto her back as he wanted with a smirk. "Dont threaten me with a
good time." She said as she purred. When he watched her and looked over her body she rested her head
on the bed as she did the same. The flames made him seem so... exotic. His body glistened with sweat
and she thought he looked so handsome. When his lips met hers, she kissed him back, gently and then
more with passion as it got hotter.

His lips where warm, soft, and inviting. She found herself kissing him back with the same drive he had
given her and her hands made their way around his back as his explored her body. When he pulled his
lips from hers, she closed her eyes and tilted her head for him, gently taking her nails down his back as
he sent his aura through her.

DestructiveTendency — 11/27/2019

Her little remark brought a smirk to his lips, and he inwardly told himself that if he ever had the chance
he may test that theory. It was when he was looking down at her, and her at him, that some of he forgot
to breathe. Even when he kissed her, it was like her lips and breathing instructed him how to be alive

Her hands felt soft against the dampness of his back, the ends of her nails causing every tiny hair on his
arms and neck to rise.

Hidden from her gaze as he kissed at the firm structure of her collarbone, he blinked, and shifted.


It got hot, and finally he realized exactly why breathing became a task. The flames around them rose,
towering the canopy of their luxury bed and cooked around each other as if they had a mind of their

The tips of his fingers burned like electricity against her skin, trailing a prickling hotness down her hips,
her thighs, every spot that he touched. His mouth, active and hot, kissed to the valley of her breasts,
Puckering his lips and pressing soft pecks up the mount of one breast, stopped at its peak and flicked his
tongue against the bud of flesh. Once, twice, three, and then rapidly before closing the entirety of his
mouth over it.
He sucked her nipple with a pop, circled his tongue around the pointed flesh, sucked again, flicked his
tongue and then sucked on her teat, just as a hand reached between her legs to rub his thumb against
her clitoris, the flames excited and suddenly spiraling around them like a hurricane.


Dark could take the heat, the immense surge of power building in him, but he needed to focus and buy
time, because this was unnatural intoxicating for his human body. Not only could he nut prematurely, but
his stamina could give in, and it was too soon. He hadn’t given her what he yet promised. And he wasn’t
going to make a liar of himself.

With his thumbing working to a rouse her core, he moved to her twin breast and bit gently on the small
rounded flesh, pulling and pulling in it till it bordered on pain and pleasure, then let it go to suck the pain
away, only to repeat by chew in her nipple with a variety of pressure, testing how hard she liked being bit
on her bud. [f]

Azyra — 11/27/2019

As it got hotter around them her gaze flickered to the flames around them as he made his way down to
her chest. The flames where growing wild as they got wild it seemed like, both the dark flames from her
and the flames from him moving together in their own dance.

It became hard to even look at the flames as his fingers moved along her body, goosebumps started to
show as he sent electricity through her and she bit her bottom lip when he started to suck on her nipple.
It was not until his free hand moved down her body that the true excitement moved through her.

With each inch he moved down her body and finally reached between her legs her heart raced excitedly
before a gasp escaped her lips. She closed her eyes as her body started to shake and then she flicked her
eyes to the fire for a brief moment to see that it had changed its movement before closing her eyes and
enjoying his touch. (C)

Azyra — 11/27/2019

The heat was staggering, but it was fine, she had endured worse and the fact he was making her feel
how she felt made it hard to even think about it anyway. He was the only one in a long time that had
made her feel this way.
As his thumb worked her clit, her body shook as she tilted her head back and let out a small moan. Her
body started to get excited and heat softly started to move through her as he pleasured her. When he
pulled on her breast, she looked at him as he finally let go and sucked on it. She continued to look at him
before she parted her lips to speak. "You continue to bite me like that there, I will mount you and bite
you back." A small threat but one she didnt mind making to show him it didnt bother her what he did
but it did nothing for her either. Biting was fine but only in certain spots would it initiate pleasure for her.

DestructiveTendency — 12/10/2019

It was that way her body tensed ad reacted when he reached between her legs that made exceptionally
hard. How her mouth parted to release her moan, the way her head moved back as her body shook. He
didn’t deny himself a look, to see how pleasure shifted her features, how the sweat on her body
reflected the light of their flames, which had traveled to the four post bed and entangled themselves at
each pillar to create a crown of flames above them, embers falling onto them like flames of hot snow.

His eyes burned, the aura in them bright. When she threatened him, a primal fire burned within him, but
not because of how she made it sound she would take control but because of his inability to keep her
libido growing. He was more mad at himself than anything else.

“Not yet you won’t.” He assured with conviction in his voice. [c]

His lips pressed harder on her skin, giving her breasts one last service before traveling down. He kissed
prominent ribs, nipped at random spots of flesh with a pinch of the buck of his teeth. He felt the rhythm
of her body, the way her breathing flexed specific nerves and muscles. He event went as far to the side of
her body to nip at the edges before he moved to her waist, which was when he finally stopped fingering
her. [c]

But only for a moment. He positioned himself properly between her legs, gave her one firm glare - not a
challenge, but a primal hunger for her that say he was going to start that promise he had given her

His hands found the back of her thighs, lifted her lower body off the bed and set her legs to dangle of the
back of his shoulders while he stood on his knees. He spread her legs [c]

DestructiveTendency — 12/10/2019

Enough to give him the room he needed, one hand on her left thigh the other supporting her levitated
ass. As soon as he pressed against their buttocks he twisted his head into her core, his tongue twirling
and lashing inside her heat in consistent thrusts, nipping the edges of her nether region, sucking on the
flesh, occasionally breathing out embers from the corner of his his lips so they could seep into her skin
when he pressed back into her core, the fire slowly building a hot tension inside of her. [f]

Azyra — 12/10/2019

When he spoke to her, she looked up at him. Her gaze running along his body, admiring him as she
chuckled softly and closed her eyes as he kissed her skin. When he started to travel down her body,
there was nothing she could do to hide her excitement as her body betrayed her. Goosebumps went
everywhere with anticipation from his touch, soft moans escaped her lips, and she rested her head back
on the bed. The crown and the flames on the pillars where pretty and she watched as the embers flaked

With each kiss, each bite, her body flecked in reaction and she relaxed as he went down. When he pulled
his fingers from her, a small gasp escaped her lips from the feeling of them leaving and she panted a little
as she caught her breath. When he positioned himself, she looked down at him to catch his glare and
raised a brow before narrowing her own eyes. When he lifted her lower body, she was a little surprised.
"Woah" She said before chuckling as she looked up at him while her legs where on his shoulders. It was
something no one had done to her before. But it didnt take long until there was a gasp escaping her lips.

Good god he was good. Her body tried to react, tried to arch a little but struggled in this position that
was sending her over the edge. As the embers he released went into her skin, her own flared with it,
sending sensations through out her body. She gripped onto the blankets as she let out a moan that
escaped her lips and her mind raced against the pleasure. It was only a minuet before she was reaching
for him, to gently dig her nails into his abdomen and sent her aura shooting through him so she could at
least give him something while he ate her nether region. (f)

DestructiveTendency — 12/18/2019

It was satisfying, to hear the sounds leave her, feel her body shiver under his treatment, but more
importantly how she looked when she peered up at him, his elevated position granting him a view last
perk, round breasts and unto eyes of burning gold, parted kissable lips where hot breaths rolled out of.

Cerulean eyes burned, bright and fierce to the next set of moans that left her. It wasn’t until he
registered a mass of power and warmth pinballing between a tension in his stomach that he moaned,
felt her nails dig into his skin just enough to trickle some of his blood, that he let his lust take over. [c]

DestructiveTendency — 12/18/2019

As if her nectar was life and water he feasted onto her flesh, sucking and twirling his tongue as if it were
good he would never taste again, pressing his palms up against her ass to press her into his face, his
tongue, his teeth, and every possible movement he could think of as her power spread. A minute, two,
more - he wasn’t sure how long he ate her but when he was done he let his mind take over his body.

He dropped her waist, not onto the bed but upon the incline of his thighs, leaving her feet at his
shoulders, he upper back in the floor and her lower body slightly raised, her ass resting on his hips, with
the length of his heat resting on her feminine crevice, leading her with the option to prop herself up on
her elbows for support, or grab at the end of his thighs. [c]

DestructiveTendency — 12/18/2019

But here he towered, looked down and gave her a smirked as he pushed deep into her, one aggressive
and sudden thrust that not sailed smoothly into her womb, but created a tantalizing movement from her

He gave another thrust, firm, swift, harder, using the bounce of her breasts to measure what was right -
which didn’t seem enough for him. What started as a slow thrusts soon became a series of in and outs,
grunts, growls and pants as the heat of her core made him flush, but he didn’t stop. Even when the bed
began to groan, the flames to dance, or when he began to sweat.

“I’m going to fuck you till you scream, Hound.” Not an obsessive or deragotary remark, but a promise
and challenge. [f]

Azyra — 12/18/2019

As she poured her aura into him, she sensed the trigger it set off in him as his actions became hungrier,
more sporadic, and wild. As he went wild on her more moans escaped her lips as she released more of
her aura into him. It was maddening how he ate at her and drove her crazy in the process. Her body
protesting as it tensed, shook, and relaxed all in the same time he continued. Close to the edge as she
gripped him more, the last moan escaped her lips as he dropped her waist.

Her gaze went up to him, as she huffed before propping herself up. It was only a matter of seconds
before he pushed into her and she about lost her grip as a inhale of breath left her lips and she gasped.
When he pushed into her, she shuddered as he started to pick up the pace. "You better be happy I
cannot get pregnant." She said jokingly as she he soon picked up the pace. It was hard to keep her
concentration as he moved faster, more hungry into her. (c)

As the bed creaked beneath them and his words reached her ears, her gaze once again went back to his
as she smirked. "Then you better do it right." She said in challenge back. Oh it wasnt that it didnt feel
good. No it felt fantastic, him going in and out of her. Huffing, and grunts escaped her lips as the bed
creaked, her grip moved and she wrapped her arms around his chest and back to bring him down to her.
Her body moved with the motion and her legs adjusted to the new position. Once he was facing her, she
looked up at him as moans where escaping her lips at this point and then she kissed him deeply. (f)

DestructiveTendency — 12/24/2019

“Trust me, thats only one of the many fine things about you.” It was hard to even get his words out
through every heated pant, ever intoxicating breathe of their own burning room. He wasn’t sure if it was
the heat, their scent of sweat and sex, or maybe the power that undulated inside of him that made him
achingly aroused, but it was something he would always take in.

Arceus, if only she knew how much of a challenge this was for him. He escaped an earlier orgasm but
now, there was no escape, and he didn’t want stop for a second when she coaxed his ego. He knew her
words, phrases, and the way her Greek accent depicted certain words, but even when he knew her body
was a riddle of pleasure, Fire and Hades know what ever sinful emotion, he rose to her challenge.


She pulled him down, chest sliding against dampened chest, the heat of their bodies making his face
flushed, his eyes wind. Once they were eye to eye he only held he stare for a fraction of a second, a
fraction that let him see everything about her face, her golden eyes, black lips in which he’s never told
her he loved, and the same lips that reveled in moans, moans he trapped into a kiss one she brought her
lips up against his.

“Fuck, Azyra..” He breathed, now unable to tell whether it was brilliant wood of the poster bed was
moaning, or if it was him.

“FUCK!” He swore violently, again, gripping the sheets above her head as he struggled to focus his kisses

On her lips, moving rolling breathes of air, curses, her name, all over her skin, letting his stray hand hold
against one leg around his waist as he let his libido drive itself into a frenzy.

He wondered what was faster, his heartbeat, his breathing, his thrusts..or maybe it was the tension
growing in his stomach, building, and building..
One final groan and he pushed his hips into her, let his mind shatter with an exhausted, “Fuck yeah..” as
everything poured out of him and inside of her heated core. [c]

He had to pull away from her lips to breathe, his head thrown back with his climax as a bead of sweat
traveled down his shoulder, over his pecks and through the riddle of muscles of his stomach. He still felt
himself spurting into her, and he still thrust albeit far slower. His mind swooned, eyes a blissful blur as he
looked down at her, and leaned forward to kiss her again, never stopping the thrusts of a still firm, yet
softer member. [f]

Azyra — 12/31/2019

Thrusting with each second, the fire dancing around them, their sweaty bodies rubbing against one
another as they kissed. The sounds escaping him where like music to his ears as she moaned into the kiss

When her leg was moved to around his waist she wrapped it around him, kissing him was always
enjoyable but it was becoming difficult as their bodies went into a frenzy. Her moaning didnt faulter as
she held onto what restraint she could as he drove her crazy into her core.

Soon, it was coming all too soon as she struggled to keep her release. She wanted to wait and do it with
him, make it until then but with each thrust it became harder and harder so she moved her hips with his
to help him reach his climax.


Azyra — 12/31/2019

Her lips continued to dance with his in between each moan, escape of sound from both of them, him
calling her name. Her body shook violently against him aching for the release. Begging her to finally lose
that control and just let it happen and the moment he finally shoved into her, making it known he had
finally reached his completion, she lost herself in it as well. Finally allowing her body to release and
release the tension as she let out a moan into the kiss.

When he pulled his lips from hers, she laid her head back onto the bed as she caught her breath. Her
body was riddled with sweat as she looked up at him while she panted gently and caught her breath. As
he slowed to slow and soft thrusts, she moved her legs for him, making easier so he could move and
relax until he kissed her and she gently kissed him back.
After a few moments, her hands on his hips gently, she gently shifted to move him onto his side. Not to
start anything but to let him lay down and relax next to her. Once they where on their sides, she rested
her head on her arm as she looked at him, trying to get her body to relax. (F)

DestructiveTendency — 03/16/2020

In violent turn, he clutched the collar of her shirt, flinging her across the room till she struck the wall. His
eyes blazed, a predatory hunger gleaming in his eyes as he took her body in, slowly picturing how it
would look once she was fully undressed, even if he already knew. With a snarl he rushed in, hands
fondling firmly against her breasts as he crushed his lips with hers. Eager lips brushed over her own, his
tongue snaking its way into her mouth, curling and twisting around her fangs, pushing and writhing
against her tongue.

“Are you just gonna stand there and let me win?” He mused, ripping the fabric of her shirt to reveal her
flesh and the bra underneath. “Because I plan to make this time a little different.” He grinned, spewing
out a tendril of fire from the corner of his lips in a challenge.

The embers traveled, brushing across her lips in a thin veil of warmth. “Let’s see who’s screams the
loudest.” He challenged.

Azyra — 03/16/2020

When he grabbed her collar, her mouth opened to question but soon was deterred as she was flung.
Trying to catch herself, she managed to ease the thrash into the wall before regaining herself and looked
at him. "What the.." she started until she saw his look, before his hands reached for her and their
mouths smashed together. A small shudder and gasped escaped her as she melted like butter from his
touch. When he spoke she looked at him and chuckled. "Who ever said you won the last time?" She said
playfully. When the flame brushed her lips she closed her eyes briefly to take in its warmth before
looking at him. "I'm sure that will be you." She smiled.

Azyra — 03/16/2020

As she spoke, her hands moved up his abdomin, to his chest and his collarbones before sliding back
down and her nails shredding his shirt as they went. They didnt touch his skin though. She wouldn't want
to mark that. Not yet anyway.

DestructiveTendency — 03/16/2020

He scoffed at her reply, but rather than whip out a retort he focused on his task. He felt the breeze of air
slip between the slits that she created, senses the foreboding threat her nails would reek on his already
scarred body, which he didn’t mind. The expertness of her incision into his cloth send goosebumps all
over his body, in which he would repay in kind.

He didn’t have claws but as his hands ran down the curve of her breasts, his flames ignited at his
fingertips, slowly burning away her shirt starting from her chest, creating a crown of flames that spread
over her shoulders, the sleeves of her arms, flames that danced softly and gently around her as his hands
traveled down her stomach, up her sides, beneath her arms and his kisses moved from her lips, nipping
softly at her jaw, up the side of her neck and beneath a sweet spot right beneath her earlobe.

A gentle nip, a kiss, and then he chewed on the soft flesh of her ear, stretching it gently.

Azyra — 03/16/2020

Feeling the goosebumps, she smiled before sliding away the shredded cloth. His bare chest was inviting
and she wanted to kiss all over it, make delightful sounds escape his lips as she did. Her shirt fell to the
ground once it was burned enough, her tanned skin soft and speckled with scars of her own. As he
moved his arms around her, she did the same, kissing him till his lips moved and she tilted her head for
him, her hair sliding down her back as it moved for him. She closed her eyes as her hands ran up and
down his back, rubbing each muscle before moving to his abs. Then she moved one hand to his wait and
traced along his belt before her other hand moved up along his chest. The belt made small taps as she
quickly undid it and dropped it to the floor with a loud thunk.

DestructiveTendency — 03/17/2020

His breathe left rolled onto her skin with moan, not of pleasure but of wanting,earnest. The way she
turned her head to give him access gave him a primal satisfaction that began to build at his groin. His
hands mirrors her own; when she rubbed down the muscles of his back, he went up the flat of her
stomach, savoring the feel of what he called warm, honey skin. When her hands went to his abs, his
muscles tensed in reactions, shuddering as his lips parted into an air of bliss. His hands moved, passing
around and beneath his arms to give her breasts a pass before moving to her back and in unclipping her
bra at the same time she left his belt drop.

He pulled away to look at her, his heartbeat thumping so loud that she would be able to hear each beat
with the hand on his chest.

He kept her gaze, let the silence settle between them as he moved his at her back, followed her shoulder
blades, down each veterbrae of her spine, each wound that had healed itself, further and further down
until he reached the lining of her pants. Finally he turned away, looked down at the space between them
as he moved his hands up her sides, cupped and rubbed her breasts together while he leaned forward to
kiss beneath her jaw, slowly moving his hips draw her hands attention between them, wanting to relieve
some tension.

Azyra — 03/17/2020

His hands where smooth against her skin, her own skin feeling warm yet goosebumps of her own formed
as he gently touched her. When he unclipped her bra, she let it fall off next to his belt. When he pulled
away to look at her, she stood there, her own gaze examining him as well. Her hand remained on his
chest as she counted the thumps of his heart beat. "Why is your heart racing so?" She asked softly as she
looked up at him.

When he ran his hand down her back, she pressed into it and relaxed. It felt wonderful and she enjoyed
it as he moved down her back and to her sides. When he finally reached up and cupped her breasts, she
wrapped both arms around him, rubbing her own hands up and down his own back. Tilting her head for
him again she felt him move his hips against her, could feel the want and need he was feeling radiating
off of him which by now she was surely matching. So she moved her hands back down his back, gently
grazing his skin with her nails and then his sides as she moved her hands to the front.

Soon they made their way to his pants line and she undid them. Gently yet swiftly they where
unfastened and sliding down to his ankles. As they slid her right hand gently moved into his boxers to
find his manhood and grip it pleasurably while it started to rub him. Her left hand moved to the small of
his back, rubbing it gently before she moved her hand into his boxers to the top of his left butt cheek but
kept her thumb out so she could start sliding off his boxers.

DestructiveTendency — 03/18/2020

Did she have to say it out loud? With a click of his tongue he answered honestly, “Excuse me for not
being able to temper my excitement.” It wasn’t meant to be a bad retort, but more of a explanation to a
human dilemma.

And it didn’t seem to relax anytime soon. It was now her body felt against his hands, how her arms
ensnared him, how her hands felt the skin. The way the best around them build slowly, how the intensity
of desire welled inside of him. Once her nails started to claw at his skin, he shuddered, caused his
breathe to break in heated bursts against her neck. His fingers played with her nipples, feeling their
firmness, felt the weight and perfectness of her breasts. She was truly Hades’s most sinful creation.
People may have told her that before but he didn’t think she would ever understand just how much her
physical appeal alone could make a man wild. Add the intensity of her eyes, the way she submitted to
letting herself be touched, at how she touched another..
No man could be so lucky.

Once his pants fell, the anticipation made him moan. Thick and hot, his cock pulsed in her hand. The way
her hand sat on a firm butt cheeks was strangely a rousing, causing them to buck as she slowly lowers his
drawers. His hands left her breasts then, caressed her jaw and lifted her lips against his for a kiss, his
tongue quick to do battle with hers while each stroke made him tense, groan and lose any clear thought
he had. His fingers stretched to her ears, cradling her head so close to his as he moved his tongue to
trace her fangs, suck her tongue then nip at her lip.

Azyra — 03/19/2020

A small chuckle. "You act like its a bad thing. I would be ashamed if you did hide it." She smiled up at
him as she started to rub his manhood a little faster. He was welcoming, being in his arms was so
comforting and relaxing that it was so easy to give in to him. She wondered if that was how all the girls
felt when they where with him. Not that she ever thought him to be with a lot, but what he does in his
bedroom is his business just as its hers about her own. Pushing those thoughts away she shivered at his
touch on her breast, and she loosened a breath in reaction.

Her gaze peered into his once more and she got lost in his blue eyes. He truly was handsome and she
knew a lot of women chased after him. How did she find herself in this position? To be accepted and be
in this intimate action with him that she could be this close, but she didnt question it too much. She only
wanted to enjoy and appreciate it, the moment. When he let out a moan, she blushed slightly as he
caressed her jaw. It.. was so.. amazing. Their lips meshed together, his tongue on hers, and his touch. Her
mind went blank and cloudy.

It became hard to concentrate as he took her breath away with the kiss. Her hand continued to rub him
and picked up pace a bit as their kiss got heated. Her heart racing badly now which matched his and she
chuckled when he nipped her lip. When he finished, she kissed him again, keeping the kiss going as she
rubbed him down. Her hand that had pushed his boxers down, now free, moved up his back again gently
tracing up his back with her nails.

DestructiveTendency — 03/23/2020

There was no easy way for him to keep his breathing steady, especially when she knew how to tug at
him. It was how she did it, how her hand secured itself around him, the what and softness of her flesh
the perfect tool for the handjob. And she was only starting, but he was already starting to secrete a clear
liquid at the tip of the head.
He was free to give her control for the moment, and purposely softened the their session not only to
look in her eyes but savor it. It was the intensity of her eyes, the glow of sunset eyes that became a to
make him hot, hard, and difficult to not just challenge her in a game of dominance. Because he always
wanted to enjoy these times, enjoy everything that she was and could offer in these moments. Just the
same he wanted to give her just as much.

After teasing her lips, her hand stroked him faster causing his knees to buckle, his breathe to roll out in a
moan. He couldn’t help but move his hands away from her head, to her shoulders, down beneath the
pits of her arms to her sides.

“Fuck..” He cursed, his breathing shuddering as she rubbed harder, and harder, “....Haa..” Her kisses for
the better for him, literally sweeping any thoughts in his head as her hand pumped him, and while the
grazing carefully went up her back. The way his eyes fluttered in the next moments were because he was
trying to keep a focus.


And he did, because he reached the front of her pants and undid the button then the zipper.

In retaliation he pushed against her kiss, slipped his tongue to whip inside her mouth, to curl and twist to
feel every angle he could - her inner cheeks, beneath her tongue, the roof of her mouth, occasionally
capturing her tongue into a powerful suck before moving one hand to the back of her head, fisting her
hair to secure a hold and slipping a finger into her underwear to rub at her clit, slowly brushing and
circling before gently hooking a finger into her to stir her insides.

Once he put her in bed and rid her of her and all he was going to make her breathing like his, but he was
going to take him time until then. (F)

Azyra — 03/23/2020

Feeling his breath on her skin made her warm as she rubbed around the opening the clear liquid started
to come out from as it was sensitive especially in this moment. She pulled him closer with her hand on
his back, pulled him against him wanting to be close and feel him against her. Also feeling his knees
buckle, she gave him extra leverage to stand up, his moan like music to hear ears.
As his hands moved down her body, she leaned into him enjoying his warmth. The words escaping his
lips made her smile as they kissed, her gaze on his as she watched him unravel. Finally she felt it, her
pants loosening and slide down from her waist. When his hand found her clit and went inside, she let
out a gasp and a grunt as she rubbed her tongue through his mouth and kissed him back just as
hungerly. Her legs now shaking and threatening to buckle herself. "Fuck" She said through muffled
kisses and licks and finally a soft moan escaping.

DestructiveTendency — 03/26/2020

His body was rigid, his extremities yearning for more especially as her body hitched when he fingered
her. Immediately, he felt her aura stir - a case of excitement no doubt from the touch. Every sound they
exchanged in their kiss, every second her limbs and body touched his was like static, charging
him in ways that made him feel he could go on for hours. But as she tugged in bum, rubbed her
inner walls squeezed around his finger, how it made it slick as her moaned.

His body shuddered in the excitement of it all, and as much as he would have enjoyed having her stoke
him till he blew he needed her as naked as he was. So he pulled from the kiss with a pant, retreated from
between her legs and raised her off the ground, away from the wall and set her to lay at the edge of the
bed. He removed her pants, underwear and all and threw them to the side. He stood at the edge, looked
down at the naked form for a while, took the sight in before smiling at her. He stepped forward, hands
on her thighs to keep her legs on the bed as he idly brushed the tip of his head against her folds, never
pushing in, but grinding the length of heat across her sex.

Azyra — 03/26/2020

Hungry, she was so hungry to have his body against hers and she pulled him closer. His member still in
her hand as she rubbed him more, now using the liquid he released earlier to make it smoother as she
didnt dare take her lips from his. She was losing herself in him, in his touch and their kiss.

When he pulled away from the kiss, she let go of him panting as well. When he picked her up, it was
difficult to not French him as they made their way to the bed but she held onto him until he set her
down and removed the rest of her clothes. A smile was on her lips as she looked up at his naked form.
She still stood by her previous statement, he was extremely handsome.

When he came forward, she shivered from anticipation as he rubbed her member with his as she looked
up at him. It felt good and she gripped the blankets a little with excitement. After a few moments she
placed her hands on his face and brought him close before planting her lips on his in a gentle yet
passionate deep kiss. Soon she brought one hand down and gripped his member to rub it on her
opening to tease him.

Azyra — 03/26/2020


DestructiveTendency — 03/30/2020

The way her tongue danced in him had sent shivers down his spine, causing each muscle at the base of
each pore in his body to contract, forming goosebumps throughout his body. He reveled in a quiet and
yearning moan, one that increased in volume as she took hold of him and rubbed in against her. His
nuzzled into the hand that rested against his face, returned the kiss in a sweet and soft passion as his
breathe left him in sharp gasps.

As much as he wanted to draw her head back and watch her breasts dance as he fucked her he pulled
away from her lips, and reached to her grip on his dick to release himself.

“Not yet..” He seethed, flushed with warmth as he kissed her. Soft, feather kisses on her black lips, down
her jaw, her neck, along then structure of her collarbone, both his hands moving up and down her
thighs, his thumbs idly brushing on their interior of her hips, never getting to close to the intense heat
blowing from her heat.

He kissed past her breasts, gave each nipple a flicking pass, sucked on the underside of one breasts,
toyed with her ribs and her stomach, every little spot of her abdomen with nips and kisses before he
reached between her legs, knelt on the floor beside bed and used the hands [c]

To spread eagle her legs. Once between her womanly core he exhaled, let the heat of his breath waft
over the tender skin before leaning forward to taste her - one full open gaped taste that covered her sex
before closing to a puckering suck. Her taste made him head swim, but that didn’t stop his mission as he
pushed his tongue out and circled around her flesh, arcing the moist limb into an crescent moon before
flicking wildly at her clit, then covering the area with in quick buy powerful suckles. [f]

Azyra — 04/01/2020

As they kissed and she rubbed him against her, her body shook in excitement. Hearing him moan and
gasp was music to her ears and she relished in it. Kissing him back as she caressed his face, a feeling that
she smiled at until he pulled away. When he pulled her hand away, she released him and looked up at
him. "Alright." She said softly as she smiled up at him until he kissed her.
When he kissed her, she kissed him back just the same as she smiled into the kiss before he moved to
her jaw. She lightly pressed her jaw into his lips as he kissed it before tilting her head to give him more
room for her neck. As he moved down her body, goosebumps followed his trail of kisses as she enjoyed
each one. His lips where soft and warm against her skin and even though she was hot herself because of
her biology, his kisses where very nice against her skin.

When his hands moved on her thighs her body wreathed with excitement from it. She kept still with
each passing kiss until she watched him kneel on the floor and when he spread her legs, it took a lot of
will power to not close them back. It wasn't that she didn't trust him, or that she didn't want him there,
it just was one of those times she felt exposed and she wanted to correct it. Once his lips met her
womanhood all previous thoughts escaped and she gripped the blankets as she bit her lip. It wasn't long
before a moan was escaping her lips as she placed her arm on the bed to keep herself propped up to
look at him as he tasted her.

My god he knew how to drive her crazy.

It wasn't long before he had her moaning out for him, her body shaking and her head spinning from his
touch. When he flicked his tongue on her clit, that was her biggest weakness in this situation and she laid
back on the bed as she moaned out more. Her legs shook as she gripped the blankets and her lips parted
more into a moan for him. He knew what he was doing and she made sure he knew she enjoyed it.

DestructiveTendency — 04/06/2020

He let her sounds fuel his actions, let the rise and lows help him figure out what certain actions she
enjoyed more. His tongue moved with certain turns, the twisting inside of her, lashing wildly in side of
her, flicking at her clit with the tip of his tongue till it sounded like her moan was too exhausted to
continue. When he felt the muscles on her thighs flex and tense he knew where she enjoyed it the most
and let this tongue do the rest, but not before moving a hand between her legs, under his chin and
firmly stick two fingers into her, the wet welcoming of her nether lips making it easier for his fingers to
slip in and out, open and curl inside her cavern, the digits of his fingers rubbing the inside of her inner
walls as if knowing where to go, while his tongue and mouth continued to abuse the exterior of her
woman’s core.

Minutes for minutes, he tested. From nipping around the skin of her inner thighs, to simultaneously
fingering her toying with her clit with his tongue. Changing from wild flickering paces to more slower and
more focused techniques that allowed him to give her both a chance to breathe before picking up the
pace again.
In the growing minutes he only stopped once in the oral to pull back and watch the way her body
reacted to his fingers stirring her insides. Using one of his hands he lifted and bent one of her legs in the
bed, spreading her open as he leaned over her, making the the movement of his wrists both easier and
more effective as he hovered over her and grinned down at her, admiring how her lips opened to pant or
moan, how her eyes just naturally flared.


But he gambled, took a not so much a risk but just to see if she approved it. He slowed the pace of his
fingers, moved in and out of her while spreading his fingers apart. With two curling and pushing into her
core, the pinky of his hand was lightly pressing into her other end, not at all enough to penetrate but
enough so she would feel the intent he was driving at, waiting to see if she wanted to try it out since he
knew her conditions.

Waiting on her approval he leaned towards, captured her mouth with his son as he rubbed her insides,
against the certain section in her heat while waiting to see if his other finger could add to the pleasure.

Azyra — 04/12/2020

Not holding anything back, the sounds escaping her lips as she closed her eyes and reveled in the
pleasure he was giving her and he knew how to push her to the edge. Then, that's when she felt it. His
fingers entering her body and sending her over the edge again. Her head tilted back as she moaned for
him. Working her up and then giving her a moment to breath before working her up again. It was
madness and her body couldn't hide her reactions. Goosebumps, the sounds she was making, her
muscles flinching and twitching, and her toes curling.

When he lifted and and bent her leg, she looked up at him as he moved forward watching her. When he
leaned forward to kiss her, she mumbled out before their lips met, "Remove that finger from my ass."
She chuckled before their lips met in a kiss. She kissed him deeply as she wrapped her arms around him
and rubbed his back. Her body moved against his touch and she moaned softly into the kiss before her
hand moved down his body, around his side, and then gripped his manhood again and started to rub

DestructiveTendency — 04/20/2020

It was all he needed to know, and without argument he focused his attention to the heat and slickness of
her netherlips, pushing against her tongue in a game not to dominate but to play. Like a serpent, his
tongue moved in her mouth, to the roof, under her tongue, to her cheeks, even occasionally feeling her
fangs as he pushed his mouth firm on hers, kept ever sound they made contained, so that ever guttural
growl could be felt through their exchange as she rubbed his back.

A shiver ran down him, tiny bumps rising at every section of his body as her hands caused every hair to
rise. His body grew hot, sweat pooling out of his pores as it molded against her body. The loud rhythmic
sound of fingering her rapidly an extra sound to the groans he expelled, the heat and way her inner walls
felt like now something he wanted to nestle his dick in. But he didn’t..especially when she began to run

“Shit..” he cursed impusively, pulling away from her mouth as his focus trembled, his breathing
deepened, and he rested his nose against her neck so that each pant of hot air brushed over her slick
neck. Even then, his fingers went on, hooking inside of her, twisting and pushing like a corkscrew,
occasionally brushing into that sensitive spot inside of her, enough to drive her pleasure wild, but never
long enough to send her too over the edge. After minutes of feeling her strokes, of having his appendage
engorged with tension he pulled out of her, set her legs back on the bed and stood up from the floor.

He gave her one long kiss, a little battle of his tongue before reaching behind her head, [c]

fisted her hair and pulled her head back with a tug to expose her neck, letting his tongue and lips and
teeth nip, suck and taste the salt on her body before standing in front of her, pumping at his own
member to keep his tension.

“Let’s see what you got~” He challenged, letting her take whatever lead she wanted unless she wanted
him to take control. [f]

Azyra — 04/21/2020

When he kissed her firmly, she kissed back the same. Hungry, passionately, devouring his mouth as her
tongue battled his mouth, his tongue, feeling every inch inside of his mouth as moans escaped her
throat into their kiss as he focused on pleasing her and she felt his growl as well. Her free hand that was
not on his manhood roamed his body hungrily taking in each muscle, twitch, movement as she rubbed
his manhood faster as her own body twitched, reacted, and grew hotter from his touch. Her mouth
expelling moans as his fingers worked her core over. Making her want to wrap her self around him
weather it be fingers or penis, she just wanted him, making her hand quickly increase in speed as she
rubbed him to the rhythm of her heart beat as it raced.
When he pulled away from her mouth, she looked up at him, panting before he nestled his face into her
neck, her own hot breath expelling as she moaned out for him. God it was maddening having him work
her over like this and she enjoyed every second which she proved with getting a bit louder as he moved
his fingers in and out of her. When he pulled out of her, her body shook both from pleasure and pleading
for the pleasure to never stop. When he stood, she let go of his manhood and watch him stand. Her
breath was ragged and she struggled to clear her mind as he stood there and every ounce of her wanted
to pounce but instead she kissed him back, rubbed her tongue on his. When he pulled her head back she
tilted it and closed her eyes as a shudder moved through her and she let out a gasp before be stood in
front of her rubbing himself. "Was my hand not good enough for you that you need to rub yourself." She
asked as she watched him, licking her lips before laying back. "Or is it you want to watch as I make myself
moan and drive you crazy from a distance." Her hands moved down her body as she gazed into his eyes,
caressing her chest, then down her stomach before rubbing her slit gently before chuckling up at him. (c)

God she wanted him to take control. He was one of the few she thought that way about only because
she trusted him completely and he knew how to work her over but that was not what he wished and she
was happy to oblige to his wish. So she sat up, smiled and moved to the edge of the bed before standing.
Her mouth met his again, pressed firmly to his as she moved his hand away from his member and she
rubbed him herself. Her lips trailed to his jaw and to his ear as she nibbled on his ear lobe and then
whispered. "I am going to make you beg for it." Her voice was smooth and warm against his ear as she
smirked and then turned them before pushing him back onto the bed. Nothing to harsh, just playful and
demanding him to lay down toward the edge of the bed.

Once he did, she walked slowly to the left side. "I am about to make all of your pleasures come to life."
Her hand grazed the bed before she took a piece of soft rope and tied his wrist down and then she
moved to the other side and did the same thing. It wasn't anything he couldn't get out of easily. Just
something to add to his pleasure. Once they where tied, his legs should have been leaning down over
the edge. She opened them and then tied his ankles. She was going to need the room as she pulled a
pillow from under the bed and placed it between his legs on the floor. Once she was done, she stood up
straight and walked over to a end table and opened a drawer. "This will defiantly enhance this for you."
She said as she turned around with a black cloth in her hand and walked back over to stand between his
legs and leaned over him. (c)

Soft gentle hands lifted his head a little as she put the black cloth around his eyes and tied it behind his
head. A blindfold. Once it was in place, she put a pillow under his head and kissed his lips deeply. A
passionate kiss as she rubbed her hands down his body, rubbing each muscle as she slowly made her
way down to his manhood. Rubbing along the base, she rubbed her tongue against his trying to get him
worked up before she moved her hand up his shaft and rubbed his tip, rubbed around the opening, and
the tip at the same time sense it was the most sensitive. She focused on it for a good few minuets,
starting to get him worked up and get him hot and bothered. It was joy to see him squirm and ear
whatever sounds he was making.

Releasing his lips, her hand never faltering as she kissed down his body. Nipping and biting his abdomen,
his side, his hip as she made her way down and got between his legs. Once she was there, she took his
tip into her mouth and licked all around it. Circling her tongue around it as if it where a lollypop and she
was hungry while her hand rubbed his shaft and testicles. Making sure he felt every bit of the pleasure
she planned on giving him. It was then she released her hand on his shaft, keeping his tip in her mouth
and knelt on the ground carefully while pressing her breasts around his manhood. Sucking harder as she
moved him more into her mouth and allowed some saliva to move down his shaft and between her
breasts to add to the pleasure. Her gaze moved up his body, to his face before she smirked and started to
rub her breasts up and down his shaft as she sucked on his tip and then moved down as her breasts did
waiting to hear him moan.


DestructiveTendency — 05/09/2020

He was willing to answer her question, but should he tell her that another minute of her working him
over would lead to an orgasm she may never let it go. While his libido was high he knew he still needed
as much stamina as he could muster, and it was the way she watched him as she licked her lips that
made his body ripple with an exciting static that he found himself staring at her as she touched herself,
rubbed herself, and it wasn't long that he had all stopped giving himself strokes and simply watched as
she played with herself. It was a first, and it was something about the act that just made him freeze.
Every limb, every thought had turned still but the blood had rushed down low, giving an already
throbbing erection a rise until it took a slight arc.

When she stood up and kissed him he quickly kissed her met her action, his hands moving away from
where they were to moved up to her breasts, weighing them in his hands and fondling them together in
circular motions with occassion grips while she reached down to grip him again. His body shuddered,
and between the kiss his breath was torn. Moist lips moved to his jaw then to his ear when her words
slipped into him in a whisper, making the flesh in her hold hot and grow. The casualness left him weak,
unguarded so much that when she pushed him onto the bed he fell rather easily. But he was confused
and that much was certain as he saw the expression on her face.
"Make me beg..Should I be concerned?" A strange delight lit his eyes as he watched her move to one
side. Right when his first hand was tied he lost his smile, his expression turning dark and sinister, secretly
speaking that she was in fact digging into a deeper side of him he never really let out. But once both his
hands were tied his eyes were aglow, his breathing hard and anxious even before she tied his feet as
well. [c]

He's never been tied on this side, which didn't matter the slightest. He tugged on the ropes, testing them
not because he knew he could break but to test at how much they could hold. He was hot, the tip of his
member already leaking a clear liquid from the secret excitement. He then tugged with his legs, testing
her tying technique; he knew she was most likely experienced in tying people but not for this. So this
made this a special kind of treatment.

'Pleasures come to life..' Her voice was wicked in his mind. If she only knew how fast and hot his mind
was running right now. When he saw her leave to the drawer he took a special satisfaction in oggling her.
While he's seen ever corner of her body, there was something much more mesmerizing when she was
walking, hips swaying. He hadn't realized that her body was softly glistening with sweat - as for him his
body was growing warmer and warmer. When he saw her return, the light of his eyes grew dark before
she covered them with the blindfold. Something about it made his lips open to release a sultry pant, his
chest rising and falling with slow but excited breaths even as she set a pillow behind his head. He was so
enthralled at the moment that when she kissed him he barely kissed back. It wasn't that he didn't want
to, it was that she had put a spell on his senses were shot. He could barely smack his lips against hers
before he felt her hands move down his body, drawing shuddering gasps and moans as each of her digits
ran over every muscle, the finery of her claws touching his skin. She was so tender and careful she hadn't
marked him, not that he wouldn't have minded a line or several. [c]

Once she had him in his hands against he was quick to groan, his arms trembling at the sensation while
her tongue moved with his. He fought back, twirled, poked and battled with his tongue through the
dozens of heated pants that left him instictively. He moved his tongue as effectively as he could, feeling
her fangs, the under and roof of her mouth while his hips shook with each stroke of her hand.

"GOD fucking damn it..Azrya..Shit.." One of his legs kicked impulsively against the binds as her hand
rubbed the tip of his cock, lathering her palm in precum while she pumped up and down. Once she
moved from his lips he found himself pressing firmly against the pillow as her mouth traveled down his
body, which arched against her lips before his breathing grew hot.

His fingers curled tight, and every nip and bite created a hissed 'FUCK!'. She had enough experienced
with his body to find certain spots that he didn't know drew certain sounds from him. Growls, groans,
blissful moans but the more she ventured down the more sensitive he got, forcing his body to extend out
towards her in the minutes he tortured him.[c]

" something already!" It wasn't that she wasn't. He knew this was still foreplay and everything
had a purpose. But he needed the next level of pleasure, needed to sate the insanity that was building in
him. So when he felt her breath brush over the hot flesh of his core, his body relaxed, waiting for the
next moment when her tongue touched him.

"Ah shit..!" He tugged on his restraints, causing the entire body to move while her tongue played with
him. Being blind didn't help, and it only madae things that much more arousing. Not seeing what could
do next, and waiting for the next surprise was what kept him firm. It was how her tongue circled and
licked him that caused his fingers to curl and uncurl, to cause his mouth to remain open as he panted. He
lifted his head on occassion to look down and when he couldn't see he only set his head back down on
the pillow to groan as her hands worked below. Feeling her claws carefuly tease the sensitive skin while
her tongue kept its work, it made him bend his knees natural as if caving into the pleasure. There wasn't
any sound that didn't escape him - a curse, a pant, a groan, a moan, even tiny growls of her name. But it
only grew harder and rougher when she started sucking him harder, and with the absense of her hand
he felt two familiar mounds of warmth rest on either side of his head.

"Oh gods.." He mouth parted and his head whipped as far back as he could as she moved her breasts up
and down, the lewd sounds of her blowjob causing his senses to sharpen. Even though blindfolded he
could see her gaze, not through his eyes but through his mind, see a pair of golden eyes peer beneath
white pants as they looked up at him, his dick appearing and reappearing between her breasts while she
moved them up and down.[c]

"Azrya.." He called in earnest, "I..can't.." He tried a couple of times already and stopped it but he was too
heated, too excited, "I'm going to.." His muscles tensed, his fists balled tightly and the frame of the bed
groaned as he pulled on the restraints. He wouldn't last another minute as much as he wanted to. It was
such a nice service but his body had already undergone so much foreplay that it stood no chance to the
soft warm, tightness of her breasts, the suction of her mouth and so..if she didn't stop soon enough he
was going to reach an orgasm. [f]

Azyra — 05/16/2020

Pleasure. There was nothing but pleasure reaching her ears as he expelled all the sounds from his mouth
and she took great pleasure in it. Torturing him in this way brought her joy as she worked over his core
between her breasts and her tongue never letting up as it wrapped and unwrapped around his manhood
while he was in her mouth and she rubbed him with her chest before moving back up and she sucked on
his tip once more. Making sure to show him just how capable she was and that she was not going to let
up. Not yet anyway sense he was so close to the end and she was going to give him a big finish. How
many times had he done that for her? Every time they had been in this position, so she was more than
happy to do this for him. For what was sex if both parties did not give and it would be terrible if only one
got anything from it. Not that, that was what had happened, but she still wanted to do this for him. [c]

So she kept at it. Picking up her pace, moving him deeper into her mouth and down her throat until the
words escaped his lips and she paused briefly and looked up at him. Slowly she pulled him from her
mouth, before speaking. "Then do it." She said demandingly. "Release." The words escaped her lips and
she took him back into her mouth, down her throat, and hummed. She moved her breasts up and down
as she sucked on him hard and then took one hand and started to rub his testicles. Moving them gently
in her hand but rubbed enough to give him that pleasure. She was going to make him explode. [c]

As she continued, she released her chest and her other hand moved up his body, lightly her nails grazed
him before sliding her hand back down, marking his skin gently, sending small cuts down. Ofcourse she
was not doing enough to damage him or hurt him. Just enough to push him over that edge. PLus with his
healing capabilities she didnt doubt that they probably where healing as she went. Her gaze looked up at
him as she continued her torture and warmth gathered in her hands now. Fire was forming at her
fingertips to send the pleasureful sensations through his body. Of course the fire would not mark or hurt
him but infact cover his skin in ripplets to move and send pleasure to every ounce of him. [f]

DestructiveTendency — 05/23/2020

Even with her permission, not that he would have been able to contain it any longer, he continued to
fight the urge, causing that tension to build and build until it near hurt, the ache, the gasps of breath that
caused every muscle in his body to twitch and tense. "FUCK!" He breathed hoarsely as she took him back
into her mouth, bopping her head deep until he reached the end. For the second that he could he
lowered his gaze to look at her, to see her hair dance and brush around the very breasts that warmed
him, the vibration of her hum that seemed to resonate in his bones. But as soon as she touched the
delicate sacs, his body arced, and his mouth parted to release a long-lasting moan. [c]

It was a tickle, but it was such a rippling, pleasurable sensation that literally caused his eyes to roll to the
back of his head even before he felt her hands graze at his skin. He hadn't even realized that he had
come already, the thick scream of male essence leaving him even before she began to stroke him again.
He felt her fire as if it was a part of him, the heat filling him with another intense warmth that caused his
orgasm to reach another burst. "Oh, GODS.." He was breathless, hoarse, his head now pressing against
the pillow at his hips shot outward to release a third and even a fourth stream. Even after climax, he was
firm in his head, tense and pulsing with each climax. It wasn't that it was several climax, but the
scattered bursts of a single orgasm that he had been suppressing for as long as he could. [c]

So, by the time he reached a fifth burst, the bit of essence was small, practically falling around the head
of his member as it slowly began to turn flaccid under her grip.

"Fuck.." He groaned, pulling against the ties on her wrists and feet. "I swear if it wasn't for these binds.."
He could barely talk through his gasps and pants. "Oh shit that was great.." He breathed, turning his
head side to side while he caught his breath. Before a short period he lifted his head to look down at her,
the sweat of his body glistening. "You going to untie me..or you gonna take top?" He grinned, the little
bit of recovery slowly causing his member throb back up to rise. [f]

Azyra — 05/25/2020

It was beautiful. Seeing him struggle like that and make all that noise. She took great pleasure in it. Her
mouth remained on him as he fought but she knew that he was going to blow any second. So she
hummed louder, rubbed more, and shot her fire into his body to send him over that edge to finally make
him release. Soon getting that answer as she pulled him from her mouth and he unloaded onto her
chest. It wasnt that he was gross or anything, but semen in her mouth was never pleasant. No matter
who it was. But she continued to rub, making him shoot everything out in between her chest as she
watched him tense up and release as he finally got to the end.

Her fire remained over his body, moving through his veins as she rubbed his balls still and his manhood.
Explosion after explosion ended up on her chest. It was warm and sticky as it stayed there while she
finished him. "You know, its not good to hold it in like that." She said as he released his final climax and
she slowly came to a stop, releasing his balls, and moving her hand to gently pull him from between her
breasts. Her fire would slowly start to ease out of him. Slowly she stood. "Oh and what would have you
done?" A small pause as she smirked. "Had it not been for those binds." A small chuckle escaped her lips
as she walked over towards the bathroom. "You can get out of those. I know you can." She said as she
pulled a wash cloth out from a holder and wet it before wiping off her chest. "Plus I think you would like
it too much if I got on top. Why dont you do some work, lazy." She said as she smirked before setting the
cloth in the sink and walked back to the door way and leaned on the frame.

She folded her arms in front of her chest as she looked at him and chuckled. She held up her right hand,
a small stream of fire moved around it before shooting out and split into four little spears and cut each
rope from the posts of the bed. Which he probably would feel the rope go lax and he was free. "Glad you
like it." She stood there leaning in the door way as she watched his body, how he moved before she
stood up, walked over, and laid down next to him. (f)

DestructiveTendency — 05/26/2020

A numb lightheadedness washed over him as his head rolled side to side, his chest rising and falling with
every deep breath. Even after he was done his body twitched lightly, his cock slowly trying to gain a
second wind but failed as it grew flaccid between her breasts. It was then that he realized just how firm
they were around him, and if he had a couple of minutes he would like to feel it again, but he had other
plans. A whorl of colors came across his vision as he lifted his head to see the streaks over her breasts,
simply looking at how oddly arousing it looked on her warm, golden skin. A second later he dropped his
head back down on the bed, idly pulling on his restraints.

"I know, but I'm not some old man. It feels amazing when I hold it back - and a little painful, but the
aftermath is great..Mhmm.." His body ached, but each muscle felt relaxed as if having served time
carrying some weight. The euphoria was something else - making him feel like he was floating in water.
But that could have been because of the sound of running water from the bathroom.


"I could have, but I wanted to see what you would have done with a tied-up man~ Got to say, being
restrained is always so arousing. Whether or not you are top or bottom, I assure you I will always like it
too much." He laughed, arching his body to release the toxins that had spread through his body from
arousal. Once he was done stretching, he felt back to bed and felt the ropes loosen, but he remained
with his arms and legs spread for a while and listened to the sound of her soft footsteps before the bed
sank mildly when she lay down next to him. With a smirk, he rolled over on top of her, hands softly
fondling against her breasts - up and down, outward and inward. His mouth smacked softly against hers,
"You know..I would have been glad to lick my cum off your chest," He found her nipples, rolling them
between his index and middle finger. "You may not like the taste but I don't much mind it."

He rubbed his hips between her legs, letting the soft, firmness of a growing arousal brush between her
folds. "I hope you don't think I'm done." He grinned, pushing his tongue into her mouth to push against
hers, twisting and pressing hard against her mouth with a firm aim to make her breathless. [f]

Azyra — 05/26/2020

After laying there, she took a deep breath as she relaxed and rested against the bed until she felt his
body on hers and she looked up at him. A smirk filled her own lips as she chuckled. "Who would have
thought the great sage was so... dirty." She said playfully as she gently wrapped her arms around him as
he played with her chest. (C)

As he rubbed against her, she kissed him back deeply. He kissed her with such passion that it did take
her breath away as she rubbed and battled her tongue against his. "I would surely hope not." She said in
between breaths. Her nails dug into his shoulder a little as she battled him in a heated and passionate
kiss. (C)

DestructiveTendency — 05/29/2020

“Seems you still don’t know every detail about me~” he laughed, groaning into their kiss as he rubbed
himself harder against her, waiting for the wake of his libido to grow firm and harder between them, to
run and brush against slick folds as her nails drew a light trail of blood from his skin.
As he moved his hands from her breasts, he began to move away from their kiss. He folded her lower leg
beneath him and straddled it, while curled her other leg to opposite side of his hip so that her body was
partially turned, but she could still lay back comfortably while he slowly guided the rip of an erect cock
into her.

“’re always so fitted..” He breathed, enjoying the feeling of his member slowly spreading her
inner walls, “And hot...” The heat of penetrating her - it was what made things wild. [c]

Using a hand to balance her leg over his hip he began pushing in her, hard and fast enough that her
breasts hiccuped. Second after second he moved, his hips beating loudly between their damp thighs.
Over and over; he pitched his head back to breathe deeply, to pant and moan as he moved faster.

When he brought his head back down he slipped his free hand past her stomach, between bouncing
breasts then to her throat where he gripped only gently while he pumped faster and faster into her. [f]

Azyra — 05/30/2020

"Well we havent actually discussed this part of ourselves. Only.. acted." She smirked as she looked up at
him before kissing him back as he groaned. Feeling his member against her sent sparks through her
body as she gasped gently onto the kiss until he moved her, her body turning lightly as she looked up at
him before gasping as he moved into her. (C)

"That's because I dont just sleep with anyone." A small chuckle as she gripped the blankets a little. "Plus
you just know how to drive me wild." She said as she looked up at him when he said she was hot. (C)

When he picked up pace, she gasped and just as he started to pound into her, the sound she made only
got louder. As he drilled her body became more awake, more excited. What made him so... eager. What
made him spark like this? She was not sure but she didnt care enough to ask questions as moans
escaped her lips now. (C)

As things continued on, she watched him pound into her, her hands gripping the blankets as she looked
up at him when his hand met her throat. She trusted him, knew him well enough he meant no harm. So
she remained relaxed as he pounded her into oblivion. (F)

DestructiveTendency — 06/06/2020

His hands were gentle on her throat, yet the way he moved into her was anything but not. The way her
voice had his ears awakened, the soft, and slick flesh of her back rubbing against chest. The way her eyes
burned when she looked at him sent an undescribable thrill into him. The trust, the wild of her eyes. It
didn't become long before he moved his hand from her throat to capture her chin before leaning
forward to capture her lips so that their breaths and moans could collide against each other in bursts. His
tongue rolled out and worked inside of her mouth - to toy with her fangs, her tongue, the inside of her
cheeks. But the kiss didn't last very long as he increased his pace.

"And I'll keep driving you wild.." He muttered, slowly stopping his motions to give her another set of
heated kisses before pulling himself off the bed. He turned her body, set her to lay on the on the bed as
he lifted her legs. Slowly, he bent them forward further and further until her ankles were beside her
head, raising the lower half of her body until he was directly over her body, using as a seat to squat on as
he began to direct the tip of cock into her. Using his hands, he placed them on her thighs to keep her legs
balanced. "This is a good view~" (c)

DestructiveTendency — 06/06/2020

He chuckled, looking down at her as he give the first push into her. "How's the view from down there?"
He laughed, giving her another firm push, the aural coating of power he focused into his member
sending a rippling force through her, soft and warm, like an ocean wafting through her with each and
every thrust, the angle he used perfect to hit the delicate spot in her as well as use gravity to his
advantage. (f)

Azyra — 06/07/2020

As he drilled into her, it was like he was hungry and just couldnt get enough. Moans escaped her lips as
he pounded. Her legs moved under or around him as her hands gripped the blankets. (c)

When his lips met hers, She kissed him back. Her tongue battled his as they rubbed together in their
mouths. Her tongue rubbed in his mouth, her hands went down his back as she clawed at it, moaning
into the kiss. (c)

When he mentioned he would keep driving her wild, she chuckled and then smirked up at him as he
came to a stop. Panting from him working her over, she looked up at him. When he kissed her again, she
kissed him back, just as heated and deep. Her hands made their way through his hair and rubbed,
tangled, and pulled. Then when he moved her legs, she looked up at him curiously before her ankles
where by her head. Thankfully she was nimble enough it didnt bother her to be in this position. She
looked up at him, her face flushed a little bit. "Well be glad you are able to see it. No one has or will." (c)

When he pressed into her,she gasped as she looked up at him. "The view is good. But I know a better
one." She said as she looked up at him. When his aura pushed through her, a soft moan escaped her lips.
It made her hot as it moved through her. When he thrusted into her, once again moans escaped her lips
as she gripped the blankets by his knees. She had never done this position before and she was liking how
it was going. Which was apparent through her moans. (f)

DestructiveTendency — 07/03/2020

The sweat fell from his chin, perspirated down the backs and stung when it touched against the claw
marks on his back. Every breath that he shared with her along with every hot kiss was what drove him to
move harder and faster. The way her face began to burn with the heat of their bodies, the force of every
pant and moan that just seemed to echo loudly in his head. He couldn't tell her how hot it was to see her
beneath her like this, watch her lips part, her skin glisten or her eyes flare. The way her breasts moved
with each thrust nor how arousng it fet just to have his hair pulled and tugged. [c]

So he did the next best thing and gave her everything he could for every minute that caused a spring to
whine beneath them. The force driven into her slowly cracking the legs of the bed, mistaken for the loud,
rhythmic sound of their flesh, each slap of his pelvic a driving force of aura and brute strength to beat
itself into her, flare into her core like hot air and seep into her walls. After minutes of looking down at
her, hearing her he finally reste his hands behind her head, clutching at the pillow that supported [c]

her, he stopped, changing from simple thrusts to more exotic patterns. He rolled his hips, slithering
himself in and out of her like the rise and fall of a tide, letting his sex grind up and down inside of her,
move left and right so she could feel different angles while they caught their breaths. There wasn't one
spot that he didn't reach, or touch in her. There wasn't one moment where he stopped stirring her.
Leaning down he kissed her lips and slowly let nestling between her legs to see if she wanted to move
them back into a regular position. "You said there is a better one.." He kissed her, letting his tongue
explore the inside of her mouth as much as his dick was in. "What view would that be~?" [f]

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