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Summative Assignment:

Format: Essay

After reading completing the unit about 11.8.2 Describe the significance of Mexican
immigration and its relationship to the agricultural economy, especially in California,
students will be asked to write an essay regarding the Bracero Program and its significance in
history. The Bracero Program and the immigrant that were involved had a lasting impact on
America and the conversation around Mexican immigration. This unit allowed students to learn
about the past struggles of Mexican immigrants and how they were perceived, utilized and
treated within American history, especially within California.

The Bracero Program was developed to enable Mexican immigrants to be placed in programs
for agricultural farming. This program was beneficial to California and its economy,
however, it was detrimental to the Mexican people and their wellbeing. Explain how the
Bracero Program aided America’s economy and agricultural development. Explain how the
program affected workers rights and how they were perceived socially.

Students will need to include:

1. Research organizer- Padlet (organizers, graphs, notes)

Students will be assessed on how they are organizing their information. They will be required to
utilize the program Padlet to create either a graphic organizer or a timeline of the events that will
be used within their essay. Students are encouraged to be creative while using Padlet. Map out
ideas, sources, and images that will enhance your response to the prompt

2. Finalized Paper with Bibliography

Student will be asked to write their paper and answer the prompt to the best of their abilities. A
“works cited” page will be required. Sources must consist of 2 primary sources, 3 secondary
source and Abrazando en el Espiritu. Proper grammar and technical elements will be assessed.

Compose an essay ranging from 3-5 pages and address the key elements that were stated in the

You will be graded based on your ability to organize research and information learned
throughout the unit, as well as your ability to create and compose an essay that pertains to the
specific questions.

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