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Question No.60. Which line tells the pettiness and futility of the speaker’s life in The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock? a) “L know the voices dying with a dying fall...” b) “Chave measured out my life with coffee spoons.” ©) “And I have known the eyes already, known them all.” d) “Thave gone at dusk through narrow strects.” Question No.61. The lines “Your soft hand is a woman of itself, / And mine the man’s bared breast she curls inside” appear in Robert Browning's poem: a) The Last Ride Together (OFra Lippo Lippi (¢ My Last Duchess (@) Andrea del Sarto Question No.62. What did Keats request to be written on his gravestone? a) John Keats 1795-1821 b) Loved, I wrote, I Lived... ¢) You can bet that I will miss you, dearest Annette, 4) Here lies one whose name was writ in water Question No.63._ In "The Sunne Rising," Jobn Donne calls the sun: a) A heavenly body (b) A busy old fool (CJA silly old lady (A mad old dwarf Question No.64. ‘The metaphysical pocts employed many extended comparisons, also known as: a) Conceits (b)splendid associations _(c)extended metaphors >) paradoxes Question No.65. Who wrote "To His Coy Mistress"? a) John Donne (b) Andrew Marvell (¢) Richard Crashaw (d) George Herbert ‘Question No.66. The lines “On what wings dare he aspire? / What the hand, dare seize the fire?” appear in the poem: a) “Ulysses” (b) “The Tiger” {c)*Paradise Lost” (d)*The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” Question No.67. Which famous English novel starts with these lines: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it ‘was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair”: a) A Tale of Two Cities ()Hard Times (c )Great Expectations @ Oliver Twist Question No.68. In English literature, who is said to have sold his soul to the devil? a) Beowulf —_(b) Faust (©Mordred (d)Gustaf Bromberg, Jr. Question No.69. The first female author to win the Nobel Prize for Literature is: a) Simone de Beauvoir (b)Nadine Gordimer (© Tony Morrison (A) George Eliot Question No.70. In Gulliver’s Travels, the horse like creatures reside at the place called: a) Brobdingnag (b) Houyhnhnms (© )Brobdingnag (d) Lilliput Question No.71. According to Aristotle the least important element in tragedy is @) Plot (Character (Song (d) Spectacle Question No.72. An Apology for Poetry was a reply to: 2) Stephen Gosson (b)Philip Sydney ( C)William Shakespeare (@) Semuel Johnson Question No.73. “I admire him (Jonson) but I love Shakespeare”. Whose words are these? a) Matthew Arnold Alexander Pope (C John Dryden (d) T'S Eliot Question No.74. Preface to Lyrica! Ballads was a reaction against poetry: a) Elizabethan (b) Metaphysical (c Neoclassical (@) Vietorian Question No.75. Dr. Samuel Johnson defended Shakespearo’s use of: 2) Comedy (b)Tragedy (@)Trugi-comedy (4) None of these eee Re see, a Question No.16. “He is gonna be the next captain of our team.” The sentence is an example oft a) Elision (@)ELlipsis (C)Rhythm @ntonation Question No.17. An informal, nonstandard, nontechnical yoeabulary of novel-sounding synonyms for standard words, associated with youthful, raffish, or undignified speakers, implying impertinence or disrespect for the established culture is known as: a) Dialeet b)Interaetional feature of speech (c )Transactional feature of Speech @ Slang Question No.18. A short expression at the end of a statement converting it into a question is called: a) Colloquial (b)Supplement (©interrogative — (d)Tag question Question No.19, A sound produced with the back of the tongue on or near the velum or soft palate. a) Velar (bpPlosive (c)Triphthong (@) Diphthong Question No.20. A nonstandard, regional, or informal spoken variety of a language. a) Vernacular (b)Aceent (c Dialect (@Pidgin Question No.21. Speech sounds, produced with vibration of the vocal cords and a consequent auditory buzz are known as: a) Unvoiced (b)Vowels — (c) Affricates (d Voiced Question No.22.The system that combines words and morphemes into such structures as phrases and clauses is called: 2) Generative Grammar (b)Universal Grammar (c )Syntax (@) Morphology Question No.23. A specch sound made like a vowel but funetioning like a consonant: a) Plosive —_(b) Dental (©)Velar—(d) Semi Vowel Question No.24,_A consonant sound produced with the lips is known as: a) Affricate (b )Aspirated Sound (c )Bilabial (@)Labial Question No.25. A perceived pause or boundary between segments of speech is called: a) Filler (Stop (c Muncture (Pause Question No.26. is the speech characteristics of a particular person as contrasted with those of other persons speaking the same language. a)’ Metonymy (b)Homonymy (Dialect (d)Idiolect Question No.27. Birds flew away. The Underlined word is: a) Participant (b) Regular Verb (Transitive Verb (@)Intransitive Verb Question No.28. a voealic nucleus consisting of two vowels, the second of which is typically an off-glide a) Glide (b)Glottal (c )Diphthong (dVoiced Question No.29, is a term pertaining to discourse which occurs more often in speech than in writing and in informal than in formal use. a) Colloquial (b)Pragmatics (¢)Slang_—_(d) Interactional feature of Specch Question No.30. is a sectet or indecipherable language of any group, especially criminals a) Jargon (b) Argot (c)Ebonies (4 )Black English Question No.31. Which of the following was the first stage of modern psycholinguisties? a) Behaviorism — (b)Functionalism (c) Cognitive Period (d)Structuralism Question No.32. is known as a lemma. a) A phonological representation of a word b) The abstract form of a word containing information relating to the meaning of a word ©) Atype of phoneme 4d) None of the above AZAD JAMMU & KASHMIR PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Examination for Post: Lecturer English (B-17) Question Paper ‘Subject: English Paper: MCQs Date: 21-05-2017 Time: 100 Minutes Maximum Marks: 100 Note: Select the correct answer and fill its circle completely on OMR answer sheet Question No.1. What do we eall a discourse produced by a single speaker? a) Dialogue (b)Conversation —_(c)MMonologue (©) Monograph Question No.2. What is kinesies? a) ‘The study of tone of voice (b)The study of touch communication (cyThe study of smell and taste (d) The study of non-verbal visual communication Question No.3. Which of these topics is likely to be studied by a forensic linguist? a) Poetry (b)Sermons (C) Forgery @ Scriptures Question No.4. Which branch of linguistics studies word order? a) Syntax (b)Semanties (c )Pragmaties (@) Phonology Question No.8. What is the average age at which children start to string words together to make senfcnecs? a) 1 Year (b)18 Months (©)2 Years (@ 30 Months Question No.6... What do we call the ability to read and write? a) Oracy (b)Literacy (© Numeracy (d) Propheey Question No.7. Who is called the Father of Linguistics? a) Ferdinand de Saussure (b)Noam Chomsky b) Van Dijk (Norman Fairclough Question No.8. Which of the following are the most vowel-like consonants? a) Nasals (b )Rhoties (o)Glides (4 )Pricatives ‘Question No.9. What do you call the effect when one person's accent is influenced by another's? a) Assimilation (byImitation (Accommodation (d)Ellipsis Question No.10. Semiotics is the study of: a) Social norms (b) Rules pertaining to spellings b) Meaning In context (d)Signs and symbols and their use or interpretation Question No.11. Articulatory Phonetics is the study of ®) Physical production of speech sounds —_(b )Physical Properties of Speech ()Phonemes (d)Speech Organs Question No.12. ‘The idea of Universal Grammar was given by a) William Labov (b) George Yule ((c) Noam Chomsky (d) David Crystal Question No.13. A language that was originally a pidgin but has become the mother inguistic features and language of a speech commumity and consequently broadened its uses is known as: a) Idiolect (b )Grapheme (Dialect (d)Creole Question No.14, A sound produced with the blade of the tongue on or near the hard palate is called: a) Affricate (b)Palatal (© )Prieative (d) Labio-dental Question No.15. Please enjoy yourself. The underlined pronoun is: a) Personal (d)Relative (o)Reflexive (d)Demonstrative e- Question No.97.. Which novel did T. S. Eliot praise for utilizing a new "mythical method in place of the old "narrative method" and demonstrates the use of ancient mythology in ‘modernist fiction to think about "making the modern world possible for art”? 2. Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness b. James Joyce's Ulysses c. James Joyce's Finnegan's Weke 4. E.M, Forster's A Passage to India Question No.98. How did one critic sum up Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot? . “nothing happens-twice" —_(b) "political correctness gone mad” (c)"kitchen sink drama" (@) "angry young men ‘Question No.9. Which poets collaborated on the Lprica! Ballads of 1798? a, Mary Wollstonecraft and William Blake b. Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley and Perey Bysshe Shelley ¢. William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge 4d, Charles Lamb and William Hazlitt Question No.100, What does the phrase "White Man's Burden," coined by Kipling, refer to? 2, Britain's manifest destiny to colonize the world b. the mora! responsibility to bring civilization and Christianity to the peoples of the world the British need to improve technology and transportation in other parts of the world d. the importance of solving economic and social problems in England before tackling the world’s problems Question No.76. T. S. Eliot's essay “The Metaphysical Poets” is famous for its concept of a) Dissociation of sensibility (b)Objective correlative ©) Axtemotion and Life emotion (@) Metaphysical wit Question No.77. Eliot's essay “Hamlet and His Problems” is celebrated for its concept of: a) Dissociation of sensibility (©) Objective correlative (¢) Tradition and Individual Talent _(d) Metaphysical Conceits Question No.78. ‘The author of the ancient text On the Sublime is: a. Horace (byVirgit ( )Longinus (@) Plato Question No.79. Which essay/book by T. S. Fliot is considered the “unofficial manifesto” of his criticism? 2, “Tradition and the Individual Talent” D. The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism ¢. “The Metaphysical Poets” d. “The Function of Criticism” Question No.80. Essays of Elia was written by: a, John Ruskin (b )Francis Bacon te ‘istopher Marlowe (@) Charles Lamb Question No.81, Which Irish born novelist, playwright, and poet, lived in Paris for most of his adult life and produce literature in both French and English? a, Jonathan Swift (b)Charles Dickens (C) Samuel Beckett (@) G.B. Shaw Question No.82. In George Eliot's novel The Mill on the Floss, what are Maggie's intentions towards the gypsies? a, Tose them to make her family pity her (b )To learn their language (c JTo teach them and be their queen (d)To teach them how to cook Question No.83, “Thomas Hardy’snovel___ vas met with the strongest negative response from the Victorian public because of its controversial treatment of sex, religion and marriage and, according to some critics, made Hardy give up novel writing: a. Tess of the D'Urbervilles (b)The Return of the Native (¢ Jude the Obscure (d) The Mayor of Casterbridge ‘Question No.84. In Pride and Prejudice, what are Elizabeth's most prominent attributes? a, Her generosity and sympathetic heart b. Her intelligence and quick wit c. Her curiosity and sense of style 4. Her maturity and deferential disposition ‘Question No.85, What was seen as the chief method of self-improvement for English women in Jane Austin’s novels? a. Wealth acquisition through marriage . Education through academic institutions c. Wealth acquisition through land 4. Education through the ehurch Question No.86. In Pride and Prejudice, what is the drawback of Austin’s criticism of the social classe: a. She only criticizes the unsympathetic characters. b, She does not seem to take it seriously herself. ©, She is overly pessimistic about social change. d. She ignores the lower classes entirely Question No.87. Joseph Andrews’ refusal to Lady Booby's seductive attempts resembles in many ways: a, Tess’ refusal to Alee's attempts in Tess of the d’Urbervilles b, Pamela’s refusal to Mr. B’s attempts in Pamela, ¢. Sue's refusal to Jude's attempts in Jude the Obscure. d. None of the above Question No.8. Against which of the following principles did Jonathan Swift object? a) theoretical science (b metaphysics () abstract logical deductions (da, b, and c Question No.89. Whose great Dictionary, published in 1755, included more than 114,000 quotations? 8. William Hogarth (b )Samuel Johnson (¢) Ben Jonson (d) James Boswell Question No.90. Which metrical form was Alexander Pope said to have brought to perfection? a. the heroie couplet (b) blank verse (@ kee verse (Jb and c Question No.9. With its forbidden themes of incest, murder, necrophilia, atheism, and torments of sexual desire, Horace Walpole’s Castle of Otranto, created which literary genre? a. the revenge tragedy b. the Gothic romance ©. the epistolary novel d._ the mystery play Question No.92. While compiling what sort of book did Samuel Richardson conceive of the idea for his novel Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded? a. ahistory of everyday life b. an instructional manual for manners ©. a book of model letters 4. none of the above Question No.93, Which of the following phrases best characterizes the late-nineteenth century aesthetic movement which widened the breach between artists and the rcading public, sowing the seeds of modernism? a. ar for intellect's sake b. art for Gou's sake ©. art for the masses 4. artforan’s sake Question No.94, What characteristics of seventeenth-century Metaphysical poewy sparked the enthusiasm of modernist pocts and critics? 2. its intellectual complexity b. its union of thought and passion ¢. its uncompromising engagement with polities d. aandb Question No.95. Which phrase indicates the interior flow of thought employed in high- modem literature? a. automatic writing b. confused daze c. stream of conseiousness d. free association Question No.96, Which of the following is not associated with high modernism in the novel? a. stream of consciousness b. free indirect style €. imesolute open endings @. narrative realism Guestion no 67. A combination of contradictory terms. 9. Parody b. Pathetic Fallacy. Oxymoron d. Paradox Question no 68. A literary device where in something nonhuman found in nature - 0 beast, plant, stream, natural force etc. - performs as though from human feeling or motivation. a. Parody b. Pathetic Fallacy —c. Oxymoron . Paradox Question no 69. Comparison of two things that is alike in some respects. a. Genre b. Aphorism «. Foit d. Analogy Question no 70. A very short tale told by o character in a literary work a. Apostrophe — b. Figure of Speech. Figurative Language d. Anecdote Question no 71. Coaperative learning is a form of 9, Sehoviorism —b. Cognitivism ¢. Constructivism d. Conectivism Question no 72. In lesson planning the covering sheet provides information about o-Introduction —_b. Background of the class _c. Setting the target _d, Presentation Question no 73. 1. Q level of the slow learner falls in range of 9, 90-110 b. 80-90 ©. 70-80 d. 40-70 Question no 74. General Psychology and Educational Psychology are dissimilar. In that educational psychology. a. Is concerned with the child and not with the adult. b. Is concerned with the various aspects of learning. c. Deals only with the applications and not with the theory. d, Selects and emphasizes certain data from the general field. Question no 75. Education psychology is oriented towards «a. The study of the peculiarities of individual children. b. The applicotion of the principles and techniques of psychology to the solution of the problems of the class room. c. The formulation of hypothesis and theories related to educational practice. . The development on the part of the child of realistic goals and effective plans for their attainment. Question no 76. The primary aim of educational psychelogy is 9. To contribute to an understanding of sound educationel proctices. b. To provide the teacher with a greater appreciation of his role in the education of the child. ¢ To provide the academic background essential for effective teaching. a. To provide a theoretical framework for educational research — 3— Question no 77. ICT means? «@. Information and Communication Technology b. Integrated and Comparative Technique ¢ Integrated and Communication Technology d, information and Comporative Technology Question no 78. Educational Technology course has truly paved the way for learner to become? a. aware, appreciative, equipped b. creative, wise, honest c. effective, honest, wise d. none of these Question no 79. What is the main objective in Educotional Technology? 9. Orient «facilitate b. integrate d. evaluate Question ne 80. Top management works on a. strategic plan ¢. budgeting b. corporate plan d, bothaA&B Question no 81. Demand for @ commodity refers to ‘a. Need for the commodity b. Desire for the commodity ¢. Amount of the commodity demanded at a particular price and at a particular time cl. Quantity demanded of that commodity Question no 82, An individual demond curve slopes downward to the right because of the: «a, Working of the law of diminishing marginal utility b, substitution effect of decrease in price ©. income effect of fall in Price a. All of the above Question no 83. The most frequent value in the set of data is called? a, Mean © Mode 6. Median d. None Question no 84. What is the mean and medion of following set of data? X9,6,8,4,3 a. Mean = 5, Median = 8 ¢. Mean = 5, Median = 6 b, Mean = 6, Median = 8 d, Mean = 6, Median = 6 ihe Question no 7. Currently, most researchers believe that speech capability had developed in human ancestors by years ago. a. 50,000 to 75,000 b. 100,000 to 150,000 —_c. 300,000 to 400,000 dd. 200,000 to 250,000 Question no 8, The study of the articulation end production of human speech sounds is known as 2. phrenoloay ’b. phonemics phonology d.phoneties Question no 9. The study of how language use changes according to social context is «9. intercultural communication studies. b. culturol anthropology. . historical linguistics, d. sociolinguistics. Question no 10. The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis states «@. the form and content of language influence speakers’ behaviors, thought pracesses, and worldviews b. society and culture determine the content of language. ¢. socioeconomic position influences language use. d. language is on outgrowth of non-verbal communication, Question no 11. The units of meaning that make up @ word ere known as o. words b. phonemes c. morphemes d. components Question no 12. The technique of analyzing the similarities and contrasts among words within a domain such as kinship terms are animal names is known os . morphology. b. componential analysis. C. code switching, d. syntax. Question no 13. What Is semiotics? a. The study of music b. The study of buildings c. The study of human communication 0. The study of disability Question no 14, What is the technical term for ‘body language’? a. Non-verbal communication b. Semiotics ¢. Zoasemiotics —_d. Linguistics Question no 15. What is kinesics? a. The study of tone of voice b. The study of touch communication ¢. The study of smell and taste d. The study of nonverbal visual communication -Q- AZAD JAMMU & KASHMIR PUBLIC SERVICE COMIMISSION Examination for the Post: Subject Specialist English (B- 17) Paper: MCQs a pate: 17-4 —18 Tima: 100 Max Marks: 100 WWote: Select the correct answer and fill completely its circle on OM answer sheet. Question NO A. soon _. is @ unit of syllable weight applicable to languages in which long or heavy syllables are distinguished from short or light syllables. a. Onset b. Mora c. Tone d. Sememe Question no 2. The sense relation in which a person, place, or thing after whom or after which something is named, or believed to be named is calle 9. Homonym b. Metonym ¢. Meronym 4. Eponymy Question no 3. Pargue school, is a school of linguistic thought and analysis, was established in Prague in the 1920s by. a. Vilem Mathesius 6. Michal Halliday —c. Firth d. Danial Jones Question no 4, _ 1s a general term for verbal categories that distinguish the status of events, etc. In relation ta specific periods of time, as opposed to their simple location in the present, past, or future. a. Aspect b. Auxiliary ¢. Tense d. Time Question no §. The ability of human longuage to produce messages in different times and places fram the vbjects or events that they refer to is known a5 @. duality of patterning b. productivity ¢. arbitrariness d. displacement Question no 6. Both gorillas and chimpanzees seem to be able to .. . ina rudimentary way, although they do not seem to do so in the wild a understand and manipulate symbols . form human verbal sounds understand video-taped or recorded call systems d. produce syntax Question no 25. What do we have to do to work out which meaning of the word ‘table’ people have in mind when they use it? 1, Look up ‘table’ in @ dictionary b. Look ot the sentence in which it occurs . Ask them to point to a table d. Look up ‘toble" in an encyclopedia Question no 26. Which branch of linguistics studies word order? a. Morphology b. Prugmatics ——_¢. Syntax d. Semantics Question no 27. What is the branch of linguistics that studies human sound making, transmission, and reception? @. Phonology b. Graphology ¢. Production d. Phonetics Question no 28. Whot does phonology study? a. Learning to read! b. The sound system of language(s} c. Babbling d, How we articulate sounds Question no 29. What is linguistic term for the study of pitch movement in language? . Melody b. Rhythm ¢. Loudness d Intonation Question no 30. Whot does graphology, in its linguistics sense, study? a. Learning to read b. A person’s character in handwriting c Writing system of language(s) d, Maths diagrams Question no 31. Which of these is an example of a sentence-connecting adverb? a. Smelly b. Shapely c. Connecting d Consequently Question no 32. When was the eld English period in the history of English? 4,500-1008C —b, 350-650AD —¢. 650-1150 AD d, 1150-1400 AD Question no 33. Which feature of language Is referred to by the term ‘accent’? @. Syntox b. Pronunciation ¢. Vocabulary d. Pragmatics Question no 34. Which word best describes a person's individual preferences in language use? . Inflection d. Style y. Dialect b. Accent Question no 35. Which of these topics is likely to be studied by a forensic linguist? a. Poetry bh. Sermons c. Forgery d. Sports commentary Question ne 36. Which professional people work with patients who have a language disability? a, Elocutionists b. Speech / language therapists ¢, Telecommunication engineers d, Grophologists — be uestion no 85. Sampling in which intact groups, not individual, are randomly selected is called? a. Simple random sampling . Purposive sampling b. Convenience sampling d. Cluster sampling Question no 86. Scientific management theory of management was presented by a. Frederick W. Taylor Luther Gulick b. Abraham Maslow d. LyndallUrwick Question no 87. Scientific management had. principles. o. Two c. Four b, Three d. Five Question no 88. The step involving the development of an outline of the things that must be accomplished and the method for accomplishment is called. 0. Staffing b. Organizing «. Planning d, Directing Question no 89. Cognitive Development deals with. aspects of child development a. Physical b. mental ¢. emotional d, moral Question no 90. Pioget suggested that there are. ‘stages in cognitive development in children. a3 b4 ad a6 Question no 91. An adult human has, bones in his body. a, 321 b, 206 6.413 d. 1100 Question no 92.4 hypothesis is: a. Astatement of the aims of an investigation. b. statement which serves as the basis for further investigation The methodical evaluation of research evidence. d, All of above Question no 93. Which scientific method is @ top-down approach? a. Deductive method b. Inductive method c. Hypothesis method d. Pattern method Question no 94. is. statistical index which describes the degree and direction of the relationship between two variables a. Regression -b. Mean Correlation d Test = pp — Question no 45. The American Renaissance overlapped the .. “ime period, in which American writers were trying to a: Postmodern; end slavery. b, Colonial; end patriotism for England. ¢. Modernism; end individualism, d. Romanticism; define themselves and their writing style as independent from England. Question no 46. Writers in the Romantic time period were concerned with: G. Nature as a source of secular and spiritual knowledge, emotion as truth, and exploration of the self. b, Scientific exploration. ¢, Love and romance. The philosophy of how to run a new country Question no 47. Which of the following became the most popular Romantic poetic form, following on Wordsworth’s claim that poetic inspiration Is contained within the inner feelings of the individuals poet as “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings”? «a. the Iyric poem written in the first person b. the sunnet c. doggerel rhyme d. the political tract Question no 48. A mild word or phrase which substitutes for another which would be undesirable because it is too direct, unpleasant, or offensive? 0, Euphemism b. Genre ¢. Point of View d. Picaresque Nowel Question no 49. The use of angey and Insulting language? 0. Jargon b. tnvective ¢. Matapropisrn d, Mood Question no 50, A statement which lessens are minimizes the importance of what is meant? a. Verisimilitude — b, Understatement. Colloquialism d. Hyperbole Question no 51. Wise saying; proverb; short, memorable saying that expresses a truth and Is handed down rom one generation to the next. 0. Apharism b. Analogy c. adage d. Apostrophe Question no 52. A word or phrase preceding or following a name which serves to describe the character in fiteroture @. Homartia b. Hubris c. Epigraph d. Epithet Question no 53. Unintentional use of an inappropriate word similar in sound to the appropriate word, often with humorous effect. @. Naturalism — b. Modernism —_¢. Melapropism d, Postmodernism —6- Guestion no 95. An assessment that is carried out through the course is called a. Initiol assessment b, Diagnostic assessment ¢, Formative assessment d, Summative assessment Question no 96, The use of technology to enhance learning process is called__ in education. a. Information Technology Communication Technology c. Information ond Communication Technologies 1d None of the above Question no 97 The purpose of grades is to 4. Provide information about a student's progress, b, Allow teachers to judge student ability. © Hurniliate students into working harder . Inform parents about how smart their child is. Question no 98, The syllabus is described as a. Summary of topic b. Detail of chapters ©. Main chapters d. Few chapters Question no 99. Which domain of objectives is not being evaluated through our present system of ‘examination: a. Affective b.Cognitive Psychomotor d.None of these Question no 100. The forces that affect the development of curriculum are called: undations of curriculum b. Curriculum Design ¢. Curriculum Evaluation a. Elements of curriculum Te ere — Question 20 37. What do we call a discourse produced by a single speaker? a! Dialogue b. Conversation c. Monologue d, Monograph Question no 38. What is the name some grammarians have given to such parenthetical expressions as ‘you know’ and ‘you see’? a.Noun phrases. Comment clauses ¢. Relative clauses _d. Subordinate clauses Question no 39, Which of these words do you most associate with prescriptivisin? ©. Change b. Variation c. Correctness d. Tolerance Question no 40. What we call linguistics when it tries to solve problems in other domains? 0. Corpus linguistics b. Communication studies c. Cultural linguistics d. Applied linguistics Question ho 44. What is on iambic pentameter? a. Aneight sylloble rhyming aabb b. Aline of five feet in which the dominant accent usually falls on the second syllable of each {foot (di dum), a pattern known as an iamb c. An emblem of truth worn by the hero of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight d. Ashyming couplet of seven syllables Question no 42. What is the heroic couplet? a. A poir of heroes in an epic poom united by solernn ties of friendship b. A double epithed such as ‘horse-taming Hector’ c. Apair of rhyming iambic pentameters dA pair of rhyming iambic lines of twelve syllable Question no 43. What is a trochee? a. Atwo syllable foot of verse with two heavy stresses b. Atwo syllable foot of verse in which the stress falls on the first syllable Asi line stanza in which the rhyme sounds are all identical d. A tool used by medieval poets to erase thelr mistakes Question no 44. A good definition of American Realism is. @, An examination of life as it actually is. b. A romantic portrayal of Ife. ¢. An examination of the countryside versus the city. d. A sad and depressing view of reality. Question no 16, What is the term use to describe the creative capacity of language to invent new words and sentences? a, Proxemicsb. Syntax ¢. Structure d. Productivity Question no 17. What are the two levels of language referred to by the term ‘duality’? «. Phonetics and phonology b. Sound and meaning ¢. Kinesics and proxemics d. Morphology and syntex Question no 18. Which question about language use does pragmatics try to answer? a.What?—b. When? &. Where? d. Why? Question no 19. Under what heading would we discuss the use of such titles as ‘Mr’ and ‘hrs’? a.Spelling —_b. Pronunciation. Terms of address Graffiti Question no 20. Which of these words would you expect to find as @ lexeme heading a dictionary entry? o.Giving ——b. Gave «Ove 4. Gives Question no 21. Which of these figures most closely reflects the size of an educated adult's active vacabulary? a, 50,000 .5000 <. 1,000,000. d. 200, 000 Question no 22. What is the term for two words (lexemes) that have the same meaning? @. Antonyms b. Similes e Metophors d. Synonyms Question no 23. Which of these is « gradable opposite? cold ¢. Male female @, Husband wife b. Hot- Question no 24. What is the term for semantic connectedness we expect to find jin a story? a. Syntax b. Layout ©, Coherence a. Discourse = 37 Question no $4, Revolt against the conservative values of realism? a, Naturalism — b. Melapropism —c. Modernism d. Postmodernism Question no 55. A literary style in which one’s thoughts and feelings are depicted in a continous and uninterrupted flow. P a. Stream of Consciousness b. Southern Gothic —¢. Sonnet —d. Soliloquy Question no $6. A writer creates unreal characters and situations and asks the reader to pretend that they are real in a fictional work, a. Narrator b. Verisimilitude c. Point of View 4d, Vernacular Question no 57. Characters that have many traits or aspects to their personality. a. Flot Character Round Character —_. Static Character. Dynamile Character Question no 58. A phrase that is common on everyday, uncoinstrained conversation, rather thon in formal speech, academic writing, or paralinguisties. a. Classcism b Realism ¢. Anachronism d. Colloquialism Question no $9. A navel or story whose theme is the moral or psychological growth of the main character. 0. Bildungsroman_ b, Avant-garde . Literary Theory d. Pathetic Fallacy Question no 60. An overused expression, «, Motif b Pun ©. Oxymoron d. Cliché Question no 61. Systematic study of the nature of literature and the methods for analyzing literature. 0. In Medias Res b. Hamartio c. Hubris d, Literary Theory Question no 62. A moment when a character is alone and specks his ore her thoughts aloud. a, Synechdoche b. Soliloquy Myth d, Metonymy Question no 63. A figure of speech in which a word represents something else which it suggests. a. Synecdoche —_b. Soliloquy c. Myth d. Meonymy Question no 64. A figure of speech where in a part of something represents the whole thing. a Synecdoche —_b. Soliloquy c. Myth d, Meonymy question no 65. Expresses the authors attitude toward his or her subject. a. Mood b. Tone Theme, d. Style Question no 66. A situation or a statement that seems to contradict itself, but on closer inspection, does not. a. Parody b. Pathetic Fallacy —_c. Oxymoron . Paradox set ee ae: ‘Question No.33. The term Psycholinguistics was first used in period. a) Formative Period (b)Pre-Paradigm Period (€ Linguistic Period (d)Structural Period Question No.34. is the smallest unit within a Janguage system. a) Phoneme (e)Morpheme (c)Word (@Lexeme Question No.35. Cooing begins at an age of: a) 1 year (b )1-2 Months (© )6 Months (@)9 Months Question No.36. What do children begin to use around their second year of life? a) Single word action descriptions (b )Single words for people's names b) Sentences, (d)Two-word phrases Question No.37. is a language disorder resulting from brain damage that involves a loss of the ability to use words. a) Aphasia —(b) Broca’s disorder (¢ )LAD —_(d) Wernicke’s disorder Question No.38. The optimal time for learning a second language is: a) Adulthood (b)Rarly to middle childhood (C)Late childhood (@ Adolescence Question No.39. refers to language viewed over time. This is one of the major structural distinctions introduced by Saussure and which is used to characterize types of linguistic investigation. a). Synehronic (b)Metonymy (QHomonymy ——_(d)Dizchronie Question No.40_ refers to the view, propounded by ‘Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf, that language determines the way in which people think, a) Metalanguage (b) Linguistic Determinism (c)Structuralism (4) Rhetoric Question Not. 5 @ type of linguistic analysis which stresses the intertelatedness of all levels and sub-levels of language. It was introduced by Ferdinand de Saussure (1957-1913) as a deliberate reaction to the historically oriented linguistics of the 19th century and subsequently established itselfas the standard paradigr until the 1950's when it was joined, if not replaced, by generative grammar. a) Theoretical Linguistics b) Deconstruction ©) Post-Structuralism d) Structuralism Question No.42. _ is the study of the sound system of one or more languages. IU involves the classification of sounds and a description of the interrelationship of the elements on a systematic level. a) Phonetics (Phonology (Morphology (OGraphology Question No.43. is a term which refers to all the suprasepmental properties of language such as pitch, loudness, tempo and rhythm a) Filler (b)Rhythm (c )intonation (@) Prosody Question No.44. is a now word in the vocabulary of a language; frequently a borrowing but not necessarily so. a) Lexicon (6) Neologism (© Opaque (@Transparent Question No.45. relers to any set of words which share their form but have different meanings. a) Homonym (b) Synonym, (c)Antonym. (@Rheme Question No.46. is a term derived from Ferdinand de Saussure which refers to language as itis spoken, contrasts this with langue. a) Binary Structure (b)Connotation ()Denotation (d)Parole Question No.47. isa style level ina language. When we speak, we automatically Iocaie ourselves on a specific stylistic level. This can vary depending on the situation in which we find ourselves. a) Idiolect (b)Creole (Pidgin (@Register Question No.48. is one of the main schools of thought in 26th century psychology which maintains that language acquisition proceeds by imitation. a) Behaviorism (b)Nativism (c )Deconstruction (d) Postmodernism Question No.49. is an area within historical linguistics which is concerned with the origin and development of the form and meaning of words and the relationship of both these aspects to each other. a) Reconstruction (b)Historical Linguisties (c Etymology (d)Physiology Question No.50._ She has never experienced this stunt before. The underlined word is: a) Demonstrative Pronoun b) Adjective of number c) Adverb of Manner d)_Adverb of time Question No.S1. How many plays did William Shakespeare Write? a) 51 (426 (38 (a2 Question No.S2. Who is still alive at the end of the play Hamlet? a) Hamlet, Gertrude, and Claudius b) Horatio and Fortinbras ©) Fortinbras, Polonius, and Horatio @) Claudius and Laertes Question No.33. What is inside the letter Claudius gives to Rosencrantz. and Guildenstern in Shakespeare's play Hamler? @) Anorder to bave Hamlet arrested Y) A greeting torthe k 4 ©) Aconfession for the guilt of Hamlet's father 4d) Anorder to have Hamlet executed Question No.54. Which one of the following playwrights was not among the University Wits: ng of Bry a) Christopher Marlowe (b)Robert Greene (c)William Shakespeare @ Thomas Lodge Question No.55. All drama originates from ancient Greece where groups of people worshiped the god by singing and dancing together a) Apollo (b) Dionysus (Bacchus (@ Zeus Question No.56. In Aristotle’s view tragedy grew out of: a) Festivals of Dionysia (b )Goat-song (© Dithyrambs (d) Greek Mythology Question No.57, Which figures of speech are used in the following quote: “Ihave no spur / To prick the sides of my intent, but only Vaulting ambition, which o'er leaps itself / And fall on the other”. (William Shakespeare): a) Simile, paradox (&)Pun, irony (c metaphor, personification _ (d) Apostrophe, oxymoron Question No.58. Identify the figure of speech used in the quote: “I looked into your eyes too often, and in the end became hardened; / There came a day when Adam tumed his back on Eve, and gardened.” (R-P. Lister) a) Pun {b) Allusion (¢)Understatement (d)Apostrophe Question No.59._A possible description of J. Alfred Prufrock in T. S. Eliot’s Love Song is that he a) has thin hair, arms, legs, and wears stuffy clothing. b) is tall and gaunt, with a reddish complexion. ) has small, dark, brooding eyes and thick glasses with silver rims 4) is short, squat, heavy, and jolly

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