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Vol. 56, No. 3, March 2007, pp 882–891

DOI 10.1002/art.22446
© 2007, American College of Rheumatology

Boundary Lubrication of Articular Cartilage

Role of Synovial Fluid Constituents

Tannin A. Schmidt, Nicholas S. Gastelum, Quynhhoa T. Nguyen,

Barbara L. Schumacher, and Robert L. Sah

Objective. To determine whether the synovial combination, both at physiologic and pathophysiologic
fluid (SF) constituents hyaluronan (HA), proteoglycan 4 concentrations, to the boundary lubrication of apposing
(PRG4), and surface-active phospholipids (SAPL) con- articular cartilage surfaces. These results provide in-
tribute to boundary lubrication, either independently or sight into the nature of the boundary lubrication of
additively, at an articular cartilage–cartilage interface. articular cartilage by SF and its constituents. They
Methods. Cartilage boundary lubrication tests therefore provide insight regarding both the homeo-
were performed with fresh bovine osteochondral sam- static maintenance of healthy joints and pathogenic
ples. Tests were performed using graded concentrations processes in arthritic disease.
of SF, HA, and PRG4 alone, a physiologic concentration
of SAPL, and various combinations of HA, PRG4, and Articular cartilage is the lubricious, load-bearing
SAPL at physiologic concentrations. Static (␮static, Neq) tissue at the end of long bones in synovial joints that
and kinetic (<␮kinetic, Neq>) friction coefficients were normally facilitates low-friction and low-wear articula-
calculated. tion. When healthy, it provides low-friction properties to
Results. Normal SF functioned as an effective the synovial joint through a combination of lubrication
boundary lubricant both at a concentration of 100% mechanisms (1). Pressurized fluid, within the tissue and
(<␮kinetic, Neq> ⴝ 0.025) and at a 3-fold dilution between the surfaces, such as in a fluid film, can bear
(<␮kinetic, Neq> ⴝ 0.029). Both HA and PRG4 contrib- significant portions of the load. Lubricant molecules
uted independently to a low ␮ in a dose-dependent within a surface layer or film at the articular surface also
manner. Values of <␮kinetic, Neq> decreased from ⬃0.24 mediate load bearing, particularly the surface-to-surface
in phosphate buffered saline to 0.12 in 3,300 ␮g/ml HA contact in the boundary mode of lubrication. This mode
and 0.11 in 450 ␮g/ml PRG4. HA and PRG4 in combi- of lubrication has been proposed to be important for the
nation lowered ␮ further at the high concentrations, protection and maintenance of articular surfaces since
attaining a <␮kinetic, Neq> value of 0.066. SAPL at 200 the apposing cartilage layers within the joint make
␮g/ml did not significantly lower ␮, either indepen- contact over ⬃10% of the total area, where much of the
dently or in combination with HA and PRG4. friction may occur (2). Synovial fluid (SF) contains
Conclusion. The results described here indicate the molecules hyaluronan (HA) (3), proteoglycan 4
that SF constituents contribute, individually and in (PRG4) (the name assigned by the Human Genome
Organization Gene Nomenclature Committee for pro-
Supported by the NIH and NSF. Dr. Sah’s work was sup- teins also known as lubricin, superficial zone protein,
ported by a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professors Program
award to the University of California, San Diego. and megakaryocyte-stimulating factor) (4,5), and
Tannin A. Schmidt, PhD, Nicholas S. Gastelum, Quynhhoa T. surface-active phospholipids (SAPL) (6), each of which
Nguyen, BS, Barbara L. Schumacher, BS, Robert L. Sah, MD, ScD: interacts with and adsorbs to the articular surface. Such
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Robert L. molecules are all ideally positioned to contribute to
Sah, MD, ScD, Department of Bioengineering, Mail Code 0412, 9500 boundary lubrication.
Gilman Drive, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA SF, as well as HA, PRG4, and SAPL, have each
92093-0412. E-mail:
Submitted for publication June 12, 2006; accepted in revised demonstrated boundary-lubricating ability at various
form December 6, 2006. test interfaces. SF was recently shown to function as an

effective boundary lubricant at an interface between ents HA, PRG4, and SAPL contribute to boundary
apposed articular cartilage surfaces using an annulus-on- lubrication, either independently or additively, at an
disc configuration (7). These results were consistent with articular cartilage–cartilage interface. To achieve this
findings of several previous studies and extended them objective, the effect of graded dilutions of SF on carti-
using native cartilage surfaces in similar (8,9) and dif- lage boundary lubrication was first determined. Then,
ferent (10,11) test configurations, as well as using nonbio- the independent effects of graded concentrations of HA
logic surfaces (8,12,13). The lubricating ability of HA and PRG4, and of a physiologic concentration of SAPL,
has been assessed at cartilage–cartilage (14–18), on cartilage boundary lubrication were determined. Fi-
cartilage–steel (19), and cartilage–glass interfaces (18,20), nally, the combined effect of physiologic concentrations
as well as at a latex–glass interface under boundary lubri- of HA, PRG4, and SAPL on cartilage boundary lubri-
cation conditions (12,21), with variable conclusions, possi- cation was determined.
bly due to the different test surfaces and configurations
and the various resulting operative modes of lubrication.
Conversely, PRG4 proteins (22), which are synthesized MATERIALS AND METHODS
and secreted by cells lining the synovial cavity (4,5), have Materials. Materials for lubrication testing were ob-
consistently demonstrated boundary-lubricating ability tained as described previously (7). In addition, high molecular
at both cartilage–glass (23) and latex–glass interfaces weight (MW) sodium hyaluronate (HA; SUPARTZ, 10 mg/ml,
(12,21,24,25). Studies examining the lubricating ability 620–1,170 kd) was obtained from Seikagaku Corporation
(Tokyo, Japan), and DPPC was obtained from Sigma-Aldrich
of SAPL at a cartilage–cartilage interface (in combina- (St. Louis, MO).
tion with HA) (19) and at a cartilage–steel interface Lubricant preparation and characterization. The con-
(19,26), as well as at a latex–glass interface under centrations of HA, PRG4, and phospholipids in the test
boundary lubrication conditions (13), suggest that SAPL lubricants were determined by the carbazole reaction for
may also possess boundary-lubricating ability. Collec- uronic acid (35), by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA) (36), and by phospholipid assay using Phospholipids
tively, these studies suggest that HA, PRG4, and SAPL B Standard Solution and Color Reagent (Wako, Richmond,
each may contribute to the boundary-lubricating ability VA) (28), respectively.
of SF at a cartilage–cartilage interface. HA. The concentration of HA in the SUPARTZ HA
Consequently, the boundary-lubricating ability of stock solution was confirmed prior to storage at ⫺20°C.
SF may be altered in joint injury and arthritis due to the PRG4. PRG4 was prepared from ⬃300 cartilage discs
(6 mm diameter and ⬃0.3 mm thick, including the articular
alteration in concentrations of HA, PRG4, and SAPL. surface) harvested from 6 immature bovine stifle joints. Car-
The concentration of HA in human SF ranges from 1–4 tilage discs were incubated for 6–15 days in Dulbecco’s mod-
mg/ml in healthy individuals (27,28) and decreases after ified Eagle’s medium with 0.01% bovine serum albumin, 25
effusive joint injury (29) and in arthritic disease to ␮g/ml ascorbic acid, and 10 ng/ml recombinant human trans-
⬃0.1–1.3 mg/ml (28,30). The concentration of PRG4 in forming growth factor ␤1 (PeproTech, Rocky Hill, NJ). Cul-
ture medium was changed every 3 days and collected for
human SF ranges from 52 ␮g/ml to 350 ␮g/ml postmor- processing. To purify PRG4, the conditioned culture medium
tem and from 276 ␮g/ml to 762 ␮g/ml in SF obtained was saved, pooled, and fractionated by anion-exchange chro-
from patients undergoing arthrocentesis procedures matography essentially as described previously (4). Briefly, the
(31). Conversely, using a rabbit knee injury model, the sample was applied onto DEAE-Sepharose, previously equili-
concentration of PRG4 in SF decreased from 280 ␮g/ml brated with 0.15M NaCl, 0.005M EDTA, and 0.05M sodium
acetate, pH 6.0. The 0.3–0.6M NaCl eluate was collected,
to 20–100 ␮g/ml 3 weeks after injury (32). The majority concentrated with a Centricon Plus 100-kd MW cutoff filter,
of the lipids in human SF are phospholipids, the con- and then quantified by ELISA (36) using monoclonal antibody
centration of which ranges from ⬃0.1 mg/ml to ⬃0.2 (mAb) 3A4 (a gift from Dr. Bruce Caterson) (37) prior to
mg/ml in normal individuals, increases in osteoarthritis storage at ⫺20°C. Control studies indicated that the DEAE
to ⬃0.2–0.3 mg/ml (28), and can decrease following buffer used for PRG4 purification did not alter boundary-
lubricating ability, since SF samples (described below) retained
traumatic injury to ⬃0.02–0.08 mg/ml (33). While most lubricating ability after dialysis against the buffer.
phospholipids are surface active, dipalmitoyl-phospha- The size distribution of immunoreactive PRG4 was
tidylcholine (DPPC) is particularly so and is the most characterized by Western blot using mAb 3A4 after electro-
abundant form present in SF at ⬃45% (6,34). phoresis on a 4–20% sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide
The governing hypothesis of the present study gel and transfer to a polyvinylidene difluoride membrane. A
single immunoreactive band at ⬃345 kd was visualized by
was that SF constituents contribute to the boundary ECL-Plus detection and digital scanning with a STORM 840
lubrication of articular cartilage. The specific objective Imaging System (Molecular Dynamics, Fairfield, CT). The
of this study was to determine whether the SF constitu- concentrations of HA (determined from uronic acid concen-

tration) and phospholipids in the PRG4 preparation (at 450

␮g/ml) were 30 ␮g/ml and ⬍0.5 ␮g/ml, respectively.
SAPL. A 10⫻ solution of DPPC at 2,000 ␮g/ml (⬃106
times the concentration of phospholipids at which micelles can
be formed [38]) was sonicated (Sonics & Materials, Danbury,
CT) (13) in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) for 15 minutes to
solubilize the DPPC, a standard technique used to produce
liposomes (39) resulting in an opaque solution for which the
concentration of SAPL was confirmed. The SAPL solution was
stored at ⫺20°C prior to use.
SF. Normal bovine SF pooled from 5 animals was
obtained as described previously (7) and clarified by centrifu-
gation (10,000g for 60 minutes at 4°C) prior to storage at
⫺80°C. The concentrations of HA and phospholipid were
⬃1,000 ␮g/ml and ⬃100 ␮g/ml, respectively. The concentra-
tion of the major immunoreactive PRG4 band at ⬃345 kd,
visualized by Western blot (described above) after hyaluroni-
dase treatment, was calculated to be ⬃450 ␮g/ml by quantita-
tive comparison to a similar molecular weight band of a known
amount of purified bovine PRG4 (4), as determined by ELISA
(36) (described above).
Sample preparation. Fresh osteochondral samples
(n ⫽ 40) were prepared for friction testing from the patel-
lofemoral groove of 10 skeletally mature bovine stifle joints
(⬃1 year old, ⬃0.86 moles pyridinoline/mole collagen [40]), as Figure 1. Boundary lubrication test protocol. A, Osteochondral annu-
described previously (7). Briefly, each sample consisted of an lus and core samples were compressed axially to a compression level
osteochondral core (radius 6 mm) and an apposed osteochon- (1 ⫺ ⌳Z, where ⌳Z is the stretch ratio) equal to 18% of the total
dral annulus (outer radius [Ro] 3.2 mm, inner radius [Ri] 1.5 cartilage thickness. B, A rotational test protocol with preconditioning,
mm), both with central holes (radius 0.5 mm) drilled down into a stress relaxation duration (Tsr) of 3,600 seconds, and an effective
and exiting the bone to facilitate fluid depressurization. In sliding velocity (veff) of 0.3 mm/second was then used to determine the
addition, samples were first rinsed vigorously overnight in ⬃40 effects of test lubricants and presliding durations (Tps) of 1,200, 120,
ml of PBS to deplete the articular surface of residual SF prior 12, and 1.2 seconds on the boundary lubrication of articular cartilage.
to lubrication testing in PBS. (Pilot studies confirmed that the
glycosaminoglycan content within the articular cartilage [41] of
rinsed samples was similar [within 1%] to that of nonrinsed
samples [P ⫽ 0.83] [n ⫽ 4].) Samples were then bathed in ⬃0.5 Experimental design. To determine whether HA,
ml of the subsequent test lubricants, completely immersing the PRG4, and SAPL contribute to cartilage boundary lubrication
cartilage, at 4°C for 24 hours prior to lubrication testing. either independently or additively, test lubricants were pre-
Lubrication test. Cartilage boundary lubrication tests pared in PBS. In all experiments, samples of articulating
(Figure 1) were performed on an ELF 3200 (Bose Endur- cartilage substrate were tested 3–5 times, in PBS (serving as
aTEC, Minnetonka, MN) essentially as described previously the negative control test lubricant) on the first day of lubrica-
(7). Briefly, samples of articulating cartilage were precondi- tion testing, in various test lubricant(s), and then in SF (serving
tioned by compressing at a constant rate of 0.002 mm/second as the positive control test lubricant) on the last day of
to a compression level (1 ⫺ ⌳Z, where ⌳Z is the stretch ratio lubrication testing.
[42]) equal to 18% of the total cartilage thickness, rotated ⫹2 Graded dilutions of SF. To determine the effect of
revolutions and then ⫺2 revolutions at an effective sliding graded dilutions of SF on cartilage boundary lubrication, tests
velocity (veff; equal to ␻Reff, where ␻ is the angular frequency were performed in PBS, 3.3% SF, 10% SF, 33% SF, and then
in radians/second and Reff is the effective radius, calculated to 100% SF.
be 2/3 ⫻ [(Ro3 – Ri3)/(Ro2 – Ri2)] ⫽ 2.4 mm [9]) equal to 3 SF constituents alone. To determine the independent
mm/second, and then unloaded to 0%. This sequence was then effects of graded concentrations of HA and PRG4 and of a
repeated twice more. Samples were then tested by first com- physiologic concentration of SAPL on cartilage boundary
pressing to 1 ⫺ ⌳Z ⫽ 18% and allowing a 60-minute stress lubrication, 3 sequences of tests were performed. For HA, tests
relaxation duration (Tsr) for interstitial fluid depressurization. were performed in PBS, 110 ␮g/ml HA, 1,100 ␮g/ml HA, 3,300
Then, samples were rotated ⫹2 revolutions and then ⫺2 ␮g/ml HA, and then SF. For PRG4, tests were performed in
revolutions at a veff of 0.3 mm/second (which is slow enough to PBS, 4.5 ␮g/ml PRG4, 45 ␮g/ml PRG4, 450 ␮g/ml PRG4, and
maintain a boundary mode of lubrication at a depressurized then SF. For SAPL, tests were performed in PBS, 200 ␮g/ml
articular cartilage–cartilage interface [7] and is on the order of SAPL, and then SF.
that used in other test configurations [43]) with presliding SF constituents in combination. To determine the ad-
durations (Tps; the duration the sample is stationary prior to ditive effect of physiologic concentrations of HA (3,300 ␮g/
rotation) of 1,200, 120, 12, and 1.2 seconds. The test sequence ml), PRG4 (450 ␮g/ml), and SAPL (200 ␮g/ml) in various
was then repeated in the opposite direction of rotation. combinations on cartilage boundary lubrication, tests were

performed in PBS, HA or PRG4, HA plus PRG4, HA plus

PRG4 plus SAPL, and then SF.
Statistical analysis. To evaluate the boundary lubrica-
tion properties of test lubricants, 2 friction coefficients (␮)
were determined, as described previously (7). These para-
meters were calculated from the expression ␮ ⫽ ␶/(Reff ⫻
⌵eq), where ␶ is torque, ⌵eq is the equilibrium axial load after
the 60-minute Tsr, and Reff is the effective radius of the
annulus sample described above (9). Briefly, a static friction
coefficient, ␮static, Neq, was calculated using the peak | ␶ |,
measured just after (within 10° of) the start of rotation, and
the equilibrium axial load at the end of the 60-minute
stress relaxation period, ⌵eq. A kinetic friction coefficient,
⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ (the brackets indicate that the value is an
average), was calculated using the | ␶ | averaged during the
second complete revolution of the test sample and ⌵eq. Then,
␮static, Neq and ⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ were averaged for the ⫹ and ⫺
revolutions in each test.
Unless indicated otherwise, data are presented as the
mean ⫾ SEM. The effects of test lubricant and Tps (as a
repeated factor) on each of the 2 friction coefficients,
␮static, Neq and ⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎, were assessed by analysis of
variance (ANOVA). In all test lubricants, ⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎
increased slightly with increasing Tps, with mean ⫾ SD values
at Tps ⫽ 1.2 seconds being on average within 9 ⫾ 11%, or
0.009 ⫾ 0.015, of values at Tps ⫽ 1,200 seconds (which ranged
from ⬃0.02 to ⬃0.3) (P ⬍ 0.001). Therefore, for brevity and
clarity, ⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ data are presented at Tps ⫽ 1.2 seconds
only. Accordingly, the effect of test lubricant on ⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎
at Tps ⫽ 1.2 seconds was assessed by ANOVA, with Tukey post
hoc testing. Statistical analysis was implemented with Systat
10.2 (Systat, Richmond, CA).

RESULTS Figure 2. Effect of graded concentrations of synovial fluid (SF) on

the boundary lubrication of articular cartilage. Shown are static
Lubrication test characterization. In all experi- (␮static, Neq) (A) and kinetic (⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ [the brackets indicate that
ments, friction was modulated by test lubricant (e.g., the value is an average]) (B) friction coefficients in phosphate buffered
differing at least between SF, the positive control, and saline (PBS) and various concentrations of SF. In B, the presliding
duration was 1.2 seconds. Values are the mean and SEM (n ⫽ 4–8).
PBS, the negative control) and Tps. In all test lubricants,
␮static, Neq increased with increasing Tps and appeared
to approach ⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ asymptotically as Tps de-
creased from 1,200 seconds toward 0 seconds (to 1.2 with increasing concentrations of SF at all Tps. At Tps ⫽
seconds). Mean ⫾ SD values of ␮static, Neq were consis- 120 seconds, values of ␮static, Neq decreased from 0.40 ⫾
tently highest in PBS, ranging from 0.34 ⫾ 0.06 to 0.58 ⫾ 0.03 in PBS to 0.117 ⫾ 0.006 in 33% SF and 0.120 ⫾
0.03 with increasing Tps; mean ⫾ SD values of ␮static, Neq 0.006 in 100% SF. ⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ at Tps ⫽ 1.2 seconds
were consistently lowest in SF, ranging from 0.037 ⫾ also varied with test lubricant (P ⬍ 0.001) (Figure 2B).
0.008 to 0.22 ⫾ 0.02 with increasing Tps. Similarly, with Values of ⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ decreased significantly with
⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎, mean ⫾ SD values were highest in PBS increasing concentrations of SF, from 0.20 ⫾ 0.02 in PBS
(0.24 ⫾ 0.04) and lowest in SF (0.028 ⫾ 0.006). Equilib- to 0.11 ⫾ 0.02 in 10% SF (P ⬍ 0.01), 0.029 ⫾ 0.002 in
rium compressive load was not affected by test lubricants 33% SF (P ⬍ 0.01), and 0.025 ⫾ 0.005 in 100% SF (P ⬍
(P ⫽ 0.15) with mean ⫾ SD ⌵eq ⫽ 2.7 ⫾ 0.6 N. 0.01).
Effect of graded dilutions of SF. Friction coeffi- Effect of SF constituents alone. HA. Friction
cients were reduced by SF in a dose-dependent manner coefficients were reduced by HA in a dose-dependent
(Figure 2). ␮static, Neq varied with test lubricant (P ⬍ manner (Figure 3). ␮static, Neq varied with test lubricant
0.001) and Tps (P ⬍ 0.001), with an interaction effect (P ⬍ 0.001) and Tps (P ⬍ 0.001), with an interaction
(P ⬍ 0.001) (Figure 2A). Values of ␮static, Neq decreased effect (P ⬍ 0.01) (Figure 3A). Values of ␮static, Neq

of PRG4 at all Tps. At Tps ⫽ 120 seconds, values of

␮static, Neq decreased from 0.48 ⫾ 0.02 in PBS to 0.27 ⫾
0.03 in 450 ␮g/ml PRG4, with the value in SF being the
lowest at 0.12 ⫾ 0.02. ⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ at Tps ⫽ 1.2
seconds also varied with test lubricant (P ⬍ 0.001)
(Figure 4B). Values of ⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ decreased signif-
icantly with increasing concentrations of PRG4, from
0.23 ⫾ 0.02 in PBS and 0.20 ⫾ 0.01 in 4.5 ␮g/ml PRG4
to 0.10 ⫾ 0.02 in 450 ␮g/ml PRG4 (both P ⬍ 0.001),
which was greater than the value of 0.04 ⫾ 0.01 in SF
(P ⬍ 0.05).
SAPL. Friction coefficients were not affected by
SAPL (Figure 5). ␮static, Neq varied with test lubricant
(P ⬍ 0.001) and Tps (P ⬍ 0.001), with an interaction
effect (P ⬍ 0.001) (Figure 5A). Values of ␮static, Neq
appeared to decrease slightly with the addition of SAPL

Figure 3. Effect of graded concentrations of hyaluronan (HA) on the

boundary lubrication of articular cartilage. Shown are static (A) and
kinetic (B) friction coefficients in PBS, various concentrations of HA,
and SF. In B, the presliding duration was 1.2 seconds. Values are the
mean and SEM (n ⫽ 4–8). See Figure 2 for other definitions.

decreased with increasing concentrations of HA at all

Tps. At Tps ⫽ 120 seconds, values of ␮static, Neq decreased
from 0.46 ⫾ 0.02 in PBS to 0.22 ⫾ 0.02 in 3,300 ␮g/ml
HA, with the value in SF being the lowest at 0.11 ⫾ 0.01.
⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ at Tps ⫽ 1.2 seconds also varied with
test lubricant (P ⬍ 0.001) (Figure 3B). Values of
⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ decreased significantly with increasing
concentrations of HA, from 0.26 ⫾ 0.01 in PBS to
0.21 ⫾ 0.02 in 110 ␮g/ml HA (P ⬍ 0.05) and to 0.118 ⫾
0.009 in 3,300 ␮g/ml HA (P ⬍ 0.01), which was greater
than the value of 0.031 ⫾ 0.004 in SF (P ⬍ 0.01).
PRG4. Friction coefficients were reduced by PRG4
in a dose-dependent manner (Figure 4). ␮static, Neq varied Figure 4. Effect of graded concentrations of proteoglycan 4 (PRG4)
on the boundary lubrication of articular cartilage. Shown are static (A)
with test lubricant (P ⬍ 0.001) and Tps (P ⬍ 0.001), with and kinetic (B) friction coefficients in PBS, various concentrations of
no interaction effect (P ⫽ 0.72) (Figure 4A). Values PRG4, and SF. In B, the presliding duration was 1.2 seconds. Values
of ␮static, Neq decreased with increasing concentrations are the mean and SEM (n ⫽ 8). See Figure 2 for other definitions.

with the addition of HA and/or PRG4 at all Tps. At

Tps ⫽ 120 seconds, values of ␮static, Neq decreased from
0.51 ⫾ 0.02 in PBS to 0.22 ⫾ 0.02 in HA and 0.23 ⫾
0.02 in PRG4 and to 0.18 ⫾ 0.01 in HA plus PRG4,
with the value in SF being the lowest at 0.130 ⫾
0.008. ⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ at Tps ⫽ 1.2 seconds also varied
with test lubricant (P ⬍ 0.001) (Figure 6B). Values of
⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ decreased significantly with the addition
of HA and/or PRG4, from 0.29 ⫾ 0.01 in PBS to 0.12 ⫾
0.01 in HA (P ⬍ 0.01) and 0.11 ⫾ 0.01 in PRG4 (P ⬍
0.01) and to 0.066 ⫾ 0.003 in HA plus PRG4 (P ⬍ 0.05
and P ⬍ 0.01, respectively), which was greater than the

Figure 5. Effect of surface-active phospholipids (SAPL) on the

boundary lubrication of articular cartilage. Shown are static (A) and
kinetic (B) friction coefficients in PBS, 200 ␮g/ml SAPL, and SF. In B,
the presliding duration was 1.2 seconds. Values are the mean and SEM
(n ⫽ 8). See Figure 2 for other definitions.

compared with PBS at all Tps. At Tps ⫽ 120 seconds,

values of ␮static, Neq ranged from 0.39 ⫾ 0.02 in PBS to
0.34 ⫾ 0.02 in 200 ␮g/ml SAPL, with the value in SF
being the lowest at 0.110 ⫾ 0.009. ⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ at
Tps ⫽ 1.2 seconds also varied with test lubricant (P ⬍
0.001) (Figure 5B). Values of ⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ did not
decrease significantly from 0.21 ⫾ 0.02 in PBS to 0.17 ⫾
0.01 in 200 ␮g/ml SAPL (P ⫽ 0.17), which was greater
than the value of 0.031 ⫾ 0.002 in SF (P ⬍ 0.001).
Effect of SF constituents in combination. Friction Figure 6. Effect of hyaluronan (HA), proteoglycan 4 (PRG4), and
coefficients were reduced by certain combinations of surface-active phospholipids (SAPL) in combination on the boundary
HA, PRG4, and SAPL at physiologic concentrations of lubrication of articular cartilage. Shown are static (A) and kinetic (B)
3,300 ␮g/ml, 450 ␮g/ml, and 200 ␮g/ml, respectively friction coefficients in PBS, 3,300 ␮g/ml HA, 450 ␮g/ml PRG4, 3,300
␮g/ml HA plus 450 ␮g/ml PRG4, 3,300 ␮g/ml HA plus 450 ␮g/ml
(Figure 6). ␮static, Neq varied with test lubricant (P ⬍ PRG4 plus 200 ␮g/ml SAPL, and SF. In B, the presliding duration was
0.001) and Tps (P ⬍ 0.001), with an interaction effect 1.2 seconds. Values are the mean and SEM (n ⫽ 4–8). See Figure 2 for
(P ⬍ 0.001) (Figure 6A). Values of ␮static, Neq decreased other definitions.

value of 0.024 ⫾ 0.003 in SF (P ⬍ 0.05). The addition friction-lowering effects of other specific forms of SF
of SAPL did not significantly lower the value of constituents. Additional studies examining the
⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ (0.062 ⫾ 0.002) from its value in structure–function relationship of SF constituents con-
HA plus PRG4 (P ⫽ 0.99). tributing to boundary lubrication, both alone and in
combination, may provide the framework for the poten-
tial complete recapitulation of the boundary-lubricating
ability of whole SF. In the present study, the observed
The results described here indicate that SF con- friction-lowering effect of the constituents, used at phys-
stituents contribute, individually and in combination, iologic concentrations, suggests that they are sufficient
both at physiologic and pathophysiologic concentra- for much of the boundary lubrication of articular carti-
tions, to the boundary lubrication of apposing articular lage that is naturally mediated by SF. The friction
cartilage surfaces. Normal SF functioned as an effective coefficient values, and their variation, were determined
boundary lubricant at the articular cartilage–cartilage here to focus on boundary lubrication mechanism, and
interface tested here (⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ ⫽ 0.025), even with thus may not represent those values for human articular
a 3-fold decrease in constituent concentration cartilage in normal SF. Both normal human cartilage
(⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ ⫽ 0.029) (Figure 2B). Both HA and the and normal SF are difficult to obtain in a sufficient
PRG4 preparation used here contributed independently quantity and controlled manner for the types of exper-
to a low ␮ value in a dose-dependent manner. Values of iments performed here.
⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ decreased from ⬃0.24 in PBS to 0.12 in The dose-dependent boundary-lubricating abili-
3,300 ␮g/ml HA (Figure 3B) and 0.11 in 450 ␮g/ml ties of SF, as well as those of PRG4 individually, are
PRG4 (Figure 4B). HA and PRG4 in combination consistent with (and extend) the findings of several
lowered the ␮ value further at these concentrations, previous studies. Swann et al demonstrated a dose-
attaining a ⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ value of 0.066 (Figure 6B). dependent effect of SF at a cartilage–glass interface
SAPL at 200 ␮g/ml did not significantly lower the ␮ (23). Using the test configuration and protocol used in
value, either independently or in combination with HA the present study (7), SF was previously demonstrated to
and PRG4. Collectively, these results suggest that the SF be an effective boundary lubricant with a similar value of
constituents PRG4 and HA contribute individually and ⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ (⬃0.02). In the present study, the values
in combination to the effective boundary lubrication of of ⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ in PBS (⬃0.24) were considerably
articular cartilage. higher than those reported previously (⬃0.07) (7). As
The SF constituents used in the present study has been noted (17), this can be attributed to the rinsing
were representative of those in native SF. SF is com- of samples in PBS after harvest to remove residual SF
posed of HA ranging from 2,000 kd to 10,000 kd (30,44), from the articular surface prior to testing in PBS. The
PRG4 proteins ranging from ⬃14 kd to ⬃345 kd (4,45), low values of ⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ in SF (⬃0.025) indicate that
and SAPL of different types with DPPC being a major the rinsing did not affect the ability of SF to effectively
form (33). HA has been shown to lubricate at a lubricate the cartilage samples.
cartilage–cartilage interface on a joint scale equally well The dose-dependent effect of PRG4 is consistent
at 1,030 kd and 1,930 kd (14), and certain other prop- with findings in a previous study by Jay (24), using a
erties of HA do not depend on molecular weight either similar test configuration with a latex–glass interface,
(in the range of 500–6,000 kd) (46). Therefore, the use in which lubrication function occurred at concentra-
of SUPARTZ HA (average MW 800 kd) in the present tions ⬎200 ␮g/ml. However, the absolute value of
study was reasonable for studying the boundary- ⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ in 450 ␮g/ml PRG4 observed here
lubricating ability of HA. The boundary-lubricating abil- (⬃0.10) (Figure 4B) is slightly more than the range of
ity of PRG4 is associated with its large central mucin- ␮ values reported in several other studies by Jay et al
like domain (43), which is present in various forms of (⬃0.047–0.018 in 250–400 ␮g/ml PRG4) (12,25,43).
PRG4 with MW ⬎⬃220 kd (25); therefore, an ⬃345-kd This difference may be due to the way in which PRG4
form of PRG4 was prepared from conditioned media interacts with native articular cartilage surfaces, used
and used. Finally, DPPC was chosen since it is the major in the present study, compared with other test sur-
component of SAPL in SF (34). faces. Nevertheless, the results of the present study
Similar SF constituents have been used in several indicate that PRG4 contributes to the boundary lubri-
previous studies examining their lubricating function cation of articular cartilage, as previously concluded
(12,18,21,23–26), and future studies may examine the from studies at a latex–glass interface. These contri-

butions appeared specific to PRG4, since the HA and since samples soaked in HA, then rinsed and tested in
SAPL content in the preparation was low, and control PBS, still had a low ␮ value. These studies suggest that
proteins (albumins and globulins) at a physiologic HA may function by being retained at or between the
concentration did not independently lower the ␮ value articular cartilage surfaces under relative motion during
(data not shown). testing. Such adsorbed layers of HA at the articular
The significant contribution of HA to the bound- surface may have facilitated sliding (16), due to their
ary lubrication of apposed articular cartilage surfaces inherent slipperiness and ease of disentangling (48), and
reported here extends and clarifies the findings of therefore reduced friction between asperities in contact.
previous studies examining the lubricating ability of HA The results indicating that SAPL, in the form of
with test protocols and/or configurations, particularly DPPC, do not significantly contribute to the boundary
where a boundary mode of lubrication was dominant. lubrication of articular cartilage, either alone or in
Bell et al (16) demonstrated that Arthrease, a combination with other SF constituents tested here,
fermentation-derived sodium hyaluronate with an MW provide additional insight into the controversial role of
of 3,000 kd, functioned as an effective lubricant at a SAPL as physiologic boundary lubricants of articular
cartilage–cartilage interface, but only under static con- cartilage. DPPC at ⬃0.35 mg/ml has been shown to
ditions in which the intrinsic biphasic lubrication was slightly lower friction at a cartilage–steel interface (26),
depleted. Despite the absolute values of ␮static for both and phosphatidylcholine at 10 mg/ml dramatically re-
HA and PBS being ⬃3-fold less than those reported duced the ␮ value to ⬃0.016 (compared with a ␮ value
here, which may be attributable to differences in the test of ⬃0.028 in bovine SF) at a latex–glass interface under
configuration and protocols, the study by Bell et al and boundary-lubricating conditions (13). In the present
the present study both show that HA contributes to study, SAPL in the form of DPPC at a physiologic
boundary lubrication. Similarly, Jay et al (12) demon- concentration of 200 ␮g/ml did not significantly lower
strated that Healon, an uncrosslinked form of HA, ⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ alone (Figure 5B), with ⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎
lowered the ␮ value from ⬃0.14 in PBS to ⬃0.07 at 3,340 for DPPC remaining ⬃5-fold greater than that for SF, or
␮g/ml, but not to the level in SF (⬃0.02), at a latex–glass in combination with HA and PRG4 (Figure 6B). Addi-
interface under boundary-lubricating conditions. This tionally, because the PRG4 preparation tested in the
trend is similar to that observed in the present study, present study was free of SAPL in appreciable quantities
although again, the absolute value of ␮ is somewhat (⬍0.5 ␮g/ml), SAPL were not indirectly contributing to
different from the ⬍␮kinetic, Neq⬎ in 3,300 ␮g/ml HA the boundary-lubricating ability of PRG4, as has been
reported here (⬃0.12) (Figure 3B). Such differences postulated as a complicating consideration (49).
may be due to interactions of HA with test surfaces, as However, the boundary-lubricating ability of ad-
postulated for PRG4 above, since the boundary lubrica- ditional forms of SAPL (phosphatidylcholines, phos-
tion function of HA is facilitated by binding to the test phatidylethanolamines, and sphingomyelins [6]) at a
surfaces (47). cartilage–cartilage interface, in various combinations,
Investigators in several other studies have re- and the potential effect of the mode of delivery of the
ported HA to be both effective (14,18) and ineffective SAPL, still remain to be determined. The state in which
(15,17) as a boundary lubricant, using different whole- endogenous lipids predominantly exist in SF (lamellae,
joint test apparatuses in which several modes of lubrica- micelles, or vesicles) also remains to be determined,
tion were likely operative. The conflicting results of although lamellar bodies have been detected by electron
those studies support the disposition that characteriza- microscopy (39).
tion of a test configuration, surfaces, and mode of HA and PRG4 synergistically lowered friction at
lubrication is important when analyzing the mechanism the cartilage–cartilage interface tested here, presumably
of boundary lubrication of articular cartilage. Accord- due to molecular interactions facilitating a molecular
ingly, the test configuration and protocol used in the distribution of shear at the articular surfaces. Jay et al
present study were characterized previously to achieve a (21) previously reported that HA and PRG4 acted
boundary mode of lubrication (7). Thus, HA does synergistically, with HA enabling PRG4 to lubricate
appear to contribute, in a dose-dependent manner, to under higher contact pressures at a latex–glass interface
the boundary lubrication of articular cartilage. Addi- under boundary-lubricating conditions. In that study,
tional pilot studies indicated that HA adsorbed to the hydrophobic attraction of PRG4 molecules along the
articular surface of samples was able to contribute to length of HA was suggested as a possible mechanism for
boundary lubrication even without HA in the test bath, this interaction, although PRG4 does contain other

putative binding domains as well (25). In the present concentration suggests that such an alteration, which can
study, the interaction between HA and PRG4 appeared occur in the settings of both injury and disease (28–
specific, since the subsequent addition of control pro- 30,32,33,53), can impair lubricating function. The combi-
teins (albumins and globulins) at a physiologic concen- nation of the SF constituents HA, PRG4, and SAPL at
tration did not further lower the ␮ value (data not physiologic concentrations approaching, but not fully rep-
shown). Collectively, these results suggest that the re- licating, the boundary-lubricating ability of SF suggests that
pulsive force generated at the individual contact asper- additional lubricant molecules and/or complexes remain to
ities, on the articular cartilage surfaces, coated in HA be identified. More than one specific molecule contributing
and PRG4 was greater than that at asperities coated in to the boundary lubrication of articular cartilage is not
either HA or PRG4 alone. This repulsive force may have particularly surprising given the variety of interactions that
been provided by the structuring of water at the articular can occur between the many molecules present in SF and
surface by the aggregation and/or interaction of PRG4 at the articular surface (for example, see refs. 5,21,54,55).
and HA (5). Regardless of how the repulsive force is
generated, it may indirectly provide protection to chon- AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
drocytes from wear and mechanical disturbances in vivo
Dr. Sah had full access to all of the data in the study and takes
by reducing surface tissue shear. responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data
The role of boundary lubrication relative to other analysis.
operative modes of lubrication mechanisms in vivo Study design. Schmidt, Nguyen, Sah.
Acquisition of data. Schmidt, Gastelum, Nguyen, Schumacher.
remains to be fully elucidated. The lubrication mecha- Analysis and interpretation of data. Schmidt, Gastelum, Nguyen, Sah.
nisms associated with pressurized fluid, within cartilage Manuscript preparation. Schmidt, Sah.
and between its surfaces, likely contribute substantially Statistical analysis. Schmidt, Sah.
to the low friction and low wear articulation within
synovial joints. Extremely low ␮ values, ⬃0.004–0.024, REFERENCES
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