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SECTION I - Please choose the correct answer 9.

below!! a. Aimed
b. Purpos
1. Perjalanan
c. Propose
a. Jurney
d. Purpose
b. Journey
10. Rahasia
c. Journiy
a. Sacred
d. Traveller
b. Secrite
2. Cemburu
c. Secret
a. Jealos
d. Scared
b. Jealousy
11. Mind
c. Jealous to
a. Pikiran
d. Jeales
b. Pemikiran
3. Pengetahuan
c. Memikirkan
a. Nowledge
d. Berpikir
b. Acknowledge
12. Tentara
c. Knowlede
a. Shoulder
d. Knowledge
b. Soldier
4. Pemandangan
c. Sholder
a. Viuw
d. solder
b. Viwe
13. Suatu tempat
c. Landscape
a. Some where
d. Landskeip
b. Somwhere
5. Gunung
c. Somewhere
a. Mount
d. Somewere
b. Amount
14. Cerita
c. Mountain
a. History
d. Mouth
b. Story
6. Alam
c. Historical
a. Mature
d. Story telling
b. Natura
15. Sederhana
c. Nature
a. Simple
d. Natural
b. Simply
7. Penumpang
c. Simplify
a. Pessanger
d. Sample
b. Passanger
16. Jadwal
c. Passenger
a. Schedul
d. Pesangger
b. Schedule
8. Bertanggung jawab
c. Class
a. Responsible
d. Duty
b. Responsibility
17. Kaya
c. Rensponses
a. Reach
d. Possibility
b. Rise
c. Rich
d. Rice
18. Alasan
a. Reason
b. Risen
c. Raisin
d. Rose

19. Bertahan hidup

a. Survey
b. Survive
c. Surf
d. Surfing
20. Jalan setapak
a. Line
b. Track
c. Path
d. Block


1. Please mention somethings around

your house!! (@ 3 things for each area)
- Terrace
- Dining room
- House yard
- Restroom
- Bedroom
2. Please describe the position of 10 things
in this picture!!

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