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NIM : A1M218103


The application that I choose to practice skills was Busuu. Busuu is the world's
largest social network for language learning, providing courses in 12 languages.
After downloading this application, users will be directed to register and then will
be directed to plan the desired learning goals. The point is the goal of learning the
language. This option is quite good because it is tailored to user needs. If you
choose Complete Language Learning, all material will be provided from basic to
advanced. In this application, users can also set their own learning time, so it is
great for users who have other activities. The features of this application really
help improve user capabilities.

1. Using English & Indonesian writing so that you can practice reading and
2. Use voice notes when learning words so they are good for practicing
speaking and listening.
3. The material is always accompanied by pictures.
4. Answer existing questions based on levels, so that users can practice their
5. When the question given is speaking, Busuu will identify whether your
pronunciation is right or wrong.
6. Some programs provide video media to further hone English skills.
7. Practice speaking with native speakers.
8. Language learning is very effective. In the Busuu application, there is a
friendship feature, so fellow users can make friends. Here users can chat
anything, learn to communicate directly, and so on.

The languages available on Busuu are English, Spanish, French, German, Italian,
Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Polish, Turkish, Russian, Arabic. So a total of 12
languages can be learned in 1 application.

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