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Pros and Cons of Online Learning in the midst of the covid 19


Nowadays, the world is being faced with a corona virus outbreak or what
is known as covid 19. This case affects not only one sector, but other
sectors. As we know, this virus causes the government to limit or even
shut down people's daily activities. One of them is in education,
governments from various countries in the world are implementing
online-based learning to avoid meetings and limit the spread of the virus.
This policy invites pros and cons because online-based learning can
have both positive and negative impacts.

Students who agreed with online-based learning expressed their comfort

in attending classes from any location of their choice. Another advantage
of online learning is reduced financial costs. So students don't have to
spend money on transporation and meals, but only on internet.This also
makes it easier for students because online schools can be recorded,
archived, and shared for future reference. So if students need it again,
they will access the learning material at a time of their comfort. Online-
based learning can also be environmentally friendly because all the
course or study materials are available online, that creating a paperless
learning environment which is more affordable.

Well, on the other hand we cannot deny the negative impact of this
system. Not everyone has the privilege of feeling comfortable in online-
based learning. Some of the students and teachers find it difficult to
operate gadgets and the internet. So this causes teaching and learning
activities to be not conducive and efficient. Students can become
overwhelmed with assignments they have no clue how to complete and
because of the physical absence of teachers, it may take days to get
assistance since teachers themselves have their hands full. If this
happens continuously it can cause mental damage, frustration, and
emotional instability in students.

For now, online-based learning must be implemented to prevent the

spread of the virus. Apart from the positive side, the government must be
able to quickly and precisely find solutions to various problems in online-
based learning. The government can still implement this system but
must also see its positive and negative impacts in a balanced manner.

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