2021 Arxiv - Is Space-Time Attention All You Need For Video Understanding?

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Is Space-Time Attention All You Need for Video Understanding?

Gedas Bertasius 1 Heng Wang 1 Lorenzo Torresani 1 2

Abstract of a word can often be understood only by relating it to the

We present a convolution-free approach to video other words in the sentence, it may be argued that atomic
classification built exclusively on self-attention actions in short-term segments need to be contextualized
arXiv:2102.05095v2 [cs.CV] 24 Feb 2021

over space and time. Our method, named “TimeS- with the rest of the video in order to be fully disambiguated.
former,” adapts the standard Transformer architec- Thus, one would expect the long-range self-attention mod-
ture to video by enabling spatiotemporal feature els from NLP to be highly effective for video modeling,
learning directly from a sequence of frame-level not only to capture dependencies across time but also to
patches. Our experimental study compares dif- uncover contextual information within each frame by pair-
ferent self-attention schemes and suggests that wise comparison of features at different spatial locations.
“divided attention,” where temporal attention and However, in the video domain, 2D or 3D convolutions still
spatial attention are separately applied within each represent the core operators for spatiotemporal feature learn-
block, leads to the best video classification accu- ing across different video tasks (Feichtenhofer et al., 2019a;
racy among the design choices considered. De- Teed & Deng, 2020; Bertasius & Torresani, 2020). While
spite the radically different design compared to self-attention has shown benefits when applied on top of
the prominent paradigm of 3D convolutional ar- convolutional layers (Wang et al., 2018a), to the best of our
chitectures for video, TimeSformer achieves state- knowledge, no attempt to use self-attention as the exclusive
of-the-art results on several major action recog- building block for video models has been reported.
nition benchmarks, including the best reported In this work we pose the question of whether it may be
accuracy on Kinetics-400 and Kinetics-600. Fur- possible to build a performant convolution-free video archi-
thermore, our model is faster to train and has tecture by replacing altogether the convolution operator with
higher test-time efficiency compared to compet- self-attention. We argue that such a design has the poten-
ing architectures. Code and pretrained models tial to overcome a few inherent limitations of convolutional
will be made publicly available. models for video analysis. First, while their strong inductive
biases (e.g., local connectivity and translation equivariance)
are undoubtedly beneficial on small training sets, they may
1. Introduction excessively limit the expressivity of the model in settings
Over the last few years, the field of natural language pro- where there is ample availability of data and “all” can be
cessing (NLP) has been revolutionized by the emergence of learned from examples. Compared to CNNs, Transformers
methods based on self-attention (Vaswani et al., 2017a). Be- impose less restrictive inductive biases. This broadens the
cause of their excellent capabilities at capturing long-range family of functions they can represent (Cordonnier et al.,
dependencies among words as well as their training scala- 2020; Zhao et al., 2020), and renders them better suited
bility, self-attention architectures, such as the Transformer to modern big-data regimes where there is less need for
model, represent the current state-of-the-art across a wide strong inductive priors. Second, while convolutional kernels
range of language tasks, including machine translation (Ott are specifically designed to capture short-range spatiotem-
et al., 2018; Chen et al., 2018a), question answering (De- poral information, they cannot model dependencies that
vlin et al., 2019; Dai et al., 2019), and autoregressive word extend beyond the receptive field. While deep stacks of
generation (Radford et al., 2019; Brown et al., 2020). convolutions (Simonyan & Zisserman, 2015; Szegedy et al.,
2015; Carreira & Zisserman, 2017) naturally extend the
Video understanding shares several high-level similarities receptive field, these strategies are inherently limited in cap-
with NLP. First of all, videos and sentences are both funda- turing long-range dependencies by means of aggregation
mentally sequential. Furthermore, precisely as the meaning of shorter-range information. Conversely, the self-attention
Facebook AI 2 Dartmouth College. Correspondence to: Gedas mechanism can be applied to capture both local as well as
Bertasius <gedas@fb.com>. global long-range dependencies by directly comparing fea-
ture activations at all space-time locations, much beyond the
Is Space-Time Attention All You Need for Video Understanding?

receptive field of traditional convolutional filters. Finally, convolutional features with self-attention features. Beyond
despite the advances in GPU hardware acceleration, training image categorization, Relation Networks (Hu et al., 2018)
deep CNNs remains very costly, especially when applied to and DETR (Carion et al., 2020) use self-attention on top of
high-resolution and long videos. Recent work in the still- convolutional feature maps for object detection.
image domain (Dosovitskiy et al., 2020; Carion et al., 2020;
Our method is more closely related to image networks lever-
Zhao et al., 2020) has demonstrated that Transformers enjoy
aging self-attention as a substitute for convolution (Parmar
faster training and inference compared to CNNs, making it
et al., 2018; Ramachandran et al., 2019; Cordonnier et al.,
possible to construct models with larger learning capacity
2020; Zhao et al., 2020). Since these works use individual
for the same computational budget.
pixels as queries, in order to maintain a manageable compu-
Motivated by these observations, we propose a video ar- tational cost and a small memory consumption, they must
chitecture built exclusively on self-attention. We adapt the restrict the scope of self-attention to local neighborhoods or
image model “Vision Transformer” (ViT) (Dosovitskiy et al., use global self-attention on heavily downsized versions of
2020) to video by extending the self-attention mechanism the image. Alternative strategies for scalability to full im-
from the image space to the space-time 3D volume. Our ages include sparse key-value sampling (Child et al., 2019)
proposed model, named “TimeSformer” (from Time-Space or constraining the self-attention to be calculated along the
Transformer), views the video as a sequence of patches ex- spatial axes (Ho et al., 2019; Huang et al., 2019; Wang
tracted from the individual frames. As in ViT, each patch is et al., 2020b). A few of the self-attention operators con-
linearly mapped into an embedding and augmented with po- sidered in our experiments adopt similar sparse and axial
sitional information. This makes it possible to interpret the computation, although generalized to the spatiotemporal
resulting sequence of vectors as token embeddings which volume. However, the efficiency of our approach stems
can be fed to a Transformer encoder, analogously to the mainly from decomposing the video into a sequence of
token features computed from words in NLP. frame-level patches and then feeding linear embeddings of
these patches as input token embeddings to a Transformer.
One downside of the self-attention operator in standard
This strategy was recently introduced in Vision Transform-
Transformer is that it requires computing a similarity mea-
ers (ViT) (Dosovitskiy et al., 2020) which were shown to
sure for all pairs of tokens. In our setting, this is compu-
deliver impressive performance on image categorization. In
tationally costly due to the large number of patches in the
this work, we build on the ViT design, and extend it to video
video. Furthermore, it ignores the space-time structure of
by proposing and empirically comparing several scalable
the video. To address these challenges, we propose sev-
schemes for space-time self-attention over high-resolution
eral scalable self-attention designs over the space-time vol-
and long videos.
ume and empirically evaluate them over large-scale action
classification datasets. Among the proposed schemes, we While Transformers have been recently used for video gen-
found that the best design is represented by a “divided atten- eration (Weissenborn et al., 2020), we are not aware of prior
tion” architecture which separately applies temporal atten- video recognition architectures leveraging self-attention as
tion and spatial attention within each block of the network. the exclusive building block. However, we note that Trans-
Compared to the established paradigm of convolution-based formers have been adopted on top of convolutional feature
video architecture, TimeSformer follow a radically different maps for action localization and recognition (Girdhar et al.,
design. Yet, it achieves accuracy comparable, and in some 2019), video classification (Wang et al., 2018b; Chen et al.,
cases superior, to the state-of-the-art in this field, while also 2018c), and group activity recognition (Gavrilyuk et al.,
being more efficient. Furthermore, we also show that our 2020). We also note that there is a wide literature based on
model can be effectively used for long-range modeling of the use of text Transformers combined with video CNNs
videos spanning many minutes. to address various video-language tasks, such as caption-
ing (Zhou et al., 2018), question-answering (Yang et al.,
2. Related Work 2020) and dialog (Le et al., 2019). Finally, multimodal
video-text transformers (Sun et al., 2019; Li et al., 2020a)
Our approach is influenced by recent works that use self- have also been trained or pretrained in unsupervised fashion
attention for still-image classification, either in combination by adopting masked-token pretext tasks adapted from the
with the convolution operator or even as a full replacement language domain (Devlin et al., 2018; Radford et al., 2018;
for it. Within the former class, Non-Local Networks (Wang Raffel et al., 2019).
et al., 2018b) employ a non-local mean that effectively gen-
eralizes the self-attention function of Transformers (Vaswani 3. The TimeSformer Model
et al., 2017b). Bello et al. (2019) propose a 2D self-attention
mechanism that is competitive as a replacement of 2D convo- Input clip. The TimeSformer takes as input a clip X ∈
lution but gives even stronger results when used to augment RH×W ×3×F consisting of F RGB frames of size H × W
Is Space-Time Attention All You Need for Video Understanding?

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Time Att.
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Time Att. Local Att. <latexit sha1_base64="N4ztu7rA6GcWPA6nADZ8tMOcvqE=">AAAB7XicbVDLSgNBEOyNrxhfUY9eBoPgKeyKoMegF48RzAOSJcxOZpMxszPLTK8QQv7BiwdFvPo/3vwbJ8keNLGgoajqprsrSqWw6PvfXmFtfWNzq7hd2tnd2z8oHx41rc4M4w2mpTbtiFouheINFCh5OzWcJpHkrWh0O/NbT9xYodUDjlMeJnSgRCwYRSc1uzqVme2VK37Vn4OskiAnFchR75W/un3NsoQrZJJa2wn8FMMJNSiY5NNSN7M8pWxEB7zjqKIJt+Fkfu2UnDmlT2JtXCkkc/X3xIQm1o6TyHUmFId22ZuJ/3mdDOPrcCJUmiFXbLEoziRBTWavk74wnKEcO0KZEe5WwobUUIYuoJILIVh+eZU0L6qBXw3uLyu1mzyOIpzAKZxDAFdQgzuoQwMYPMIzvMKbp70X7937WLQWvHzmGP7A+/wBz/6PRQ==</latexit>

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Space Att. Global Att.

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MLP MLP Height Att.

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MLP MLP <latexit sha1_base64="N4ztu7rA6GcWPA6nADZ8tMOcvqE=">AAAB7XicbVDLSgNBEOyNrxhfUY9eBoPgKeyKoMegF48RzAOSJcxOZpMxszPLTK8QQv7BiwdFvPo/3vwbJ8keNLGgoajqprsrSqWw6PvfXmFtfWNzq7hd2tnd2z8oHx41rc4M4w2mpTbtiFouheINFCh5OzWcJpHkrWh0O/NbT9xYodUDjlMeJnSgRCwYRSc1uzqVme2VK37Vn4OskiAnFchR75W/un3NsoQrZJJa2wn8FMMJNSiY5NNSN7M8pWxEB7zjqKIJt+Fkfu2UnDmlT2JtXCkkc/X3xIQm1o6TyHUmFId22ZuJ/3mdDOPrcCJUmiFXbLEoziRBTWavk74wnKEcO0KZEe5WwobUUIYuoJILIVh+eZU0L6qBXw3uLyu1mzyOIpzAKZxDAFdQgzuoQwMYPMIzvMKbp70X7937WLQWvHzmGP7A+/wBz/6PRQ==</latexit>

<latexit sha1_base64="vr9M27hwkmJn9HyewcyBFvyrmCg=">AAAB+XicbVBNS8NAEN3Ur1q/oh69LBahXkoigh6LXjxWsB/QxLLZTtqlm03Y3RRqyD/x4kERr/4Tb/4bt20O2vpg4PHeDDPzgoQzpR3n2yqtrW9sbpW3Kzu7e/sH9uFRW8WppNCiMY9lNyAKOBPQ0kxz6CYSSBRw6ATj25nfmYBULBYPepqAH5GhYCGjRBupb9uZF4T4KX/Mah5wfp737apTd+bAq8QtSBUVaPbtL28Q0zQCoSknSvVcJ9F+RqRmlENe8VIFCaFjMoSeoYJEoPxsfnmOz4wywGEsTQmN5+rviYxESk2jwHRGRI/UsjcT//N6qQ6v/YyJJNUg6GJRmHKsYzyLAQ+YBKr51BBCJTO3YjoiklBtwqqYENzll1dJ+6LuOnX3/rLauCniKKMTdIpqyEVXqIHuUBO1EEUT9Ixe0ZuVWS/Wu/WxaC1Zxcwx+gPr8wcJUZNB</latexit>
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<latexit sha1_base64="N4ztu7rA6GcWPA6nADZ8tMOcvqE=">AAAB7XicbVDLSgNBEOyNrxhfUY9eBoPgKeyKoMegF48RzAOSJcxOZpMxszPLTK8QQv7BiwdFvPo/3vwbJ8keNLGgoajqprsrSqWw6PvfXmFtfWNzq7hd2tnd2z8oHx41rc4M4w2mpTbtiFouheINFCh5OzWcJpHkrWh0O/NbT9xYodUDjlMeJnSgRCwYRSc1uzqVme2VK37Vn4OskiAnFchR75W/un3NsoQrZJJa2wn8FMMJNSiY5NNSN7M8pWxEB7zjqKIJt+Fkfu2UnDmlT2JtXCkkc/X3xIQm1o6TyHUmFId22ZuJ/3mdDOPrcCJUmiFXbLEoziRBTWavk74wnKEcO0KZEe5WwobUUIYuoJILIVh+eZU0L6qBXw3uLyu1mzyOIpzAKZxDAFdQgzuoQwMYPMIzvMKbp70X7937WLQWvHzmGP7A+/wBz/6PRQ==</latexit>
<latexit sha1_base64="N4ztu7rA6GcWPA6nADZ8tMOcvqE=">AAAB7XicbVDLSgNBEOyNrxhfUY9eBoPgKeyKoMegF48RzAOSJcxOZpMxszPLTK8QQv7BiwdFvPo/3vwbJ8keNLGgoajqprsrSqWw6PvfXmFtfWNzq7hd2tnd2z8oHx41rc4M4w2mpTbtiFouheINFCh5OzWcJpHkrWh0O/NbT9xYodUDjlMeJnSgRCwYRSc1uzqVme2VK37Vn4OskiAnFchR75W/un3NsoQrZJJa2wn8FMMJNSiY5NNSN7M8pWxEB7zjqKIJt+Fkfu2UnDmlT2JtXCkkc/X3xIQm1o6TyHUmFId22ZuJ/3mdDOPrcCJUmiFXbLEoziRBTWavk74wnKEcO0KZEe5WwobUUIYuoJILIVh+eZU0L6qBXw3uLyu1mzyOIpzAKZxDAFdQgzuoQwMYPMIzvMKbp70X7937WLQWvHzmGP7A+/wBz/6PRQ==</latexit>

<latexit sha1_base64="vr9M27hwkmJn9HyewcyBFvyrmCg=">AAAB+XicbVBNS8NAEN3Ur1q/oh69LBahXkoigh6LXjxWsB/QxLLZTtqlm03Y3RRqyD/x4kERr/4Tb/4bt20O2vpg4PHeDDPzgoQzpR3n2yqtrW9sbpW3Kzu7e/sH9uFRW8WppNCiMY9lNyAKOBPQ0kxz6CYSSBRw6ATj25nfmYBULBYPepqAH5GhYCGjRBupb9uZF4T4KX/Mah5wfp737apTd+bAq8QtSBUVaPbtL28Q0zQCoSknSvVcJ9F+RqRmlENe8VIFCaFjMoSeoYJEoPxsfnmOz4wywGEsTQmN5+rviYxESk2jwHRGRI/UsjcT//N6qQ6v/YyJJNUg6GJRmHKsYzyLAQ+YBKr51BBCJTO3YjoiklBtwqqYENzll1dJ+6LuOnX3/rLauCniKKMTdIpqyEVXqIHuUBO1EEUT9Ixe0ZuVWS/Wu/WxaC1Zxcwx+gPr8wcJUZNB</latexit>
<latexit sha1_base64="vr9M27hwkmJn9HyewcyBFvyrmCg=">AAAB+XicbVBNS8NAEN3Ur1q/oh69LBahXkoigh6LXjxWsB/QxLLZTtqlm03Y3RRqyD/x4kERr/4Tb/4bt20O2vpg4PHeDDPzgoQzpR3n2yqtrW9sbpW3Kzu7e/sH9uFRW8WppNCiMY9lNyAKOBPQ0kxz6CYSSBRw6ATj25nfmYBULBYPepqAH5GhYCGjRBupb9uZF4T4KX/Mah5wfp737apTd+bAq8QtSBUVaPbtL28Q0zQCoSknSvVcJ9F+RqRmlENe8VIFCaFjMoSeoYJEoPxsfnmOz4wywGEsTQmN5+rviYxESk2jwHRGRI/UsjcT//N6qQ6v/YyJJNUg6GJRmHKsYzyLAQ+YBKr51BBCJTO3YjoiklBtwqqYENzll1dJ+6LuOnX3/rLauCniKKMTdIpqyEVXqIHuUBO1EEUT9Ixe0ZuVWS/Wu/WxaC1Zxcwx+gPr8wcJUZNB</latexit>
<latexit sha1_base64="N4ztu7rA6GcWPA6nADZ8tMOcvqE=">AAAB7XicbVDLSgNBEOyNrxhfUY9eBoPgKeyKoMegF48RzAOSJcxOZpMxszPLTK8QQv7BiwdFvPo/3vwbJ8keNLGgoajqprsrSqWw6PvfXmFtfWNzq7hd2tnd2z8oHx41rc4M4w2mpTbtiFouheINFCh5OzWcJpHkrWh0O/NbT9xYodUDjlMeJnSgRCwYRSc1uzqVme2VK37Vn4OskiAnFchR75W/un3NsoQrZJJa2wn8FMMJNSiY5NNSN7M8pWxEB7zjqKIJt+Fkfu2UnDmlT2JtXCkkc/X3xIQm1o6TyHUmFId22ZuJ/3mdDOPrcCJUmiFXbLEoziRBTWavk74wnKEcO0KZEe5WwobUUIYuoJILIVh+eZU0L6qBXw3uLyu1mzyOIpzAKZxDAFdQgzuoQwMYPMIzvMKbp70X7937WLQWvHzmGP7A+/wBz/6PRQ==</latexit>

<latexit sha1_base64="vr9M27hwkmJn9HyewcyBFvyrmCg=">AAAB+XicbVBNS8NAEN3Ur1q/oh69LBahXkoigh6LXjxWsB/QxLLZTtqlm03Y3RRqyD/x4kERr/4Tb/4bt20O2vpg4PHeDDPzgoQzpR3n2yqtrW9sbpW3Kzu7e/sH9uFRW8WppNCiMY9lNyAKOBPQ0kxz6CYSSBRw6ATj25nfmYBULBYPepqAH5GhYCGjRBupb9uZF4T4KX/Mah5wfp737apTd+bAq8QtSBUVaPbtL28Q0zQCoSknSvVcJ9F+RqRmlENe8VIFCaFjMoSeoYJEoPxsfnmOz4wywGEsTQmN5+rviYxESk2jwHRGRI/UsjcT//N6qQ6v/YyJJNUg6GJRmHKsYzyLAQ+YBKr51BBCJTO3YjoiklBtwqqYENzll1dJ+6LuOnX3/rLauCniKKMTdIpqyEVXqIHuUBO1EEUT9Ixe0ZuVWS/Wu/WxaC1Zxcwx+gPr8wcJUZNB</latexit>

Joint Space-Time Divided Space-Time Sparse Local Global Axial Attention

Space Attention (S)
Attention (ST) Attention (T+S) Attention (L+G) (T+W+H)

Figure 1. Illustration of the video self-attention blocks that we investigate in this work. Each attention layer implements self-
attention (Vaswani et al., 2017b) on a specified spatiotemporal neighborhood of frame-level patches (see Figure 2 for a visualization of the
neighborhoods). We use residual connections to aggregate information from different attention layers within each block. A 1-hidden-layer
MLP is applied at the end of each block. The final model is constructed by repeatedly stacking these blocks on top of each other.

sampled from the original video.

Decomposition into patches. Following the ViT ap-  
(` a) (` a) (`−1)
proach (Dosovitskiy et al., 2020), we decompose each frame q(p t) = WQ LN z(p t) ∈ RDh (2)
into N non-overlapping patches, each of size P × P , such (` a) (` a)


that the N patches span the entire frame, i.e., N = HW/P 2 . k(p t) = WK LN z(p t) ∈ RDh (3)
We flatten these patches into vectors x(p,t) ∈ R3P with (` a) (` a)


p = 1, . . . , N denoting spatial locations and t = 1, . . . , F v(p t) = WV LN z(p t) ∈ RDh (4)
representing an index over frames.
Linear embedding. We linearly map each patch x(p,t) into where LN() deno es LayerNorm (Ba e a 2016) a =
an embedding vector z(p,t) ∈ RD by means of a learnable 1 A s an ndex over mu p e a en on heads and A
matrix E ∈ RD×3P : deno es he o a number of a en on heads The a en
d mens ona y for each a en on head s se o Dh = D/A
z(p,t) = Ex(p,t) + epos
(p,t) (1)
Se f-attent on computat on Se f-a en on we gh s are
compu ed v a do -produc The se f-a en on we gh s
(` a)
where epos D α (p t) ∈ RN F +1 for query pa ch (p t) are g ven by
(p,t) ∈ R represents a learnable positional embed-
ding added to encode the spatiotemporal position of each
patch. The resulting sequence of embedding vectors z(p,t)
(` a) >
 " #
for p = 1, . . . , N , and t = 1, . . . , F represents the input to (` a)
q(p t) (` a)
(` a)
the Transformer, and plays a role similar to the sequences α (p t) = SM  √ k(0 0) k(p t ) p =1 N

Dh t =1 F
of embedded words/tokens that are fed to text Transformers
in NLP. As in the original BERT Transformer (Devlin et a (5)
2018) we add n he firs pos on of he sequence a spec a
earnab e vec or z(0 0) ∈ RD represen ng he embedd ng
where SM deno es he sof max ac va on func on No e
of he c ass fica on oken
ha when a en on s compu ed over one d mens on on y
Query-Key-Va ue computat on Our Transformer cons s s (e g spa a -on y or empora -on y) he compu a on s
of L encod ng b ocks A each b ock ` a query key va ue s gn fican y reduced For examp e n he case of spa a
vec or s compu ed for each pa ch from he represen a on a en on on y N + 1 query-key compar sons are made
z(p t) encoded by he preced ng b ock us ng exc us ve y keys from he same frame as he query
Is Space-Time Attention All You Need for Video Understanding?

<latexit sha1_base64="AU/vq+DAgMm1x9RhUc20aA7BJwY=">AAAB7XicbVBNS8NAEJ3Ur1q/qh69LBbBU0lE0GPRi8cK9gPaUDabTbt2kw27E6GE/gcvHhTx6v/x5r9x2+agrQ8GHu/NMDMvSKUw6LrfTmltfWNzq7xd2dnd2z+oHh61jco04y2mpNLdgBouRcJbKFDybqo5jQPJO8H4duZ3nrg2QiUPOEm5H9NhIiLBKFqp3Q+5RDqo1ty6OwdZJV5BalCgOah+9UPFspgnyCQ1pue5Kfo51SiY5NNKPzM8pWxMh7xnaUJjbvx8fu2UnFklJJHSthIkc/X3RE5jYyZxYDtjiiOz7M3E/7xehtG1n4skzZAnbLEoyiRBRWavk1BozlBOLKFMC3srYSOqKUMbUMWG4C2/vEraF3XPrXv3l7XGTRFHGU7gFM7BgytowB00oQUMHuEZXuHNUc6L8+58LFpLTjFzDH/gfP4AkYyPHA==</latexit>
frame t -
frame t<latexit sha1_base64="AU/vq+DAgMm1x9RhUc20aA7BJwY=">AAAB7XicbVBNS8NAEJ3Ur1q/qh69LBbBU0lE0GPRi8cK9gPaUDabTbt2kw27E6GE/gcvHhTx6v/x5r9x2+agrQ8GHu/NMDMvSKUw6LrfTmltfWNzq7xd2dnd2z+oHh61jco04y2mpNLdgBouRcJbKFDybqo5jQPJO8H4duZ3nrg2QiUPOEm5H9NhIiLBKFqp3Q+5RDqo1ty6OwdZJV5BalCgOah+9UPFspgnyCQ1pue5Kfo51SiY5NNKPzM8pWxMh7xnaUJjbvx8fu2UnFklJJHSthIkc/X3RE5jYyZxYDtjiiOz7M3E/7xehtG1n4skzZAnbLEoyiRBRWavk1BozlBOLKFMC3srYSOqKUMbUMWG4C2/vEraF3XPrXv3l7XGTRFHGU7gFM7BgytowB00oQUMHuEZXuHNUc6L8+58LFpLTjFzDH/gfP4AkYyPHA==</latexit>
frame t +

Joint Space-Time Divided Space-Time Sparse Local Global Axial Attention

Space Attention (S)
Attention (ST) Attention (T+S) Attention (L+G) (T+W+H)

Figure 2. Visualization of the five space-time self-attention schemes studied in this work. Each video clip is viewed as a sequence of
frame-level patches with a size of 16 × 16 pixels. For illustration, we denote in blue the query patch and show in non-blue colors its
self-attention space-time neighborhood under each scheme. Patches without color are not used for the self-attention computation of the
blue patch. Multiple colors within a scheme denote attentions separately applied along different dimensions (e.g., space and time for
(T+S)) or over different neighborhoods (e.g., for (L+G)). Note that self-attention is computed for every single patch in the video clip, i.e.,
every patch serves as a query. We also note that although the attention pattern is shown for only two adjacent frames, it extends in the
same fashion to all frames of the clip.

y = LN z(0,0) ∈ RD . (10)
(`,a) >
 
 n o 
(`,a)space (`,a) (`,a)
α (p,t) = SM  √ · k(0,0) k(p0 ,t) .
On top of this representation we append a 1-hidden-layer
Dh p0 =1,...,N
MLP, which is used to predict the final video classes.
Space-Time Self-Attention Models. As already men-
Encoding. The encoding at block ` is obtained by
z(p,t) tioned, we can reduce the computational cost by replacing
first computing the weighted sum of value vectors using the spatiotemporal attention of Eq. 5 with spatial attention
self-attention coefficients from each attention head: within each frame only (Eq. 6). However, such a model ne-
glects to capture temporal dependencies across frames. As
shown in our experiments, this approach leads to degraded
(`,a) (`,a) (`,a)
X (`,a) (`,a) classification accuracy compared to full spatiotemporal at-
s(p,t) = α(p,t),(0,0) v(0,0) + α(p,t),(p0 ,t0 ) v(p0 ,t0 ) . tention, especially on benchmarks where strong temporal
p0 =1 t0 =1
modeling is necessary.
We propose an alternative, more efficient architecture for
spatiotemporal attention, named “Divided Space-Time At-
Then, the concatenation of these vectors from all heads
tention” (denoted with T+S), where temporal attention and
is projected and passed through an MLP, using residual
spatial attention are separately applied one after the other.
connections after each operation:
This architecture is compared to that of Space and Joint
Space-Time attention in Fig. 1. A visualization of the differ-
 
s(p,t) ent attention models on a video example is given in Fig. 2.
(`) ..  + z(`−1) For Divided Attention, within each block `, we first compute
z0 (p,t)
 
= WO  . (p,t) (8)
  temporal attention by comparing each patch (p, t) with all
s(p,t) the patches at the same spatial location in the other frames:
(`) (`) (`)
z(p,t) = MLP LN z0 (p,t) + z0 (p,t) . (9) 
(`,a) >

 n o 
(`,a)time (`,a) (`,a)
α (p,t) = SM  √ · k(0,0) k(p,t0 ) .
Dh t0 =1,...,F
Classification embedding. The final clip embedding is
obtained from the final block for the classification token: (11)
Is Space-Time Attention All You Need for Video Understanding?

Attention Params K400 SSv2 3 10

Joint Space-Time
Joint Space-Time
Space 85.9M 77.6 36.6 Divided Space-Time Divided Space-Time

Joint Space-Time 85.9M 78.1 58.5

out of memory

out of memory
Divided Space-Time 121.4M 78.5 59.5 5
Sparse Local Global 121.4M 76.8 56.3 1
Axial 156.8M 74.6 56.2
0 0
Table 1. Video-level accuracy for different space-time attention 224 336 448 560 8 32 64 96
Spatial Crop (Px) # of Input Frames
schemes in TimeSformer. We evaluate the models on the valida-
tion sets of Kinetics-400 (K400), and Something-Something-V2
Figure 3. We compare the video classification cost (in TFLOPs) of
(SSv2). We observe that divided space-time attention achieves the
Joint Space-Time versus Divided Space-Time attention. We plot
best results on both datasets.
the number of TFLOPs as a function of spatial crop size in pixels
(left), and the number of input frames (right). As we increase the
The encoding z0 (p,t) resulting from the application of spatial resolution (left), or the video length (right), our proposed di-
Eq. 8 using temporal attention is then fed back for spatial vided space-time attention leads to dramatic computational savings
attention computation instead of being passed to the MLP. In compared to the scheme of joint space-time attention.
other words, new key/query/value vectors are obtained from
z0 (p,t) and spatial attention is then computed using Eq. 6. V2 (Goyal et al., 2017), and Diving-48 (Li et al., 2018).
Finally, the resulting vector z0 (p,t) is passed to the MLP For all our experiments, we adopt the “Base” ViT model
of Eq. 9 to compute the final encoding z(p,t) of the patch at architecture (Dosovitskiy et al., 2020) pretrained on Ima-
block `. For the model of divided attention, we learn dis- geNet (Russakovsky et al., 2014). Unless differently speci-
(`,a) (`,a) (`,a)
tinct query/key/value matrices {WQtime , WK time , WV time } fied, we use clips of size 8×224×224, with frames sampled
(`,a) (`,a) (`,a)
and {WQspace , WK space , WV space } over the time and space at a rate of 1/16. The patch size is set to 16 × 16 pixels.
dimensions. Note that compared to the (N F + 1) compar-
isons per patch needed by the joint spatiotemporal attention During inference, unless otherwise noted, we sample a sin-
model of Eq. 5, Divided Attention performs only (N +F +2) gle temporal clip in the middle of the video. We use 3 spatial
comparisons per patch. Our experiments demonstrate that crops (top-left, center, bottom-right) so that the entire video
this space-time factorization is not only more efficient but it clip is spatially covered. The final prediction is obtained by
also leads to improved classification accuracy. averaging the softmax scores of these 3 predictions.
We have also experimented with a “Sparse Local Global”
4.1. Analysis of Self-Attention Schemes
(L+G) attention model and an “Axial” (T+W+H) attention
model. Their architectures are illustrated in Fig. 1, while In Table 1, we present the results for the five proposed space-
Fig. 2 shows the patches considered for attention by these time attention schemes in TimeSformer using Kinetics-400
models. For each patch (p, t), (L+G) first computes a local (K400) and Something-Something-V2 (SSv2) as bench-
attention by considering the neighboring F × H/2 × W/2 marks. From these results we can first notice that TimeS-
patches and then calculates a sparse global attention over former with space-only attention (S) performs well on K400.
the entire clip using a stride of 2 patches along the temporal This is an interesting finding. Indeed, Sevilla-Lara et al.
dimension and also the two spatial dimensions. Thus, it can (2021) found that, on K400, the use of spatial information
be viewed as a faster approximation of full spatiotemporal is more important than the leveraging of temporal dynamics
attention using a local-global decomposition and a sparsity in order to achieve strong accuracy. Here, we show that it
pattern, similar to that used in (Child et al., 2019). Finally, is possible to obtain solid accuracy on K400 without any
“Axial” attention decomposes the attention computation in temporal modeling at all. Note, however, that space-only
three distinct steps: over time, width and height. A de- attention performs extremely poorly on SSv2. This stresses
composed attention pattern over the two spatial axes of the the importance of temporal modeling on this latter dataset.
image was proposed in (Ho et al., 2019; Huang et al., 2019;
Furthermore, we observe that divided space-time attention
Wang et al., 2020b) and our (T+W+H) adds a third dimen-
achieves the best accuracy on both K400 and SSv2. This
sion (time) for the case of video. All of these models are
makes sense because compared to joint space-time attention,
implemented by learning distinct query/key/value matrices
divided space-time attention has a larger learning capacity
for each attention step.
(see Table 1) as it contains distinct learning parameters for
temporal attention and spatial attention.
4. Experiments
In Figure 3, we also compare the computational cost of joint
We now evaluate TimeSformer on four popular action recog- space-time versus divided space-time attention when using
nition datasets: Kinetics-400 (Carreira & Zisserman, 2017), higher spatial resolution (left) and longer (right) videos. We
Kinetics-600 (Carreira et al., 2018), Something-Something- note that the scheme of divided space-time scales gracefully
Is Space-Time Attention All You Need for Video Understanding?

80 80 Kinetics Something-Something-V2
Clip Accuracy

Clip Accuracy
75 75 55

70 50
70 70

65 65
65 TimeSformer 40 TimeSformer
SlowFast SlowFast
224 336 448 560 8 32 64 96 I3D 35 I3D
Spatial Crop Side (Px) Number of Input Frames 60K 120K 180K 240K 42K 85K 127K 170K
# of Training Videos # of Training Videos
Figure 4. Clip-level accuracy on Kinetics-400 as a function of spa-
tial crop size in pixels (left), and the number of input frames (right). Figure 5. We study accuracy on Kinetics-400 (K400), and
Something-Something-V2 (SSv2) as a function of the number
of training videos. On K400, TimeSformer performs best in all
under both of these settings. In contrast, the scheme of cases. On SSv2, which requires more complicated temporal reason-
joint space-time attention leads to a dramatically higher cost ing, TimeSformer outperforms the other models only when using
when resolution or video length is increased. In practice, enough training videos. All models are pretrained on ImageNet.
joint space-time attention causes a GPU memory overflow
once the spatial frame resolution reaches 448 pixels, or once iments, we followed the training-from-scratch protocol
the number of frames is increased to 32 and thus it is effec- of Touvron et al. (2020) and we also evaluated some vari-
tively not applicable to large frames or long videos. Thus, ants of it. However, the model failed to learn meaningful
despite a larger number of parameters, divided space-time features. We suspect that a new optimization strategy or
attention is more efficient than joint space-time attention perhaps different hyperparameter values may be needed for
when operating on higher spatial resolution, or longer videos. training TimeSformer from scratch on video data.
Thus, for all subsequent experiments we use a TimeSformer
constructed with divided space-time self-attention blocks. Thus, for all subsequent studies we continue to use Ima-
geNet pretraining. To understand the effects of video-data
scale on performance, we train our model on different sub-
4.2. Varying the Number of Tokens in Space and Time
sets of K400, and SSv2: {25%, 50%, 75%, 100%} of the
As discussed above, the scalability of our model allows it full datasets. We show these results in Figure 5, where we
to operate at higher spatial resolution and on longer videos also compare our method with SlowFast R50 (Feichtenhofer
compared to most 3D CNNs. We note that both of these et al., 2019b), and I3D R50 (Carreira & Zisserman, 2017)
aspects affect the length of the sequence of tokens fed to the trained on the same subsets. We note that all 3 architectures
Transformer. Specifically, increasing the spatial resolution are pretrained on ImageNet (Russakovsky et al., 2014).
results in a higher number of patches (N ) per frame. The
The results of Figure 5 show that, on K400, TimeSformer
number of input tokens is also increased when using more
outperforms the other models for all training subsets. How-
frames. To investigate the benefits, we conduct an empirical
ever, we observe a different trend on SSv2, where TimeS-
study where we separately increase the number of tokens
former is the strongest model only when trained on 75% or
along each of these two axes.
100% of the full data. This may be explained by the fact that
We report the findings in Figure 4. We see that increasing the compared to K400, SSv2 requires learning more complex
spatial resolution (up to a certain point) leads to a substantial temporal patterns, and thus more examples may be needed
boost in performance. Similarly, we observe that increasing by TimeSformer to learn effectively those patterns.
the length of the input clip leads to consistent accuracy gains.
Due to GPU memory constraints, we are not able to test 4.4. Comparison to the State-of-the-Art
our model on clips longer than 96 frames. Still, we would
like to point out that using clips of 96 frames is a significant We now compare TimeSformer to the state-of-the-art on
departure from current convolutional models, which are several popular action recognition datasets. We use three
typically limited to processing inputs of 8 − 32 frames. variants of our model: (1) TimeSformer, which is the de-
fault version of our model operating on 8 × 224 × 224 video
clips, (2) TimeSformer-HR, a high spatial resolution vari-
4.3. The Importance of Pretraining and Dataset Scale
ant that operates on 16×448×448 video clips, and lastly (3)
In their recent work, Dosovitskiy et al (2020) demonstrated TimeSformer-L, a long-range configuration of our model
that ViT is most effective when trained on very large-scale that operates on 96 × 224 × 224 video clips with frames
datasets. In this section, we investigate whether the same sampled at a rate of 1/4.
trend holds for our TimeSformer model.
Kinetics-400. In Table 2, we report our results on the val-
First, we attempted to train TimeSformer on video datasets idation set of K400. In addition to the accuracy metrics,
directly, without ImageNet pretraining. For these exper- we include inference cost, given in TFLOPs. We note that
Is Space-Time Attention All You Need for Video Understanding?

Method Top-1 Top-5 TFLOPs

ARTNet (Wang et al., 2018a) 69.2 88.3 6.0
I3D (Carreira & Zisserman, 2017) 71.1 89.3 N/A
R(2+1)D (Tran et al., 2018) 72.0 90.0 17.5

MFNet (Chen et al., 2018b) 72.8 90.4 N/A
Inception-ResNet (Bian et al., 2017) 73.0 90.9 N/A
bLVNet (Fan et al., 2019) 73.5 91.2 0.84
A2 -Net (Chen et al., 2018c) 74.6 91.5 N/A TimeSformer-L
TSM (Lin et al., 2019) 74.7 N/A N/A TimeSformer
S3D-G (Xie et al., 2018) 74.7 93.4 N/A X3D-XL
Oct-I3D+NL (Chen et al., 2019a) 75.7 N/A 0.84 1 3 5 10
D3D (Stroud et al., 2020) 75.9 N/A N/A # of Testing Clips
GloRe (Chen et al., 2019b) 76.1 N/A N/A
I3D+NL (Wang et al., 2018b) 77.7 93.3 10.8 Figure 6. Video-level accuracy on Kinetics-400 vs the number of
ip-CSN-152 (Tran et al., 2019) 77.8 92.8 3.2 temporal clips used during inference. TimeSformer-L achieves
CorrNet (Wang et al., 2020a) 79.2 N/A 6.7 excellent accuracy using a small number of sampled clips, which
LGD-3D-101 (Qiu et al., 2019) 79.4 94.4 N/A leads to strong performance at low inference cost.
SlowFast (Feichtenhofer et al., 2019b) 79.8 93.9 7.0
X3D-XXL (Feichtenhofer, 2020) 80.4 94.6 5.8
TimeSformer 78.0 93.7 0.59 Method Top-1 Top-5
TimeSformer-HR 79.7 94.4 5.11 I3D-R50+Cell (Wang et al., 2020c) 79.8 94.4
TimeSformer-L 80.7 94.7 7.14 LGD-3D-101 (Qiu et al., 2019) 81.5 95.6
SlowFast (Feichtenhofer et al., 2019b) 81.8 95.1
Table 2. Video-level accuracy on Kinetics-400. TimeSformer-L X3D-XL (Feichtenhofer, 2020) 81.9 95.5
achieves the best reported accuracy. TimeSformer 80.0 94.8
TimeSformer-HR 82.4 96.0
TimeSformer-L 82.2 95.5
whereas most previous methods use 10 temporal clips with
3 spatial crops (for a total of 30 space-time views) during Table 3. Video-level accuracy on Kinetics-600. TimeSformer-HR
inference, we show that TimeSformer achieves solid ac- achieves the best reported accuracy.
curacy with only 3 views (3 spatial crops), which reduces
the inference cost. Our long-range variant, TimeSformer-L, Interestingly, we note that in this case, the best performing
achieves a top-1 accuracy of 80.7%, outperforming all prior variant of our model is TimeSformer-HR.
methods. Furthermore, our default TimeSformer has the Something-Something-V2. In Table 4, we also validate
lowest inference cost among recent state-of-the-art models. our model on SSv2. Our results suggest that TimeSformer
Yet, it still provides a solid accuracy of 78%, outperforming achieves lower accuracy than the best models on this dataset.
many much more costly models. However, considering that our model uses a completely
In Figure 6, we study the effect of using multiple temporal different design, we take these results as suggesting that
clips during inference (each with a single spatial crop). We TimesSformer is a promising approach even for challenging
plot accuracy using K ∈ {1, 3, 5, 10} temporal clips for temporally-heavy datasets, such as SSv2.
testing. We compare our model against X3D (Feichtenhofer, Diving-48. Finally, in Table 4, we present our method on
2020), and SlowFast (Feichtenhofer et al., 2019b). X3D and another "temporally-heavy" dataset, Diving-48. Due to the
SlowFast require multiple (≥ 5) clips to approach their top recently discovered issue with a previous version of Diving-
accuracy. Conversely, our long-range variant, TimeSformer- 48 labels, here, we only compare our method with a repro-
L, does not benefit at all from using multiple clips. This duced SlowFast 16 × 8 R101 model. Our results show that
makes sense since it is able to span about 12 seconds of a TimeSformer outperforms SlowFast by a substantial margin.
Kinetics video with a single clip.
We also note that TimeSformer is much faster to train than 4.5. Long-Term Video Modeling
state-of-the-art 3D CNNs even when both types of models
In this subsection, we evaluate TimeSFormer on the
are pretrained on Imagenet. For instance, training a Slow-
task of long-term video modeling using the HowTo100M
Fast 8 × 8 R50 on K400 takes 54.3 hours on 64 GPUs, while
dataset (Miech et al., 2019). HowTo100M is a large-scale
training I3D R50 under similar settings takes 45 hours using
instructional video dataset. It contains around 1M instruc-
32 GPUs. In contrast, TimeSformer can be trained in 14.3
tional Web videos showing humans performing over 23K
hours using 32 GPUs. This cuts down the training time by a
different tasks, such as cooking, repairing, knitting, and
factor of 3 compared to both 3D CNNs.
making arts. The average duration of these videos is around
Kinetics-600. In Table 3, we also present our results on 7 minutes, which is orders of magnitude longer than the
Kinetics-600. Just like on Kinetics-400, we observe that duration of videos in standard action recognition bench-
our method outperforms all prior works on this benchmark. marks. Each HowTo100M video has a label indicating the
Is Space-Time Attention All You Need for Video Understanding?

Method SSv2 Diving-48∗∗

SlowFast (Feichtenhofer et al., 2019b) 61.7 77.6
TSM (Lin et al., 2019) 63.4 N/A
STM (Jiang et al., 2019) 64.2 N/A
MSNet (Kwon et al., 2020) 64.7 N/A
TEA (Li et al., 2020b) 65.1 N/A
bLVNet (Fan et al., 2019) 65.2 N/A
TimeSformer 59.5 75.0
TimeSformer-HR 62.5 78.0
TimeSformer-L 62.3 81.0 Figure 7. Visualization of space-time attention from the output
token to the input space on Something-Something-V2. Our model
Table 4. Video-level accuracy on Something-Something-V2 and learns to focus on the relevant parts in the video in order to perform
Diving-48. ∗∗ Due to an issue with Diving-48 labels used in pre- spatiotemporal reasoning.
viously published results, we only compare our method with a
reproduced SlowFast 16x8 R101 model. 60



40 30

20 20

Method # Input Single Clip # Test Top-1


0 0

Frames Coverage Clips Acc -20




SlowFast 32 8.5s 48 48.8 -40



SlowFast 32 34.1s 12 51.0 -60


TimeSformer TimeSformer w/ Divided

-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

TimeSformer 8 8.5s 48 56.0 ViT

w/ Space Attention Space-Time Attention
TimeSformer 32 34.1s 12 59.2
TimeSformer 64 68.3s 6 60.2
TimeSformer 96 102.4s 4 62.1 Figure 8. Feature visualization with t-SNE (van der Maaten & Hin-
ton, 2008) on Something-Something-V2. Each video is visualized
Table 5. Long-term task classification on HowTo100M. Given a as a point. Videos belonging to the same action category have the
video spanning several minutes, the goal is to predict the long-term same color. The TimeSformer with divided space-time attention
task demonstrated in the video (e.g., cooking breakfast, cleaning learns semantically more separable features than the TimeSformer
house, etc). We evaluate a few variants of SlowFast and TimeS- with space-only attention or ViT (Dosovitskiy et al., 2020).
former on this task. “Single Clip Coverage” denotes the number
of seconds spanned by a single clip. “# Test Clips” is the average
number of clips needed to cover the entire video during inference.
clip predictions.
From the results in Table 5 we first note that, for the same
single clip coverage, TimeSformer outperforms the corre-
task demonstrated in the video (one out of the 23K classes), sponding SlowFast by a large margin of 7−8%. Second, we
which can be used for supervised training. Thus, it is a good observe that longer-range TimeSformers do better and our
benchmark to assess the ability of a model to recognize longest-range variant achieves the best video-level classifica-
activities exhibited over very long temporal extents. tion accuracy. These results suggest that our model is highly
suitable for tasks that require long-term video modeling.
For this evaluation, we consider only categories that have
Finally, we note that the long-range modeling approach of
at least 100 video examples. This gives a subset of
TimeSformer is orthogonal to long-term schemes designed
HowTo100M corresponding to 120K videos spanning 1059
to operate on top of video backbones (Wu et al., 2019; Gird-
task categories. We randomly partition this collection into
har et al., 2017), and thus, further gains may come from a
85K training videos and 35K testing videos.
combination of them.
We present our results in Table 5. As our baselines, we use
two variants of SlowFast R50, both of which operate on in- 5. Conclusion
puts of 32 frames. However, the first variant uses a sampling
rate of 1/8, thus it uses clips of about 8 seconds in length In this work, we introduced TimeSformer, a fundamentally
(assuming 30 FPS), whereas the second variant employs a different approach to video modeling compared to the es-
lower sampling rate of 1/32, thus it spans 30 seconds in tablished paradigm of convolution-based video networks.
length. For TimeSformer, we test four variants, all operating We showed that it is possible to design an effective, and
on video clips sampled at a frame rate of 1/32 but having scalable video architecture built exclusively on space-time
varying number of frames: 8, 32, 64 and 96. During infer- self-attention. Our method (1) is conceptually simple, (2)
ence, for each method, we sample as many non-overlapping achieves state-of-the-art results on major action recognition
temporal clips as needed to cover the full temporal extent benchmarks, (3) has low inference cost, and (4) is suitable
of an input video, e.g., if a single clip spans 8.5 seconds, for long-term video modeling. In the future, we plan to ex-
we would sample 48 test clips to cover a video of 410 sec- tend our method to other video analysis tasks such as action
onds. Video-level classification is done by averaging the localization, video captioning and question-answering.
Is Space-Time Attention All You Need for Video Understanding?

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