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Big Idea: ​Similes​ compare two things, using the words “like” or “as.”

● When we write a simile using the word “​like​,” we say​ that someone ​does​ something ​like
something else.
● When we use “like” in a simile, the pattern is: [Somebody] (​verb) ​ l​ ike a ​(​noun)
● Examples​:
■ The bottle exploded like a volcano.
■ He walks like a duck.
■ My elbows feel like sandpaper.

Let’s practice writing some similes using “like.”

Plain Language Simile

1. Kira swims fast. Kira swims….

2. Carlos eats a lot.

3. Megan jumps high.

4. That ring shines so bright.

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