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Let me start this by sharing a quote, “Dancing is like a shower: one wrong turn and

you're in hot water”!-Mad Magazine.  In dancing, you should always be in timing because if you
started to execute the steps incorrectly, it would be hard for you to follow the next steps.

In my experience as a dancer in my high school years , particularly in folk dancing, it

was really hard to execute every single step, it took time for me to learn the steps, the position of
the arms and the feet, all those things were really hard for me to learn. But when I was in college,
things became easier. Learning the steps became "basic” and since I enrolled MAPEH as my
major, I needed to exert extra effort especially in subjects wherein dancing was involved. Over
the course, I’ve learned the different types of dances including international folk dances, hip hop
and other modern dances. I’ve learned to choreograph our own dance without the help of the
instructors, and it was only then that I figured out that dancing is not just dancing , it also needs
so much time and so much effort. It is about expressing the emotions and most especially it is
about telling a story without telling words.

Now that I’m in the service, I also experienced being a coach in street dance in our school
but with the help of a co-teacher and a trainer. Within that period of training and practices we
have, I’ve experienced how hard it was to prepare the dance. From basic steps, timing,
coordination of every dancer in the group, the beat, arms and feet positions, expression, posture
of dancers, balance and etc, all things should be done smoothly and if possible, perfectly.

I’ve learned that dance is more complex than I thought it was in college because once
there’s only one from the group who make mistake, it would start from the top until perfection;
from the choreography, the steps, the formation and the handling of props it should all be done

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