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Unit 3

Task 1
1. The tonsils protect the resporatory tract and digestive system channels
2. After reaching the age of 6 to 7 years the tonsils get smaller but don’t disappear
3. Tonsils are very small at birth but then gradually anlarge
4. Viral infection in the back of the throat cause pain
5. Tonsilitis strarts with a sore throat and difficulty swallowing
Task 2
1. This is a corticosteroid nasak spray. Your nasal polyps are not too large. This may
enough subside them
2. Do you false teeth fit yo you? Or do they make you feel difficulty
3. Do you still have sore in moving your foot?
4. A bee stung my child on her lower arm. Now you see, her arm begins swollen
5. Your child has the symptoms of mumps. You can see here some to swell glands, in
front of the ear, the salivary glands, the parotid gland under the ear
6. It’s enough with drug treatment. Your breathlessness should improve, and swellings
7. The doctor give you symptomatic drugs. If the symptoms persistent consult your
8. This to shrink pain annoys me
9. Your surgeon will take only 15 to perform sterilizaion operation
10. After the first attack of TB, your body will resists the bacteria by means of natural

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