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1. The main delivery of this course will be guided with independent study and group discussions
through self-learning modules.
2. Now that we are in the period of “new normal” this course will ensure that we will be able to
deliver quality instruction with the availability of electronic offline or online and printed versions
that we could refer into.
3. To support the training delivery modality for the “new normal”, the Learning Action Cells will be
used as a platform where participants can engage in co-learning with others with the assistance
of our team leader and coach which is referred to us as Coaching mechanism. And the submitted
outputs of us (participants) will be evaluated and that will be referred to us as theoretical and
practical mechanism.



 I am very  Unstable  With the  Having a

particular with internet depressing comfortable
the step by connection situation and environment is
step process.  Age related effects of this good (since we
Doing the problem since I pandemic are working
actual process am not a what from home)
makes it member of the motivates me but due to
harder for me so called allot is the idea unwanted
to do specially millennials that if I learn noise that
when no one is (younger from this could interfere
around (not generations course I can with the online
pertaining with nowadays) still impart my meeting audio
virtual coach where gadgets knowledge in a quality will be
but the actual is very new normal affected in a
person whom accessible way of not so nice
can assist sometimes it teaching manner.
directly) took me allot of
how will I use
such technology
and application.
 Troubleshooting
is not my
that is quite
and complex
but I am striving
hard to cope .

Activity #3


Most of us were stressing on the effects of this pandemic, but what really matters most is that we are
surviving and adapting with the new normal way of living. I know it will be burdensome for us since we
are not used with this kind of living. Technology and ability to accept and do ways on how we can adapt
come hand in hand. Ability of being flexible and open minded becomes handy in this time. Learning
Action Cell and Learning Delivery Modalities are great help for us teachers in embracing new normal way
of education. I am very thankful that every teacher was able to join such course since it will further hone
and cultivate our knowledge and bring the best of us in a very advanced manner. It also broadens our
horizon not only in the four corners of the classroom. It really tickles our mind to think outside the box
not just for ourselves but for everyone. Age is just numbers. Change is inevitable that you are forced to
adapt with the adversities of life. Learning is a continuous process.

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