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Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

Vol.2; Issue: 3; July-Sept. 2017

Case Report P-ISSN: 2456-9321

Bilateral Tubo-Ovarian Abscess after Cesarean Delivery: A Case Report

and Literature Review

Sorayya Saleh Gargari1, Samaneh Esmaeili1, Maasoumeh Saleh1, Fereshteh Bagherifard2

Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 2Department of Anaesthesiology,
Mahdiyeh Hospital, ShahidBeheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Corresponding Author: Maasoumeh Saleh

ABSTRACT conditions are associated with increased risk

of TOA during the pregnancy including
Tubo-ovarian abscess (TOA) is extremely rare assisted reproduction techniques (ART), (5)
condition during the pregnancy and the endometriosis and endometrioma (5,6) and
postpartum period because the cervical mucus cesarean sections.(3) Several patho-
plug and intact amniotic membrane protect
mechanisms are proposed for TOA during
against ascending infection. It is mostly
associated with endometrioma, assisted the pregnancy including the hematogenous
reproduction techniques and cesarean delivery. spreading, lymphatic spreading from
We herein report a 32-year-old woman with contiguous organ, infection in a previously
bilateral endometrioma who underwent existing ovarian cyst, and flare-up of an old
emergency cesarean delivery due to placenta infection. (7,8) Appropriate management is
previa and was diagnosed to have TOA about 2 crucial, because there are potentially severe
months after the delivery. She was managed short-term consequences (such as abscess
medically by intravenous antibiotics without rupture and ensuing peritonitis and sepsis)
response and thus underwent surgical drainage and long-term consequences (such as
and cyst removal. She had an uneventful infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and chronic
postoperative period and was symptom-free at
abdominal/pelvic pain). (9) In general, TOA
6-month follow-up. In postpartum period, early
diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) responds well to the empirical antibiotic
and TOA is crucial to prevent complications. regimen recommended by Center for
Also, TOA symptoms are non-specific, so Disease Control and Prevention. However,
clinical suspicion and then evaluation with approximately 25% of TAO cases need
imaging is necessary to prevent fatal surgical intervention or drainage. (10) We
complications including abscess rupture, herein report a rare case of TOA in
peritonitis and sepsis. postpartum period of a patient undergoing
cesarean section.
Key words: Ovarian Abscess; Cesarean
Delivery; Endometrioma; Puerperium
A 32-year-old Iranian woman
INTRODUCTION (gravid 1, para 1, living 1) was admitted to
Tubo-ovarian abscess (TOA) is our center with abdominal pain. She
extremely rare condition during the complained of fever and lower abdominal
pregnancy and the postpartum period pain, since 2 months ago, (beginning 1
because the cervical mucus plug and intact month after her cesarean delivery). She was
amniotic membrane protect against married for 10 years and suffered from
ascending infection. The condition is primary infertility for 6 years. She has been
associated with increased maternal mortality diagnosed with bilateral endometriomas and
and morbidity as well as increased was considered to have frozen pelvis. Her
complication of the newborn. (4) Several pregnancy was a result of a successful intra-

Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 30

Vol.2; Issue: 3; July-September 2017
Maasoumeh Saleh et al.Bilateral Tubo-Ovarian Abscess after Cesarean Delivery; a Case Report and Literature

cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). She (Fig. 1). A pelvic computed tomography
denied any history of intravenous drug (CT) scan revealed a right adnexal mass
abuse, smoking, alcohol intake, or originating from the tube and ovary
abdominal trauma. There was no history of compatible with a pelvic abscess.
symptomatic pelvic inflammatory disease. Fig.1: Axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Her partner was healthy and denied any of the patient revealing right multi-loculated cyst measuring
history of sexually transmitted infections
(STD). Her pregnancy was terminated 3
months prior to this admission due to severe
vaginal bleeding; when she underwent
emergency caesarean section for placenta
previa, at 28 weeks of gestation. Her
postpartum period was uneventful and she
was discharged after 2 days in good
condition. She experienced persistent chills,
fever and lower abdominal pain that began
in the fourth post-partum week and
deteriorated over time. Her abdominal pain 87×102 mm and a left cyst of about 40 mm in diameter in
favor of tubo-ovarian abscess.
was prominent in right lower quadrant. She
received several antibiotics without
improvement. On admission, she was ill,
pale and febrile (oral temperature was
38°C). Her blood pressure, heart rate and
respiratory rate was 110/70 mmHg, 98
beats/min and 18 per minutes, respectively.
There was no guarding or rigidity except
mild tenderness of right lower quadrant on
abdominal examination. On pelvic
examination, the speculum examination was
normal, no vaginal discharge was seen. A
markedly tender mass, was palpable in the
right adnexal area. Laboratory studies,
showed anemia with hemoglobin level of Fig.2. Intraoperative image demonstrating bilateral tubo-
8.7 g/dl and neutrophilic leukocytosis (a ovarian abscess superimposed on bilateral endometrioma.
white blood cell count of 16000/mm3, 80% Both abscesses were successfully drained and removed.

were polymorphonuclear neutrophilia).

Cross-Reacting Protein level (CRP), Intravenous antibiotic (clindamycin
Estimated Sedimentation Rate (ESR) and 900 mg TDS and gentamicin 80 mg TDS)
CA-125 level were elevated. Her blood was started for 3 days without improvement
culture was negative. Abdominopelvic thus the regimen was changed (imipenem
ultrasonography 1 month prior to admission 500 mg QID and vancomycin 1gr BID).
revealed a cystic lesion 37×41 mm in right Due to clinical deterioration, an exploratory
ovary and multiple follicles in left ovary. In laparotomy was performed revealing severe
our center, ultrasonographic examination adhesion bands inside the abdomen. The
revealed a cyst measuring 45×50 mm in ovaries were also adherent to the uterus. The
right ovary and another cyst measuring adhesion between loops of intestine, ovaries
33×35 mm in left ovary. Magnetic and uterus were all released. There was a 6-
Resonance Imaging (MRI) revealed a right cm multi-loculated abscess in the right
multi-loculated cyst measuring 87×102 mm adnexa; adherent to the uterus, colon and
and a left cyst of about 40 mm in diameter appendix (Fig. 2). The abscess was

Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 31

Vol.2; Issue: 3; July-September 2017
Maasoumeh Saleh et al.Bilateral Tubo-Ovarian Abscess after Cesarean Delivery; a Case Report and Literature

completely drained. At left side, a 3-cm development of TOA among women with
abscess was also drained. The abscess wall endometriomas may be due to increased
was also removed. After peritoneal lavage, susceptibility to infection, particularly in the
the abdomen was closed in layers. She was altered immune environment seen with
discharged 10 days after the operation, ectopic endometrial glands and stroma,
symptom-free, with oral antibiotics. She had although there are no epidemiologic data
an uneventful postoperative period and was available to support this theory. (6,14)
well without recurrence at 6-month follow- Previous surgical procedures involving the
up. pelvic organs have been found to increase
the risk of TOA formation in patients with
DISCUSSION endometriosis.(8) The majority of endo-
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is metriomas decrease in size during
a complex poly-microbial disease that is due pregnancy particularly high in desidualised
to the ascending spread of pathogens from endometriomas. (5) High progesterone levels
the cervix or vagina, most commonly produced during pregnancy and temporary
Chlamydia trachomatis or Neisseria cessation of menstrual cycles and induced
gonorrhoeae (60-75%), which then spread apoptosis are probably the main factors
into the endometrium, fallopian tubes, causing regression of endometriosis. (5) In
ovaries, and adjacent structures. (11) TOA is our case, the patient had growth of
a collection of pus involving the ovary and endometriomas after pregnancy termination
fallopian tube (distal part). TOA most often due to decreased level of progesterone and it
arises as a consequence of PID. However, seems that bilateral endometrimas
TOA can also develop following pelvic superinfected by microorganisms due to
surgery, or as a complication of an intra- incomplete treatment of PID.
abdominal process, such as appendicitis or Unruptured abscess may be treated
diverticulitis. (12) Patients typically present by the supportive care and treated by
with fever, elevated white blood cell count, preoperative broad-spectrum intravenous
lower abdominal-pelvic pain, and/or vaginal antibiotics effective against gram positive,
discharge. TOA are often poly-microbial gram negative and anaerobic bacteria for at
with a high percentage of anaerobic least 72 hours before operative intervention.
bacteria. Ruptured tubo-ovarian abscess requires an
TOA is relatively rare in pregnancy aggressive and primarily surgical approach
and postpartum period. Infection of the in order to minimize catastrophic sequelae.
ovary readily occurs in the puerperium if Four principle indications for laparotomy,
there is infection of the birth canal during or laparoscopy among these patients are: 1-
following parturition. (13) Chayachina et al. suspicion of a surgical emergency (Rupture
reported a case of TOA caused by of the abscess or organs), 2-unsuccessful
Fusobacterium necrophorum three weeks drainage of the abscess, 3-poor response to
after vaginal delivery with a tubal treatment with drainage and antibiotics (like
sterilization on the following day. TOA our case), and 4-uncertainly about the
involvement of an endometrioma has been diagnosis. (8)
reported in cases of patients with poly- In conclusion, endometriosis is a risk
microbial sources but Kavoussi et al, (14) factor for PID and TOA. In postpartum
reported a case of endometrioma period, early diagnosis of PID is crucial to
complicated by TOA in woman with prevent complications. Also, TOA
bacterial vaginosis (BV). They concluded, symptoms are non-specific, so clinical
aggressive treatment of bacterial vaginosis suspicion and then evaluation with imaging
in patients with known advanced-stage is necessary to prevent fatal complications
endometriosis may be considered to prevent including abscess rupture, peritonitis and
super infected endometriomas.(14) The sepsis.

Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 32

Vol.2; Issue: 3; July-September 2017
Maasoumeh Saleh et al.Bilateral Tubo-Ovarian Abscess after Cesarean Delivery; a Case Report and Literature

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