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ii) Đề xuất bổ sung về chiến lược cạnh tranh

In 2007, Amazon has launched a campaign to sell the Kindle e-reader at a price almost "as
cheap as for" to hit the market. Many people believe that this is a trick that is considered
strange and does not understand the real goal inside. But according to Mr. Werner, the
purpose of Amazon is to sell popular electronic products to customers first. Before creating a
supply, there must be requirements, so you must show users how e-books are to attract
potential customers to your business. At the main point, the main server computer to the
main server of the users as a decidation, see film and job, user want a tool to read the book
is specialized in the book that influences the factors of top concern. That is why Amazon
understands users and releases a product that they want to market a completely new
product and motivate businesses to sell the company's digital ebook at the top of the market.
competition is fierce.
iii) Đề xuất bổ sung một số chiến lược chức năng trọng yếu
1) Market Development
Amazon uses market development as its current primary intensive growth strategy.
Entry and growth in new markets is the main objective in this intensive strategy. Inc. adds new countries where it offers its services. For example, the
company initially provided its online retail services to consumers in the United
States. Amazon now operates e-commerce websites in more than 10 countries,
including Canada, the United Kingdom, China and India. Each new country is
considered a new market that creates growth opportunities for the firm. Amazon’s
generic strategy builds competitive advantage that allows the company to implement
this intensive strategy of market development. A strategic objective related to this
intensive growth strategy is for to establish new online retail websites
that correspond to new countries added to the company’s global market reach.
2) Market Penetration
Market penetration is a secondary intensive growth strategy in Amazon’s online retail
business. The objective of this intensive strategy is to generate more revenues from
the markets where the company currently operates. grows with
increasing consumerism. For example, as consumers develop increasing interest in
online retail, the company benefits from higher sales revenues, especially when
considering the popularity of the Amazon brand. Market penetration is responsible
for the initial rapid growth of Inc. in the United States. The company’s
generic strategy creates the competitive advantage necessary to penetrate markets
based on low costs and prices. A strategic objective based on this intensive growth
strategy is to implement an aggressive marketing campaign to attract more
consumers to Amazon’s e-commerce website.
3) Product Development
Amazon applies product development as a supporting intensive strategy for business
growth. Developing and offering new products to gain higher revenues is the goal of
this intensive growth strategy. Amazon grows partly by developing new products
over time. For example, the company now offers AmazonBasics products and
Amazon Web Services (AWS). The company’s cost leadership generic strategy
supports this intensive strategy by providing the company with low-cost business
processes to introduce new products. A strategic objective related to this intensive
growth strategy is to increase research and development (R&D) investment for rapid
product development and release to the online retail market.

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