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Họ và Tên : Trương Việt Anh

Exercise 1.
Every day, Nazroo works / is working with elephants. In this photo, he
takes / he's taking his favourite elephant, Rajan, for a swim. They
swim/They're swimming in the sea around the Andaman Island. Sometimes
they like / are liking to relax this way after a hard day. Rajan doesn't seem /
isn't seeming worried about being under the water. I suppose it feels /it is
feeling good after a long, hot day at work
Exercise 2.
1. I rarely play computer and video games.
2. We're studying Spanish at the moment
3. My family does sport every weekend
4. These days all my friends are working.
Exercise 3.
1. I often play computer and video games for about 1 hour a day
2. We're studying English at the moment
3. My family usually stays at home every weekend
4. These days , my friends are working.
Exercise 4.
1. 1 I can't fall asleep because of all the noise outside my bedroom
2. At work, we always take a break at 11 and have a coffee
3. We all work long hour these days because there is a lot to do
4. Sometimes I get up late and I miss my bus to school.
5. How much TV do you watch in the evening ?
Exercise 5.
1. DO exercise, housework, relaxing, yoga
2. GO asleep, clubbing, jogging, home
3. PLAY golf, swimming, games, tennis
4. FEEL tired, happy, ache, sick
Exercise 6.
1. I often do yoga when I wake up
2. I often play swimming in the summer
3. I often watch TV and play games for about 1 hour a day
4. I takes a nap everyday at 1P.M
5. I get up at six o'clock every day
Exercise 7.
A: How do you feel?
B: Not very well . I've got a pain throat.
A: Have you got a temperature?
B: I don't know. I feel a bit hot.
A: You need drinking some honey and lemon in hot water.
B: Good idea.
A: But you should also see your doctor.
Exercise 8.
1. He’s got backache.
He’s got a headache.
She’s got stomach ache

2. We should see a doctor.

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