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Since there has been an influx of questions on how to make exams in Lotus Notes

with random questions..I figured I'd post my random document selector.

Things to note:

'total_questions' should be filled in programatically. It should reflect the

number of documents in your doc collection or view that you are going to select

docs from.

'how_many' is the number of random documents to select

Once you have run randomizer() the outlist array will contain the document

number to use in getnthdocument.

example usage:

forall x in outlist

doc = view.getnthdocument(x)



forall x in outlist

doc = collection.getnthdocument(x)


Any questions on this scripts can be sent to me at:

Custom test dbs can also be developed.. for a price of course ;-)
Option Public

Dim tarray() As Integer

Dim outlist() As Integer

Dim total_questions As Integer

Sub Initialize

Call randomizer()

End Sub

Function randomizer()

Dim anum As Integer

Dim how_many As Integer

Dim place As Integer

' Total number of questions to choose from

total_questions% = 50

' How many do you want?

how_many% = 10

Redim outlist(0 To (how_many%-1))

'Create number array

total_questions% = total_questions% -1

Redim tarray(0 To (total_questions%))

For x = 0 To (total_questions%)

tarray(x) = x+1


'Now shuffle the numbers

For place = 0 To (how_many%-1)

anum% = Round(Rnd()*total_questions%,0)

outlist(place) = tarray(anum%)

Call reorg(anum%)


End Function

Function reorg(place As Integer)

Dim x As Integer

'Remove selected and slide down rest

For x = place To (total_questions%-1)

tarray(x) = tarray(x+1)


'Take one from total_questions

total_questions% = total_questions% -1

Redim Preserve tarray(0 To total_questions%)

End Function

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