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46 — Vanguard, TUESD

Vanguard TUESDAAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2012

Rebels bomb arm

armyy HQ in
Damascus statement, which was
broadcast on Arab satel-
S YRIAN rebels said the uprising in Syria has
spread, it has taken on a lite channels. But as the
they planted bombs
more sectarian bent, with rebels demonstrated they
inside the Syrian army’s
activists saying Assad’s could strike at the heart
General Staff headquar-
best trained forces from of the security apparatus,
ters in central Damascus
the mostly Alawite Fourth residents said army bull-
on Sunday as President
Division and the Repub- dozers moved on al-
Bashar al-Assad’s forces
lican Guards are spear- Zayat and Farouk neigh-
bulldozed buildings to
heading the fight in the borhoods to the west, and
the ground in parts of the
capital. destroyed at least 20
capital that have backed
“Bombs were planted buildings in the Sunni
the uprising.
inside the army head- Muslim areas that have
Syrian state television
quarters,” said the video sheltered the insurgents.
said four people were
wounded in what it called
a terrorist attack on the Polls draw Obama, Romney
General Staff compound
in the highly guarded level
Abu Rummaneh district, ing online poll conduct-
ed for Reuters by Ipsos to
where another bomb at- RESIDENT Barack
tack killed four of Assad’s judge voters’ attitudes
Obama enters an im-
top lieutenants two around the political con-
portant campaign week
months ago. But opposi- ventions.
tied with Republican
tio forces said Violence is Obama campaigned in
presidential nominee
continuing in Syria, with Boulder, Colorado, the
Mitt Romney, a Reuters/
opposition activists say- state where he accepted
Ipsos poll found on Sun-
ing that a warplane may the Democratic presiden-
day, leaving the incum-
have killed as many as 25 tial nomination four years
bent an opportunity to
people in a strike in Alep- ago, while Romney was
edge ahead of his oppo-
po province. off the campaign trail in
nent at the Democratic
In Damascus, a bomb New Hampshire, about to
National Convention.
left at least five people begin preparations for
With the Democrats set
dead and many more three debates with Obama
to nominate Obama for a
wounded in the Jarama- in October.
second term this week in
na area of the city. “The The Democrat is seek-
Charlotte, North Caroli-
operation targeted officers ing to generate the same
na, the race to the presi-
in the Assad army who kind of enthusiasm that
dential election on No-
have been planning and propelled him to the
vember 6 is tight with 45
giving the go ahead for White House in 2008, a
percent for Obama and
the massacres against the task that is much more
45 percent for Romney
Syrian people,” said a difficult this time with
among likely voters, the
video statement by the Americans struggling
survey found.
Grandsons of the Proph- under 8.3 percent unem-
The findings were from
et brigade, a division of ployment.
the seventh day of a roll-
the Free Syrian Army. As

S/African police teargas miners as

unrest spreads
S OUTH African police
fired teargas and rub-
ber bullets to disperse
outbreak in a wave of la-
bour militancy spreading
from platinum mining
less than three weeks af-
ter police shot dead 34
striking miners at Lon-
striking miners at a gold into other parts of the sec- min’s Marikana mine,
mine near Johannesburg tor. the deadliest security in-
yesterday, in the latest The unrest occurred cident since the end of
white-minority rule in
Brazilian naval ship visits 1994. The Marikana
shooting shocked South
Nigeria barely a week after a US Africa and marred the
Naval Ship, HSV 2 image of the continent’s
BY EVELYN USMAN SWIFT had a one week biggest economy, as the
joint training exercise
I N an apparent adher full extent of a breakdown
with the Nigerian Navy. in labour relations in the
ence to the legal
Describing the visit as mining sector became
framework provided by
part of the bi-lateral re- apparent.
the United Nations Con-
lationship between the The latest round of cri-
vention on the Law of the
Brazilian Navy and the sis came as South African
sea in combating piracy
Nigerian Navy, the West- prosecutors provisionally
and armed robbery at sea,
ern Naval command In- withdrew murder charg-
a Brazilian Navy offshore
formation Officer, Lieu- es on Sunday against 270
Patrol Vessel “AMA-
tenant Commander Jer- miners who had been ac-
ZONS” P120 is scheduled
ry Omodara explained cused of killing 34 strik-
to pay a three-day Port
that the ship would also ing colleagues shot dead
call to Nigeria for an anti-
be involved in other pro- by police, but said they
piracy training.
fessional training pro- could be recharged when
The Ship which will
grammes with the Nige- investigations are com-
arrive and berth at Apa-
rian navy during the vis- plete.
pa Port today, is coming

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