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ELEVATE ,Volume 1, No. 1, April 2018, (Page.


Relationship between Job Stress and Coping Mechanism in Psychiatric

Nurse in National Mental Health Hospital

Dwi Happy Anggia Sari a, Mustikasari b, Ira Erwina c

Postgraduate Nursing Sudent (Mental Health), Andalas University, Padang
Faculty of Nursing, Indonesia Unversity, Depok
Mental Health Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Andalas University, Padang

*correspondent email:

Background: Nursing has been considered one of the most stressfull professions. It also happens to nurses who
work in the mental hospital. Coping mechanism known as a direct attempt to cope with the stress experienced.
Purpose: To identify and explain the relationship between work stress coping mechanism in mental nurse.
Method: using a cross sectional study design. Samples were examined as many as 92 people by means of
sampling total sampling. Collecting data using instruments Psychiatric Nursing Occupational Stress Scale
(PNOSS) and instruments The PsychNurse Methods of Coping Questionnaire (PNMCQ). For bivariate analysis
using Independent T-test and for multivariate analysis using multiple linear regression test. Results: The results
showed that nurses are female (81.5%), education level D3 (71.7%), married (65.2%), experienced moderate job
stress (89.1%), the average age of 31 , 08 years, the average length of 52.95 months and work an average of
106.68 coping mechanisms. In the correlation analysis found a significant relationship between work stress
coping mechanism in mental nurse (p = 0.000). Conclusion: The most dominant factor influencing stress coping
mechanism is working. Recommended to the hospital to improve cooperation among nurses and other health
care team, to clarify the duties of nurses and nursing care management stress to reduce job stress of nurses.

Keywords: Coping mechanism, Job stress, Psychiatric nurse

INTRODUCTION social environment and situations (Morgan

and King, 2008).
Nurse is the primary health worker in
Coping is known as the way one
hospital who often to contact with patient.
does to get out of the stress condition
It’s also happens at nurses who working in
experienced. Weiten (2010) reveals that
mental hospitals. Psychiatric Nurse often
coping is an effort made by individuals to
treat patients with psychiatric and
solve problems or handle emotions that are
psychiatric diseases, including depression,
generally negative. Wenger (2005)
anxiety, bipolar disorder, social isolation,
Confirmed that effective coping can reduce
personality disorders as well as mental
a person's stress level. Pargament (2005)
disorders and perceptions such as
Explains the selection of coping is
hallucinations and delusions, where
influenced by individual and support
patients with mental disorders often exhibit
systems. The use of coping greatly affects
different types of symptoms with
a person's ability to cope with the source of
behavioral problems such as violence ,
stress. If a person able to cope with the
Attacks, agitation and suicide while being
source of stress by using effective coping,
treated in a mental hospital that can cause
stress will decrease or will not happen. But
stress for the nurse (Letvak et al, 2012).
if the individual is not able to perform
Stress is an internal state, which can be
effective coping then it will remain in a
caused by physical demands (bodies) or
stressful situation or increase. Dacosta, et
potentially damaging and uncontrolled
al (2003) in his research identified that
Relationship between Job ... 76
ELEVATE ,Volume 1, No. 1, April 2018, (Page. 76-79)

most nurses focus on a particular problem and require appropriate coping

and apply the solution techniques. mechanisms to reduce the stress of work.
Problems in the hope of reducing
stress at work. The more nurses apply the METHOD
right techniques so the nurse will feel This study uses a crossectional
better and can reduce stress. Some of these analytical design to Analyze the
studies can be concluded that psychiatric relationship of job stress with coping
nurses experience stress in the workplace mechanism on psychiatric nurse.
106.68 and the factors of the most
RESULTS dominant effect of coping mechanism is
This research was conducted in RSJ job stress. Job stress experienced by nurses
Prof. Dr. HB. Sa'anin Padang with 92 is due of the fact that doctors are not in
samples. The result showed that there was place when needed, the number of
82 people (89,1%) had moderate job stress, personnel does not match the workload and
most of them were 75 people (81,5%) equipment are limited. While for coping
education level at vocational nurse (D3), mechanisms, most nurses feel that the
66 people (71,7%) had married status, 60 work done is valuable, feels useful to the
people (65.2%) with an average age of patient and realizes that the nurse does its
31.08 years, length of work 52.95 months best to help others.
and the average coping mechanism of

Table 1. Relationship Between Job Stress and Coping Mechanism in Psychiatric Nurse
in National Mental Health Hospital
Independent Dependent N Mean SD SE P Value
Variables Variables

Job Stress
mild Coping 10 143,90 9,036 2,858 0,000
Moderate 82 102,15 15,786 1,743

Based on statistical analysis, it was found Used is 102.15 (SD = 15.786). The
that the average coping mechanism used statistical test results obtained p= 0,000
by nurses in the mild job stress category which means that there is a relationship
was 143.90 (SD = 9.036), whereas for the between job stress with coping
nurses who were in the category of mechanisms on psychiatric nurses at RSJ.
moderate job stress the coping mechanism Prof. Dr. HB. Sa'anin Padang.

Table 2. The Most Dominant Factors Associated with Coping Mechanism in Psychiatric
Nurses in National Mental Health Hospital

Variable B SE Pvalue
Sex 0,169 0,027 0,001
Length of work -12,524 2,288 0,000
Job Stress -30,908 4,351 0,000

Based on multivariate analysis using With coping mechanism is length of work

multiple linear regression, the most with coefficient value B - 12,524.
dominant factor correlation was obtained
Relationship between Job ... 77
ELEVATE ,Volume 1, No. 1, April 2018, (Page. 76-79)

DISCUSSION The most dominant factor related with

Stress is an internal state, which can coping mechanism is length of work.
be caused by a physical demands (body) or
a potentially damaging and uncontrolled
social environment and situation (Morgan REFERENCES
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