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ID: 12104120063



-Adenovirus virus

(b)The complete form of a virus outside a host cell, with a RNA and a capsid.

(d)-Protect the nucleic acid when the virus is outside the host cell.

-Helps the virus bind to a cell surface and assist the penetration of the viral DNA or RNA into a

suitable host cell.



If you are sick or has a sign or symptom of the influenza virus, you must stay at home. You need to
avoid going out to prevent the spread of germs. You need to get enough rest and drink plenty of liquid
to stay hydrated. Second, you must get your vaccine from nearby hospital. Vaccination is the best way
to protect yourself. The vaccine does not stop you from getting the flu, but it helps lessen the symptoms
and decrease the risk for complications. Third, you need to wash your hands regularly. Repeated hand
washing is essential, especially before touching your face and mouth. Soap and water are the best
ways to wash your hands. If this not available, you can use alcohol-based sanitizing gel. Fourth, you
need to clean and disinfect your home. Some germs can stay on hard surfaces like door handles for at
least 24 hours. You can wipe or mopping the hard surfaces which contain a solution of bleach. Allow
the solution to be in contact with the surface for at least five minutes. Fifth, you need to keep
communicate with the doctor. If you have flu-like symptoms, please call the doctor to discuss the
medication that specific for flu. Treatment can lessen the duration of the symptoms and prevent the
complications such as antiviral drugs.


(a)-Prolonged hospitalization.

-Play contact sports.

-Sharing sports equipment.

-Overuse or misuse antibiotics.

(b)First, you need to wash your hands regularly. Use soap and water or an alcohol-based sanitizer to
wash your hands. Clean your hands after using the door handles. If you are an athlete, you must clean
your hands before and after playing sports, before and after using shared training equipment, and
before and after changing a bandage on a wound. If you are a doctor, you must clean your hands before
and after caring for every patient. Second, take antibiotics exactly as prescribed by your healthcare. If
you have any questions about your antibiotics, or if you develop any side effects, especially diarrhea,
you must talk to your healthcare provider. Third, the athlete must take a shower after plays sports or
after exercise. Please do not share the personal items that touch your bare skins such as bar soap and
towel with others.

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