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According to Augustine, _______ allows for the very possibility of knowing.

Select one:
a. Faith.ANSWER
b. Reason
c. Effort
d. Feelings

What was the greatest contribution of Augustine to the history of Philosophy and Theology?

Select one:
a. Appropriating Aristotle to a Christian framework
b. Appropriating Ambrose to a Christian framework
c. He was able to convert thousands into Christianity
d. Appropriating Plato to a Christian framework.ANSWER

Jean-Paul Sartre calls it ______ when we put the blame on other people or outside circumstances
whenever we commit wrong acts.

Select one:
a. Bad faith.ANSWER
b. Anguish
c. Phenomena
d. No Exit

Human beings are pour soi, or being-for-itself, but becomes en soi, or being being-in-itself,when:

Select one:
a. When we insist on freedom
b. When we feel anguish
c. When we realize that existence precedes essence.
d. When we abandon ourselves passively to the prevailing state of affairs.ANSWER

According to Sartre, this is the state of "not being."

Select one:
a. Anguish
b. Being
c. nothingness.ANSWER

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