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What is a Prediction?
A prediction is a guess
you make based off of
clues in text or pictures
How to make a Prediction?
- Use evidence from the text and
your ideas to make a prediction
of what might happen next in
the story.
The puppy ran around the yard
looking for his lost bone. He
sniffed all over the lawn. Then
he found the right spot.

What do you think will happen

Martin was riding his bike. He looked
back to see if his friend was still behind
him. Suddenly he heard the crunching of
broken glass. Martin had ridden through
broken pieces of a bottle. His front tire
began to wobble.

What do you think will happen next?

The sheep was shocked. Apparently, the farmer and
his wife had been giving him all that good food just
to fatten him up! But this was a clever sheep, and he
immediately came up with a plan. First he ate all the
food the farmer's wife had bought. Then he butted
down the door to his pen.

What do you think will happen

Elijah’s mom had told him he was not to
touch her computer when she wasn’t home. But
Elijah’s friend, Perry, had told him about this
great new online game. Elijah thought that if he
just went online quickly to check it out, it would
be no big deal. After he turned the computer on,
he hit a wrong key, and deleted his mom’s work.
He tried hard to find it, but he had no luck.

What do you think will happen next?

Predict what would happen next.
1. John wanted to buy some candy at the store, but he
forgot his money at home…
2. Jenny was swinging on the swings when she heard a
3. Henry had been waiting all week to go to the beach. He
was all ready to go when his mom said, “I have some bad
4. Beth was all alone in the basement and it was dark. The
only thing she could hear was a small scratching

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