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chapter Burns
Jonathan Friedstat, Fred W. Endorf,
and Nicole S. Gibran

Background 227 Transfusion 231 Surgery 233

Initial Evaluation 227 Inhalation Injury and Wound Coverage 234
Classification of Burns 228 Ventilator Management 231 Rehabilitation 235
Burn Depth 229 Treatment of the Burn Wound 232 Prevention 235
Prognosis 230 Nutrition 232 Radiation Burns 235
Resuscitation 230 Complications in Burn Care 233 Future Areas of Study 236

Surgical care of the burned patient has evolved into a special- early airway are critical. Perioral burns and singed nasal hairs
ized field incorporating the interdisciplinary skills of burn are signs that the oral cavity and pharynx should be further eval-
surgeons, nurses, therapists, and other healthcare specialists. uated for mucosal injury, but these physical findings alone do
However, recent mass casualty events have been a reminder not indicate an upper airway injury. Signs of impending respira-
that healthcare systems may be rapidly pressed to care for large tory compromise may include a hoarse voice, wheezing, or stri-
numbers of burn patients. Naturally, general surgeons may be dor; subjective dyspnea is a particularly concerning symptom
at the forefront in these events, so it is crucial that they are com- and should trigger prompt elective endotracheal intubation. In
fortable with the care of burned patients and well equipped to patients with combined multiple trauma, especially oral trauma,
provide standard of care. nasotracheal intubation may be useful but should be avoided if
oral intubation is safe and easy.
Burned patients should be first considered trauma patients,
BACKGROUND especially when details of the injury are unclear. A primary sur-
Burn injury historically carried a poor prognosis. With advances vey should be conducted in accordance with Advanced Trauma
in fluid resuscitation1 and the advent of early excision of the burn Life Support guidelines. Concurrently with the primary sur-
wound,2 survival has become an expectation even for patients with vey, large-bore peripheral intravenous (IV) catheters should be
severe burns. Continued improvements in critical care and prog- placed and fluid resuscitation should be initiated; for a burn
ress in skin bioengineering herald a future in which functional and larger than 40% total body surface area (TBSA), two large-
psychological outcomes are equally important as survival alone. bore IVs are ideal. IV placement through burned skin is safe
With this shift in priority, the American Burn Association (ABA) and effective but requires attention to securing the catheters.
has emphasized referral to specialized burn centers after early sta- Central venous access may provide useful information as to
bilization. Specific criteria should guide transfer of patients with volume status and be useful in severely burned patients. Rarely,
more complex injuries or other medical needs to a burn center IV resuscitation is indicated in patients with burns smaller than
(Table 8-1). The ABA has published standards of care3 and 15% who can usually hydrate orally. Pediatric patients with
1 created a verification process to ensure that burn centers burns larger than 15% may require intraosseous access in emer-
meet those standards.4 Because of increased prehospital safety gent situations if venous access cannot be attained. An early
measures, burn patients are being transferred longer distances and comprehensive secondary survey must be performed on
to receive definitive care at regional burn centers5; recent data all burn patients, but especially those with a history of asso-
from one burn center with a particularly wide catchment area con- ciated trauma such as with a motor vehicle collision. Also,
firmed that even transport times averaging 7 hours did not affect patients from structural fires in which the manner of egress
the long-term outcomes of burn patients.6 is not known should be carefully evaluated for injuries from a
possible jump or fall. Urgent radiology studies, such as a chest
x-ray, should be performed in the emergency department, but
INITIAL EVALUATION nonurgent skeletal evaluation (i.e., extremity x-rays) can be
Initial evaluation of the burned patient involves four crucial done in the intensive care unit (ICU) to avoid hypothermia and
assessments: airway management, evaluation of other injuries, delays in burn resuscitation. Hypothermia is a common pre-
estimation of burn size, and diagnosis of CO and cyanide poi- hospital complication that contributes to resuscitation failure.
soning. With direct thermal injury to the upper airway or smoke Patients should be wrapped with clean blankets in transport.
inhalation, rapid and severe airway edema is a potentially lethal Cooling blankets should be avoided in patients with moderate
threat. Anticipating the need for intubation and establishing an or large (>20% TBSA) burns.
Key Points
1 Follow American Burn Association criteria for transfer of a 4 Intravenous fluid resuscitation for patients with burns
patient to a regional burn center. greater than 20% of total body surface area (children with
2 Never administer prophylactic antibiotics other than tetanus burns >15% of total body surface area) should be titrated to
vaccination. mean arterial pressure (MAP) greater than 60 mmHg and
3 Early excision and grafting of full-thickness and deep partial- urine output greater than 30 mL/h.
thickness burns improve outcomes.

Patients with acute burn injuries should never receive pro- soiled skin with burns. Examination of referral data suggests
phylactic antibiotics. This intervention has been clearly demon- that physicians inexperienced with burns tend to overestimate
strated to promote development of fungal infections and resistant the size of small burns and underestimate the size of large
organism and was abandoned in the mid-1980s. A tetanus burns, with potentially detrimental effects on pretransfer
2 booster should be administered in the emergency room. resuscitation.7
The importance of pain management for these patients has An important contributor to early mortality in burn patients
been widely recognized over the past 25 years. However, we is carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning resulting from smoke inha-
must also consider treatment of long-term anxiety. Therefore, lation. The affinity of CO for hemoglobin is approximately 200
it is important to administer an anxiolytic such as a benzodiaz- to 250 times more than that of oxygen, which decreases the
epine with the initial narcotics. levels of normal oxygenated hemoglobin and can quickly lead
Most burn resuscitation formulas estimate fluid require- to anoxia and death.8 Unexpected neurologic symptoms should
ments using the burn size as a percentage of TBSA (%TBSA). raise the level of suspicion, and an arterial carboxyhemoglobin
The “rule of nines” is a crude but quick and effective method level must be obtained because pulse oximetry can be falsely
of estimating burn size (Fig. 8-1). In adults, the anterior and elevated. Administration of 100% oxygen is the gold standard
posterior trunk each account for 18%, each lower extremity is for treatment of CO poisoning and reduces the half-life of CO
18%, each upper extremity is 9%, and the head is 9%. In chil- from 250 minutes in room air to 40 to 60 minutes on 100%
dren under 3 years old, the head accounts for a larger relative oxygen.9 Some authors have proposed hyperbaric oxygen as an
surface area and should be taken into account when estimating adjunctive therapy for CO poisoning.10 However, the data are
burn size. Diagrams such as the Lund and Browder chart give mixed regarding the success of hyperbaric oxygen, and its asso-
a more accurate accounting of the true burn size in children. ciated logistical difficulties and complications have limited its
The importance of an accurate burn size assessment cannot usefulness for patients with moderate or large burns.11,12 Patients
be overemphasized. Superficial or first-degree burns should who sustain a cardiac arrest as a result of their CO poisoning
not be included when calculating the %TBSA, and thorough have an extremely poor prognosis regardless of the success
cleaning of soot and debris is mandatory to avoid confusing of initial resuscitation attempts.13 Hydrogen cyanide toxicity
may also be a component of smoke inhalation injury. Afflicted
patients may have a persistent lactic acidosis or ST elevation
Table 8-1 on electrocardiogram (ECG).14 Cyanide inhibits cytochrome
oxidase, which is required for oxidative phosphorylation. 15
Guidelines for referral to a burn center Treatment consists of sodium thiosulfate, hydroxocobalamin,
Partial-thickness burns greater than 10% TBSA and 100% oxygen. Sodium thiosulfate works by transforming
Burns involving the face, hands, feet, genitalia, perineum, or cyanide into a nontoxic thiocyanate derivative, but it works
major joints slowly and is not effective for acute therapy. Hydroxocobala-
Third-degree burns in any age group min quickly complexes with cyanide, is excreted by the kidney,
and is recommended for immediate therapy.9 In the majority of
Electrical burns, including lightning injury patients, the lactic acidosis will resolve with ventilation, and
Chemical burns sodium thiosulfate treatment becomes unnecessary.16
Inhalation injury
Burn injury in patients with complicated pre-existing CLASSIFICATION OF BURNS
medical disorders
Burns are commonly classified as thermal, electrical, or chemi-
Patients with burns and concomitant trauma in which cal burns, with thermal burns consisting of flame, contact, or
the burn is the greatest risk. If the trauma is the greater scald burns. Flame burns are not only the most common cause
immediate risk, the patient may be stabilized in a trauma for hospital admission of burns, but also have the highest mor-
center before transfer to a burn center. tality. This is primarily related to their association with struc-
Burned children in hospitals without qualified personnel for tural fires and the accompanying inhalation injury and/or CO
the care of children poisoning.17
Burn injury in patients who will require special social, Electrical burns make up only 4% of U.S. hospital admis-
emotional, or rehabilitative intervention sions but have special concerns including the potential for car-
diac arrhythmias and compartment syndromes with concurrent
228 TBSA = total body surface area.
rhabdomyolysis. A baseline ECG is recommended in all patients
4.5% Front 4.5% Back 229

9% 9% 9%



18% 18% 18%

Figure 8-1.  The “rule of nines” can be used as a quick reference for estimating a patient’s burn size by dividing the body into regions to
which total body surface area is allocated in multiples of nine.

with an electrical injury, and a normal ECG in a low-voltage continuous cardiac monitoring. Persistent refractory hypocalce-
injury may preclude hospital admission. Because compartment mia with electrocardiac abnormalities may signal the need for
syndrome and rhabdomyolysis are common in high-voltage emergent excision of the burned areas.
electrical injuries, vigilance must be maintained for neurologic
or vascular compromise, and fasciotomies should be performed
even in cases of moderate clinical suspicion. Long-term neuro- BURN DEPTH
logic and visual symptoms are not uncommon with high-voltage Based on the original burn depth classification by Dupuytren
electrical injuries, and ophthalmologic and neurologic consul- in 1832,22 burn wounds are commonly classified as super-
tation should be obtained to better define a patient’s baseline ficial (first-degree), partial-thickness (second-degree), full-
function.18 thickness (third-degree), and fourth-degree burns, which affect
Chemical burns are less common but potentially severe underlying soft tissue. Partial-thickness burns are classified as
burns. The most important components of initial therapy are either superficial or deep partial-thickness burns by depth of
careful removal of the toxic substance from the patient and involved dermis. Clinically, first-degree burns are painful but
irrigation of the affected area with water for a minimum of do not blister, second-degree burns have dermal involvement
30 minutes, except in cases of concrete powder or powdered and are extremely painful with weeping and blisters, and third-
forms of lye, which should be swept from the patient to avoid degree burns are leathery, painless, and nonblanching. Jackson
activating the aluminum hydroxide with water. The offending described three zones of tissue injury following burn injury.23
agents in chemical burns can be systemically absorbed and may The zone of coagulation is the most severely burned portion and
cause specific metabolic derangements. Formic acid has been is typically in the center of the wound. As the name implies, the
known to cause hemolysis and hemoglobinuria, and hydroflu- affected tissue is coagulated and sometimes frankly necrotic,
oric acid causes hypocalcemia. Hydrofluoric acid is a particu- much like a third- or fourth-degree burn, and will need excision
larly common offender due to its widespread industrial uses. and grafting. Peripheral to that is a zone of stasis, with variable
Calcium-based therapies are the mainstay of treating hydroflu- degrees of vasoconstriction and resultant ischemia, much like a
oric acid burns, with topical application of calcium gluconate second-degree burn. Appropriate resuscitation and wound care
onto wounds19 and IV administration of calcium gluconate for may help prevent conversion to a deeper wound, but infection
systemic symptoms. Intra-arterial calcium gluconate infusion or suboptimal perfusion may result in an increase in burn depth.
provides effective treatment of progressive tissue injury and This is clinically relevant because many superficial partial-
intense pain.20,21 Patients undergoing intra-arterial therapy need thickness burns will heal with expectant management, and the
230 3 majority of deep partial-thickness burns require excision
and skin grafting. The last area of a burn is called the zone
additional requirement that they do not have sufficient glycogen
stores to maintain an adequate glucose level in response to the
of hyperemia, which will heal with minimal or no scarring and inflammatory response. Specific pediatric formulas have been
is most like a superficial or first-degree burn. described, but the simplest approach is to deliver a weight-based
Unfortunately, even experienced burn surgeons have lim- maintenance IV fluid with glucose supplementation in addition

ited ability to accurately predict the healing potential of partial- to the calculated resuscitation fluid with lactated Ringer’s.
thickness burns soon after injury; one reason is that burn wounds It is important to remember that any formula for burn
evolve over the 48 to 72 hours after injury. Numerous techniques resuscitation is merely a guideline, and fluid must be titrated
have been developed with the idea that better early prediction of based on appropriate measures of adequate resuscitation. A
burn depth will expedite appropriate surgical decision making. number of parameters are widely used to gauge burn resuscita-

One of the most effective ways to determine burn depth is full- tion, but the most common remain the simple outcomes of blood
thickness biopsy, but this has several limitations; not only is the pressure and urine output. As in any critically ill patient, a target
procedure painful and potentially scarring, but accurate interpre- MAP of 60 mmHg ensures optimal end-organ perfusion.
tation of the histopathology requires a specialized pathologist and 4 Goals for urine output should be 30 mL/h in adults and
may have slow turnaround times.24 Laser Doppler can measure 1 to 1.5 mL/kg/h in pediatric patients. Because blood pressure
skin perfusion to predict burn depth with a positive predictive and urine output may not correlate perfectly with true tissue
value of up to 80% in some studies.25,26 Noncontact ultrasound perfusion, the search continues for other adjunctive parameters
has been postulated as a painless modality to predict nonhealing that may more accurately reflect adequate resuscitation. Some
wounds and has the advantage of easily performed serial mea- centers have found serum lactate to be a better predictor of mor-
surements.27 Unfortunately, none of these newer therapies have tality in severe burns,34,35 and others have found that base deficit
proven adequately superior to justify their cost and as yet have predicts eventual organ dysfunction and mortality.36,37 Because
not substituted serial examination by experienced burn surgeons. burned patients with normal blood pressure and serum lactate
levels may have compromised gastric mucosal perfusion, con-
tinuous measurement of mucosal pH with its logistical diffi-
PROGNOSIS culties has garnered limited popularity.38,39 Invasive monitoring
The Baux score (mortality risk equals age plus %TBSA) was used with pulmonary artery catheters typically results in significant
for many years to predict mortality in burns. Analysis of multiple excessive fluid administration without improved cardiac output
risk factors for burn mortality has validated age and %TBSA as or preload measurements; use of invasive monitoring seems to
the strongest predictors of mortality.28 Advancements in burn care have variable effects on long-term outcomes.40
have lowered overall mortality to the point that the Baux score Actual administrated fluid volumes typically exceed vol-
may no longer be accurate. However, age and burn size, as well umes predicted by standard formulas.41 One survey of burn cen-
as inhalation injury, continue to be the most robust indicators for ters showed that 58% of patients end up getting more fluids than
burn mortality.29 Age even as a single variable strongly predicts would be predicted by Baxter’s formula.42 Comparison of modern-
mortality in burns,30 and in-hospital mortality in elderly burn day patients with historical controls shows that over-resuscitation
patients is a function of age regardless of other comorbidities.31 may be a relatively recent trend.43 One theory is that increased
In nonelderly patients, comorbidities such as preinjury human opioid analgesic use results in peripheral vasodilation and hypo-
immunodeficiency virus (HIV), metastatic cancer, and kidney tension and the need for greater volumes of bloused resuscita-
or liver disease may influence mortality and length of stay.32 A tive fluids.44 A classic study by Navar et al showed that burned
recent large database study of 68,661 burn patients found that the patients with inhalation injury required an average of 5.76 mL/
variables with the highest predictive value for mortality were age, kg/% burn, vs. 3.98 mL/kg/% burn for patients without inhalation
%TBSA, inhalation injury, coexistent trauma, and pneumonia.33 injury, and this has been corroborated by subsequent studies.45,46
Prolonged mechanical ventilation may also play a role in increased
fluid needs.47 A recent multicenter study found that age, weight,
RESUSCITATION %TBSA, and intubation on admission were significant predic-
A myriad of formulas exist for calculating fluid needs during tors of more fluid delivery during the resuscitation period. Those
burn resuscitation, suggesting that no one formula benefits patients receiving higher fluid volumes were at increased risk
all patients. The most commonly used formula, the Parkland of complications and death.48 Common complications include
or Baxter formula, consists of 3 to 4 mL/kg/% burn of lac- abdominal compartment syndrome, extremity compartment syn-
tated Ringer’s, of which half is given during the first 8 hours drome, intraocular compartment syndrome, and pleural effusions.
after burn and the remaining half is given over the subsequent Monitoring bladder pressures can provide valuable information
16 hours. The concept behind continuous fluid requirements is about development of intra-abdominal hypertension.
simple. The burn (and/or inhalation injury) drives an inflamma- The use of colloid as part of the burn resuscitation has gen-
tory response that leads to capillary leak; as plasma leaks into erated much interest over the years. In late resuscitation when the
the extravascular space, crystalloid administration maintains the capillary leak has closed, colloid administration may decrease
intravascular volume. Therefore, if a patient receives a large overall fluid volumes and potentially may decrease associated
fluid bolus in a prehospital setting or emergency department, complications such as intra-abdominal hypertension.49 However,
that fluid has likely leaked into the interstitium and the patient albumin use has never been shown to improve outcomes in burn
still requires ongoing burn resuscitation according to the esti- patients and has controversial effects on mortality in critically ill
mates. Continuation of fluid volumes should depend on the time patients.50,51 Attempts to minimize fluid volumes in burn resusci-
since injury, urine output, and mean arterial pressure (MAP). As tation have included study of hypertonic solutions, which appear
the leak closes, the patient will require less volume to maintain to transiently decrease initial resuscitation volumes, with the
these two resuscitation endpoints. Children under 20 kg have the downside of causing hyperchloremic acidosis.52
Other adjuncts are being increasingly used during initial burn isolated burn injuries.66 The combination of burns, inhalation 231
resuscitation. High-dose ascorbic acid (vitamin C) may decrease injury, and pneumonia increases mortality by up to 60% over
fluid volume requirements and ameliorate respiratory embarrass- burns alone.67 Subsequent development of the adult respiratory
ment during resuscitation.53 Plasmapheresis may also decrease distress syndrome (ARDS) is common in these patients and may

fluid requirements in patients who require higher volumes than be caused in part by recruitment of alveolar leukocytes with an
predicted to maintain adequate urine output and MAP. It is postu- enhanced endotoxin-activated cytokine response.68 When ARDS
lated that plasmapheresis may filter out inflammatory mediators, complicates burns and inhalation injury, mortality approaches
thus decreasing ongoing vasodilation and capillary leak.54 66%; in one study, patients with burns ≥60% TBSA in combi-
One recent adjunct that has found increasing utility in other nation with inhalation injury and ARDS had 100% mortality.69
surgical ICUs has been the application of bedside thoracic ultra- Smoke inhalation causes injury in two ways: by direct heat

sound.55 Ultrasound offers the potential to make rapid, nonin- injury to the upper airways and inhalation of combustion prod-
vasive assessments during acute changes in clinical condition. ucts into the lower airways. Direct injury to the upper airway
For burn patients, bedside ultrasonography may be indicated causes airway swelling that typically leads to maximal edema
for evaluation of volume status, gross assessment of cardiac in the first 24 to 48 hours after injury and often requires a short
function, and diagnosis of pneumothorax. Determining patient course of endotracheal intubation for airway protection. Com-
cardiac function and volume status may guide fluid resuscita- bustion products found in smoke, most commonly from syn-
tion. Cardiac function can be evaluated with three common heart thetic substances in structural fires, cause lower airway injury.
views: the parasternal long axis, parasternal short axis, and apical These irritants cause direct mucosal injury, which in turn leads
four-chamber views.56 Volume status can be estimated by exami- to mucosal sloughing, edema, reactive bronchoconstriction, and
nation of cardiac function, evaluation of the inferior vena cava finally obstruction of the lower airways. Injury to both the epi-
(IVC) diameter, and changes with respiration. Ultrasound also thelium and pulmonary alveolar macrophages causes release of
allows timely diagnosis of pneumothorax.57 A high-frequency prostaglandins, chemokines, and other inflammatory mediators;
probe with an adequate window between ribs permits identifica- neutrophil migration; increased tracheobronchial blood flow;
tion of lung parenchyma against the chest well. A pneumothorax and finally increased capillary permeability. All of these com-
appears as a transition on ultrasound between lung parenchyma, ponents of acute lung injury increase the risk of pneumonia and
which has a heterogeneous appearance, and air, which has a ARDS following an inhalation injury.
hypoechoic appearance. Further studies are warranted to identify The physiologic effects of smoke inhalation are numer-
indications for the use of ultrasound in burned patients. ous. Inhalation injury decreases lung compliance70 and increases
airway resistance work of breathing.71 Inhalation injury in the
presence of burns also increases overall metabolic demands.72
TRANSFUSION The most common physiologic derangement seen with inhala-
The role of blood transfusion in critically injured patients has tion injury is increased fluid requirement during resuscitation.
undergone a reevaluation in recent years.58,59 Blood transfusions Since severe inhalation injury may result in mucosal slough-
are considered to be immunosuppressive, which is one explana- ing with obstruction of smaller airways, bronchoscopy findings
tion for the common responses seen to blood transfusions, such including carbon deposits, erythema, edema, bronchorrhea, and
as increased infection and shorter time to recurrence after onco- a hemorrhagic appearance may be useful for staging inhalation
logic surgery.60 A large multicenter study of blood transfusions injury. Furthermore, bronchoalveolar lavage within 24 hours
in burn patients found that increased numbers of transfusions after an inhalation injury demonstrates a high rate of positive
were associated with increased infections and higher mortality quantitative cultures,73 suggesting that pneumonia develops
in burn patients, even when correcting for burn severity.61 A soon after the acute lung injury. Because bronchoscopy is an
follow-up study implanting a restrictive transfusion policy in invasive test, attempts have been made to utilize other diag-
burned children showed that a hemoglobin threshold of 7 g/dL nostic modalities, such as thoracic computed tomography (CT)
had no more adverse outcomes vs. a traditional transfusion trig- scans74 and xenon ventilation-perfusion scanning.75 Decreased
ger of 10 g/dL. In addition, costs incurred to the institution were Pao2:Fio2 ratio (<200) on admission may not only predict inhala-
significantly less.62 These data, in concert with other reported tion injury but also indicate increased fluid needs more accurately
complications such as transfusion-related lung injury,63 have than bronchoscopic grading of the severity of inhalation.76
led to recommendations that blood transfusions be used only Treatment of inhalation injury consists primarily of sup-
when there is an apparent physiologic need. Attempts to mini- portive care. Aggressive pulmonary toilet and routine use of
mize blood transfusion in nonburned critically ill patients have nebulized bronchodilators such as albuterol are recommended.
led to use of erythropoietin by some centers. However, burn Nebulized N-acetylcysteine is an antioxidant free radical scav-
patients often have elevated erythropoietin levels, and a ran- enger designed to decrease the toxicity of high oxygen concen-
domized study in burn patients showed that recombinant human trations. Aerosolized heparin aims to prevent formation of fibrin
erythropoietin did not effectively prevent anemia or decrease plugs and decrease the formation of airway casts. These agents
the number of transfusions given.64 seem to improve pulmonary toilet but have no demonstrated
effect on mortality.77 Aerosolized tissue plasminogen activator78
and recombinant human antithrombin79 have shown promise in
sheep models, but have not yet seen widespread clinical use.
MANAGEMENT Administration of intrabronchial surfactant has been used as
Inhalation injuries are commonly seen in tandem with burn inju- a salvage therapy in patients with severe burns and inhalation
ries and are known to increase mortality in burned patients.65 injury.80 Inhaled nitric oxide may also be useful as a last effort in
Smoke inhalation is present in as many as 35% of hospital- burn patients with severe lung injury who are failing other means
ized burn patients and may triple the hospital stay compared to of ventilatory support.81 The use of steroids has traditionally
232 been avoided due to worse outcomes in burn patients,82 but new prolonged topical application leads to electrolyte extravasation
promising data in late ARDS have prompted scientific review with resulting hyponatremia. A rare complication is methemo-
of steroid use.83 globinemia. Although inexpensive, silver nitrate solution causes
New ventilator strategies have contributed to the improved black stains, and laundry costs may offset any fiscal benefit to
mortality with ARDS. Although ARDS still contributes to mor- the hospital. Increasingly, Dakin’s solution (0.5% sodium hypo-

tality in burn patients, treatments have improved so that mortality chlorite solution) is being used as an inexpensive topical anti-
is primarily from multisystem organ failure rather than isolated microbial.
respiratory causes.84 The ARDS Network Study finding that low For smaller burns or larger burns that are nearly healed,
tidal volume (6 cc/kg) or “lung-protective ventilation” had a 22% topical ointments such as bacitracin, neomycin, and polymyxin
lower mortality than patients with traditional tidal volumes (12 B can be used. These are also useful for superficial partial-

cc/kg)85 has dramatically changed the management of patients thickness facial burns as they can be applied and left open to
with acute lung injury. A similar approach had previously been air without dressing coverage. Meshed skin grafts in which the
shown to improve outcomes in pediatric burn patients.86 In interstices are nearly closed are another indication for use of
patients with refractory hypoxemia despite lung-protective ven- these agents, preferably with greasy gauze to help retain the
tilation, prone positioning may improve oxygenation but has not ointment in the affected area. All three have been reported to
shown a definitive effect on mortality.87 No specific studies have cause nephrotoxicity and should be used sparingly in large
examined prone positioning in burned patients, and caution must burns. The recent media fascination with methicillin-resistant
be used in patients with facial burns who are already at risk for Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has led to widespread use by
loss of the endotracheal tube. High-frequency percussive ventila- community practitioners of mupirocin for new burns. Unless
tion (HFPV) has shown early promise in patients with inhalation the patient has known risk factors for MRSA, mupirocin should
injury.88 One study showed notable decreases in both morbid- only be used in culture-positive burn wound infections to pre-
ity and mortality with HFPV, especially in patients with burns vent emergence of further resistance.
less than 40% TBSA and inhalation injury.89 A related technique Silver-impregnated dressings such as Acticoat (Smith &
is high-frequency oscillatory ventilation, which has been used Nephew, London, United Kingdom), Aquacel Ag (Convatec,
primarily as a salvage modality in patients refractory to more Princeton, NJ), and Mepilex Ag (Mölnlycke Health Care US,
conventional measures.90 Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation LLC, Norcross, GA) are increasingly being used for donor sites,
(ECMO) is typically reserved for salvage situations, and experi- skin grafts, and partial-thickness burns. These may be more com-
ence with this modality is limited to small numbers of patients.91 fortable for the patient, reduce the number of dressing changes,
A promising area of future study may be arteriovenous carbon and shorten hospital length of stay, but they do limit serial wound
dioxide removal, a technique that has proven superior to both examinations. Biologic membranes such as Biobrane (Dow-
low tidal volume ventilation and HFPV in a sheep model but has Hickham, Sugarland, TX) provide a prolonged barrier under
not yet transitioned from bench to bedside.92 which wounds may heal. Because of the occlusive nature of
these dressings, these are typically used only on fresh superficial
partial-thickness burns that are clearly not contaminated.
Multitudes of topical therapies exist for the treatment of burn
wounds. Silver sulfadiazine is one of the most widely used in NUTRITION
clinical practice. Silver sulfadiazine has a wide range of antimi- Nutritional support may be more important in patients with
crobial activity, primarily as prophylaxis against burn wound large burns than in any other patient population. Not only does
infections rather than treatment of existing infections. It has the adequate nutrition play a role in acute issues such as immune
added benefits of being inexpensive and easily applied and has responsiveness, but the hypermetabolic response in burn injury
soothing qualities. It is not significantly absorbed systemically may raise baseline metabolic rates by as much as 200%.93 This
and thus has minimal metabolic derangements. Silver sulfadi- can lead to catabolism of muscle proteins and decreased lean
azine has a reputation for causing neutropenia, but this asso- body mass that may delay functional recovery.94 Early enteral
ciation is more likely due to neutrophil margination from the feeding for patients with burns larger than 20% TBSA is safe and
inflammatory response. True allergic reactions to the sulfa com- may reduce loss of lean body mass,95 slow the hypermetabolic
ponent of silver sulfadiazine are rare, and at-risk patients can response,96 and result in more efficient protein metabolism.97
have a small test patch applied to identify a burning sensation If the enteral feeds are started within the first few hours after
or rash. Silver sulfadiazine destroys skin grafts and is contrain- admission, gastric ileus can be avoided. Adjuncts such as meto-
dicated on burns or donor sites in proximity to newly grafted clopramide promote gastrointestinal motility; if other measures
areas. Also, silver sulfadiazine may retard epithelial migration for gastric feeding are unsuccessful, advancing the tube into
in healing partial-thickness wounds. the small bowel with nasojejunal feeding can be attempted.98 In
Mafenide acetate, either in cream or solution form, is an endotracheally intubated patients, trips to the operating room do
effective topical antimicrobial. It is effective even in the pres- not necessitate holding enteral feedings.99 Immune-modulating
ence of eschar and can be used in both treating and preventing supplements such as glutamine may decrease infectious compli-
wound infections; the solution formulation is an excellent anti- cations and mortality in burn patients,100 likely via prevention of
microbial for fresh skin grafts. Use of mafenide acetate may T-cell suppression in mesenteric lymph nodes.101
be limited by pain with application to partial-thickness burns. Calculating the appropriate caloric needs of the burn
Mafenide is absorbed systemically, and a major side effect is patient can be challenging. A commonly used formula in non-
metabolic acidosis resulting from carbonic anhydrase inhibition. burned patients is the Harris-Benedict equation, which calcu-
Silver nitrate has broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity as lates caloric needs using factors such as gender, age, height, and
a topical solution. The solution used must be dilute (0.5%), and weight. This formula uses an activity factor for specific injuries,
and for burns, the basal energy expenditure is multiplied by two. tracheostomy site care and increases the risk of airway infec- 233
The Harris-Benedict equation may be inaccurate in burns of less tion. Bedside percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy is a facile
than 40% TBSA, and in these patients, the Curreri formula may method for performing tracheostomy and is reported to be as
be more appropriate. This formula estimates caloric needs to be safe as open tracheostomy in the burn population.116

25 kcal/kg/d plus 40 kcal/%TBSA/d. Indirect calorimetry can Massive resuscitation of burned patients may lead to an
also used to calculate resting energy expenditure, but in burn abdominal compartment syndrome characterized by increased
patients, a “metabolic cart” has not been documented to be more airway pressures with hypoventilation, and decreased urine
beneficial than the predictive equations.102 Titrating caloric output and hemodynamic compromise. Decompressive lapa-
needs closely is important, because overfeeding patients will rotomy is the standard of care for refractory abdominal com-
lead to storage of fat instead of muscle anabolism.103 partment syndrome but carries an especially poor prognosis in

Modifying the hypermetabolic response is an area of burn patients.117 Adjunctive measures such as minimizing fluid,
intense study with several recent findings. β-Blocker use in pedi- performing torso escharotomies, decreasing tidal volumes,
atric patients decreases heart rate and resting energy expenditure and chemical paralysis should be initiated before resorting to
and abrogates protein catabolism, even in long-term use.104 There decompressive laparotomy. Patients undergoing massive resus-
may be benefits to β-blockade in adult patients,105 and many cen- citation also develop elevated intraocular pressures and may
ters use β-blockers routinely in the adult population with limited require lateral canthotomy.118
safety and efficacy data. The anabolic steroid oxandrolone has Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) has been commonly believed
been extensively studied in pediatric patients as well, and has to be a rare phenomenon in burned patients, and there is a pau-
demonstrated improvements in lean body mass and bone density city of controlled studies regarding heparin prophylaxis in this
in severely burned children.106 The weight gain and functional population.119 However, recent data show that up to 25% of burn
improvements seen with oxandrolone may persist even after patients develop DVT, and fatal pulmonary emboli have been
stopping administration of the drug.107 A recent double-blind, reported in burn patients.120,121 A large retrospective study in
randomized study of oxandrolone showed decreased length of patients with routine prophylaxis found DVT in only 0.25%
stay, improved hepatic protein synthesis, and no adverse effects of patients and reported no bleeding complications.122 Thus, it
on endocrine function, although the authors noted a rise in trans- appears that heparin prophylaxis is safe in burn patients and may
aminases with unclear clinical significance.108 Intensive insulin help prevent thrombotic complications.
therapy in critically ill patients has shown benefit, presumably Unfortunately, the use of both prophylactic and therapeu-
from avoidance of hyperglycemia.109 However, in burn patients, tic heparin may be associated with heparin-associated throm-
the insulin itself may have a metabolic benefit, with improve- bocytopenia (HIT). One study of HIT in burn patients showed
ments in lean body mass and amelioration of the inflammatory an incidence of 1.6% in heparinized burn patients. Thrombotic
response to burn injury.110,111 Oral hypoglycemic agents such as complications included DVT, pulmonary embolus, and even
metformin also help to avoid hyperglycemia and may contribute arterial thrombosis requiring limb amputation. Nonheparin
to prevention of muscle catabolism.112 anticoagulation for HIT commonly caused bleeding complica-
tions requiring transfusion.123 Although rare, a high index of
suspicion for HIT should be maintained in thrombocytopenic
COMPLICATIONS IN BURN CARE burn patients, particularly if the platelet counts drop at hospital
There are several complications commonly associated with days 7 to 10.
treatment of burn patients. Though not always avoidable, main- Burn patients often require central venous access for fluid
taining vigilance for typical complications and using appro- resuscitation and hemodynamic monitoring. Because of the ana-
priate techniques for prevention may limit the frequency and tomic relation of their burns to commonly used access sites,
severity of complications. Ventilator-associated pneumonia, as burn patients may be at higher risk for catheter-related blood-
in all critically ill patients, is a significant problem in burned stream infections. The 2009 Centers for Disease Control and
patients. However, it is so common in patients with inhalation Prevention National Healthcare Safety Network report (http://
injury that a better nomenclature may be postinjury pneumonia. indicates that American burn
Unfortunately, commonly used scores in critical illness such as centers have higher infectious complication rates than any other
the Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score (CPIS) have not been ICUs. Because burn patients may commonly exhibit leukocyto-
shown to be reliable in burn patients. Quantitative broncho- sis with a documented bloodstream infection, practice has been
scopic cultures in the setting of clinical suspicion of pneumo- to rewire lines over a guide wire and to culture the catheter tip.
nia should guide treatment of pneumonia.113 Simple measures However, this may increase the risk of catheter-related infec-
such as elevating the head of the bed and maintaining excel- tions in burned patients, and a new site should be used if at all
lent oral hygiene and pulmonary toilet are recommended to possible.124
help decrease the risk of postinjury pneumonia. There is some
question as to whether early tracheostomy decreases infectious
morbidity in burn patients and whether it improves long-term SURGERY
outcomes. There do not seem to be any major differences in Full-thickness burns with a rigid eschar can form a tourniquet
the rates of pneumonia with early tracheostomy, though there effect as the edema progresses, leading to compromised venous
may be reduced development of subglottic stenosis compared outflow and eventually arterial inflow. The resulting compart-
with prolonged endotracheal intubation.114,115 Practical consid- ment syndrome is most common in circumferential extremity
erations such as protection of facial skin grafts may influence burns, but abdominal and thoracic compartment syndromes also
the decision for tracheostomy placement. One major consider- occur. Warning signs of impending compartment syndrome
ation in deciding whether to perform a tracheostomy has been may include paresthesias, pain, decreased capillary refill, and
the presence of eschar at the insertion site, which complicates progression to loss of distal pulses; in an intubated patient,
234 the surgeon should anticipate the compartment syndrome and a­ utografted skin provides a larger area of wound coverage.
perform frequent neurovascular evaluations. Abdominal com- This also allows drainage of blood and serous fluid to prevent
partment syndrome should be suspected with decreased urine accumulation under the skin graft with subsequent graft loss.
output, increased ventilator airway pressures, and hypotension. Areas of cosmetic importance such as the face, neck, and hands
Hypoventilation, increased airway pressures, and hypotension should be grafted with nonmeshed sheet grafts to ensure opti-

may also characterize thoracic compartment syndrome. Escha- mal appearance and function. Unfortunately, even extensive
rotomies are rarely needed within the first 8 hours following meshing of skin grafts in patients with limited donor sites may
injury and should not be performed unless indicated because not provide adequate amounts of skin. Options for temporary
of the terrible aesthetic sequelae. When indicated, they are usu- wound coverage include human cadaveric allograft, which is
ally performed at the bedside, preferably with electrocautery to incorporated into the wound but is rejected by the immune sys-

minimize blood loss. Extremity incisions are made on the lateral tem and must be eventually replaced. This allows temporary
and medial aspects of the limbs in an anatomic position and biologic wound coverage until donor sites heal enough so that
may extend onto thenar and hypothenar eminences of the hand. they may be reharvested. Xenograft appears to function as well
Digital escharotomies do not usually result in any meaningful as allograft for temporary wound coverage and is considerably
salvage of functional tissue and are not recommended. Inad- less ­expensive.
equate perfusion despite proper escharotomies may indicate the The search for a perfect permanent synthetic skin substi-
need for fasciotomy, but this procedure should not be routinely tute remains elusive. Integra (Integra LifeSciences Corporation,
performed as part of the eschar release. Thoracic escharotomies Plainsboro, NJ) is a bilayer product with a porous collagen-
should be placed along the anterior axillary lines with bilateral chondroitin 6-sulphate inner layer that is attached to an outer
subcostal and subclavicular extensions. Extension of the ante- silastic sheet, which helps prevent fluid loss and infection as
rior axillary incisions down the lateral abdomen typically will the inner layer becomes vascularized, creating an artificial neo-
allow adequate release of abdominal eschar. dermis. At approximately 2 weeks after placement, the silastic
The strategy of early excision and grafting in burned layer can be removed and a thin autograft can be placed over
patients revolutionized survival outcomes in burn care. Not the neodermis. This results in faster healing of the more super-
only did it improve mortality, but early excision also decreased ficial donor sites and seems to be associated with hypertrophic
reconstruction surgery, hospital length of stay, and costs of scarring and improved joint function.129 Alloderm (LifeCell
care.125,126 Once the initial resuscitation is complete and the Corporation, The Woodlands, TX) is another dermal substi-
patient is hemodynamically stable, attention should be turned tute consisting of cryopreserved acellular human dermis. This
to excising the burn wound. Burn excision and wound coverage must also be used in combination with thin split-thickness skin
should ideally start within the first several days, and in larger grafts.130
burns, serial excisions can be performed as patient condition Epidermal skin substitutes such as cultured epithelial auto-
allows. Excision is performed with repeated tangential slices grafts are an option in patients with massive burns and very
using a Watson or Goulian blade until viable, diffusely bleeding limited donor sites.131 Their clinical use has been limited by a
tissue remains. It is appropriate to leave healthy dermis, which long turnaround time for culturing, as well as the fragility of the
will appear white with punctate areas of bleeding. Excision to cultured skin, which creates great difficulty with intraoperative
fat or fascia may be necessary in deeper burns. The downside of handling and graft take. There are promising developments in
tangential excision is a high blood loss, though this may be ame- skin culturing techniques and engineered skin development, but
liorated using techniques such as instillation of an epinephrine no other products are Food and Drug Administration approved
tumescence solution underneath the burn. Pneumatic tourni- and commercially available.132
quets are helpful in extremity burns, and compresses soaked in a Thighs make convenient anatomic donor sites; they are
dilute epinephrine solution are necessary adjuncts after excision. easily harvested and relatively hidden from an aesthetic stand-
A fibrinogen and thrombin spray sealant (Tisseel Fibrin Sealant; point. The thicker skin of the back is useful in older patients,
Baxter, Deerfield, IL) also has beneficial effects on both hemo- who have thinner skin elsewhere and may have difficulty with
stasis and graft adherence to the wound bed. The use of these healing of donor sites. The buttocks are an excellent donor site
techniques has markedly decreased the number of blood trans- in infants and toddlers; silver sulfadiazine can be applied to the
fusions given during burn surgery.127 For patients with clearly donor site with a diaper as coverage. The scalp is also an excel-
deep burns and concern for excessive blood loss, fascial exci- lent donor site; the skin is thick and the many hair follicles allow
sion may be employed. In this technique, electrocautery is used rapid healing, with the added advantage of being completely
to excise the burned tissue and the underlying subcutaneous tis- hidden once hair regrows. Epinephrine tumescence is necessary
sue down to muscle fascia. This technique markedly decreases for harvesting the scalp, for both hemostasis of this hypervas-
blood loss but results in a cosmetically inferior appearance due cular area and also to create a smooth contoured surface for
to the loss of subcutaneous tissue. For excision of burns in dif- harvesting.
ficult anatomic areas such as the face, eyelids, or hands, a pres- The list of commonly used donor site dressings is long
surized water dissector may offer more precision but is time and includes simple transparent films to hydrocolloids, petro-
consuming, has a steep learning curve, and is expensive.128 latum gauzes, and silver-impregnated dressings. Donor sites
close to fresh grafts may be dressed with a porous nonadher-
ent gauze, and both the donors and grafts are soaked with an
WOUND COVERAGE antimicrobial solution. Principals behind choosing a dressing
Since full-thickness burns are impractical for most burn should balance ease of care, comfort, infection control, and
wounds, split-thickness sheet autografts harvested with a cost. The choice of donor site dressing is largely institution
power dermatome make the most durable wound coverings and dependent, and few data support the clear superiority of any
have a decent cosmetic appearance. In larger burns, meshed single treatment plan.
REHABILITATION predictable barriers to progress in both the inpatient and outpa- 235
tient setting. Psychological distress occurs in as many as 34%
Rehabilitation is an integral part of the clinical care plan for the of burn patients and persists in severity long after discharge.135
burn patient and should be initiated on admission. Immediate Despite this, many patients will be able to quickly return to

and ongoing physical and occupational therapy is mandatory to work or school, and goals should be set accordingly. The return
prevent functional loss. Patients who are unable to actively par- to school for pediatric patients is actually very prompt, averag-
ticipate should have passive range of motion done at least twice ing about 10 days after discharge. However, further study is
a day. This includes patients with burns over joints, such as with needed to determine whether attendance and performance suffer
hand burns. Patients should be taught exercises they can do them- despite early re-entry to school.136 The involvement of clinical
selves to maintain full range of motion. Patients with foot and psychologists and psychiatrists is invaluable in providing guid-

extremity burns should be instructed to walk independently with- ance and coping techniques to lessen the significant psychologi-
out crutches or other assistive devices to prevent extremity swell- cal burden of burn injury.
ing, desensitize the burned areas, and prevent disuse atrophy;
when patients are not ambulating, they must elevate the affected
extremity to minimize swelling. If postoperative immobilization PREVENTION
is used for graft protection, the graft should be evaluated early and Despite many areas of progress in prevention, burns continue
at frequent intervals so that active exercise can be resumed at the to be a common source of injury. Some successful initiatives
earliest possible occasion. The transition to outpatient care should have included community-based interventions targeting simple
also include physical and occupational therapy, with introduction home safety measures. Smoke alarms are known to decrease
of exercises designed to accelerate return to activities of daily mortality from structural fires, but not all homes are equipped
living as well as specific job-related tasks. Tight-fitting pressure with proper smoke alarms, particularly in low-income house-
garments provide vascular support in burns that are further along holds. Mandatory smoke alarm installation via community ini-
in the healing process. Whether they prevent hypertrophic scar tiatives can be successful, but seems to be contingent on close
formation has been long debated. However, they do provide vas- long-term follow-up to ensure proper maintenance and func-
cular support that many patients find more comfortable. tion.137,138 Regulation of hot water heater temperatures has had
Once patients have recovered from their acute burns, many some success and may be even more effective in conjunction
face management of the hypertrophic burn scars. In patients with community-based programs emphasizing education and
with healed burns or donor sites, hypertrophic scar-related mor- in-home inspections.139,140
bidity includes pruritus, erythema, pain, thickened tight skin,
and even contractures. Within these scars, there is believed to be
an increased inflammatory response that has increased neovas- RADIATION BURNS
cularization, abundant collagen production, and abnormal extra- Interest in mass burn casualty disaster planning invariably
cellular matrix structure. Treatment for these scars has included includes a discussion of radiation burns. The 1945 nuclear
nonsurgical therapies such as compression garments, silicone bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki provided several impor-
gel sheeting, massage, physical therapy, and corticosteroid. Sur- tant lessons for healthcare providers. First, the proximity to the
gical excision and scar revision represent more invasive scar detonated bomb directly impacted mortality. The fatality rate at
management approaches that are often necessary for functional 0.6 miles from ground zero was 86%, decreased to 27% at 0.6 to
and aesthetic recovery. 1.6 miles, and was 2% for patients 1.6 to 3.1 miles away. Over
Laser-based therapies provide addition treatment options 122,338 individuals died in Hiroshima, and 68,000 of these
for symptomatic hypertrophic scars. Two of the most common deaths occurred in the first 20 days. Of the survivors, 79,130
ones are the pulsed dye laser (PDL) and the ablative carbon people were injured and 118,613 remain uninjured. Estimates
dioxide (CO2) laser. The PDL causes photothermolysis of of the injuries at Hiroshima suggest that 90% of patients had
hemoglobin, resulting in coagulative necrosis.133 It obliterates burns, 83% sustained traumatic injuries, and 37% had radiation
small capillaries close to the skin and has had success treating injuries.141,142
congenital, cutaneous vascular malformations. The CO2 laser The mechanism of the explosion explains how radioactive
has been used for treatment of acne and recently has been gain- material is distributed. A 20-kiloton nuclear device generates
ing increasing acceptance for its use to treat hypertrophic burn 180 mph winds 0.8 miles from the epicenter. The explosion
scars.134 It works by ablating microscopic columns of tissue to results in a direct pressure wave and an indirect wind drag. The
flatten scars and is also believed to stimulate matrix metallo- direct pressure can destroy windows and buildings, rupture ear-
proteinases and other signaling pathways to induce collagen drums, and cause pulmonary contusions, pneumothoraces, and
reorganization. Lasers are believed to help with scar remodel- hemothoraces. Radiation travels linearly, resulting in varying
ing and collagen reorganization. Outpatient and office-based degree of burns depending on the distance from ground zero
treatment sessions are tolerated well by most patients. There is and time of exposure. A fireball at detonation sends radioactive
wide practice variation on when to start therapy and the number material into the air and follows wind patterns settling to the
of treatments, but the literature has general support for start- ground in a predictable pattern. Thermal injuries near ground
ing treatment at 6 to 12 months and offering three treatments. zero result in 100% fatalities due to incineration.141,142
More research is needed to determine the full potential of laser Radioactive material results in both acute injury from
therapy to provide burn survivors a less invasive treatment of immediate exposure and more prolonged injury from delayed
hypertrophic scars with improved symptoms and quality of life. exposure to radioactive fallout or contamination. When a
Psychological rehabilitation is equally important in the 10-kiloton nuclear bomb is detonated, people at a distance 0.7
burn patient. Depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, concerns miles from ground zero absorb 4.5 Gy. At 60 days, the medial
about image, and anxiety about returning to society constitute lethal radiation dose (LD50) is 3.5 Sv; with aggressive medical
236 care, this dose might be doubled to nearly 7 Sv. To put this in of immunologic and signal pathways to help improve patient
context, radiation exposure from a diagnostic CT of the chest or survival from burn injuries.
abdomen is 5 mSv, and the average annual background absorbed With the dramatic progress in improving survival follow-
radiation dose is 3.6 mSv. Radiation is known to impact several ing a major burn injury during the twentieth century, under-
organ systems and result in several syndromes based on increas- standing and addressing functional and psychological outcomes

ing exposure doses. These syndromes include hematologic (1–8 Sv is critical to the well-being of burn survivors. Since 1993, the
exposure), gastrointestinal (8–30 Sv exposure), and cardiovas- National Institute of Disability and Rehabilitation Research has
cular/neurologic syndromes (>30 Sv exposure), with the latter funded four burn model systems to identify long-term sequelae
two being nonsurvivable.141-143 of burn injuries and to develop ways to improve outcomes for
After initial evaluation and decontamination by removing survivors. Ongoing outcome studies are crucial for dismantling

clothing, a useful way to estimate exposure is by determining barriers that our patients face in returning to their communities
the time to emesis. Patients who do not experience emesis within and to the workplace or to school.
4 hours of exposure are unlikely to have severe clinical effects.
Emesis within 2 hours suggests a dose of at least 3 Sv, and
emesis within 1 hour suggests at least 4 Sv. The hematologic REFERENCES
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