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The content of lemons includes citric acid, vitamin C,

folic acid, vitamins B5, B3, B1, B2, and vitamin E,
potassium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron,
niacin, phosphorus, folate, and other important
compounds. the benefits of the citric
acid content in lemons
Lemon contains citric acid which effectively
optimizes the performance of the liver, kidneys and
other digestive systems to carry out the
detoxification process. how to make lemon infused
water for detokesification
1. Prepare 2 lemons, wash
2. Slice the lemon (crosswise) into pieces, removing
the seeds.
3. Prepare 1 liter of boiled water.
4. Put all the lemon wedges in the water.
5. After that, let the lemon juice stand for at least 1
hour and a maximum of 4 hours. To be fresher,
you can put it in the refrigerator.
6. After 1 hour, the infused water will taste sour,
which means that the infused water is ready to
two interesting
facts about lemons
1. The name lemon comes from an Asian word for
"sour fruit”
2. Lemons are technically a group of berries.

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