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I really enjoy doing this kind of test when it comes to writing, because I am keen on writing, I did
not find the test that difficult, however it was important to pay attention to the context of the
texts because there were some expressions that I did not know, but If we look at other texts for
example the second part of the reading that was related to teen magazines, they used the
expression ‘to be keen on something’ and other texts instead of that and in order to not repeat it
they used ‘to be interested in’, so the point is that the context of the readings helps to understand
expressions that we probably have not heard before.

Another thing I find not quite tricky, but it requires attention was the way they used some verbs
for example the verb to collect in the fifth statement of the first part of the writing test, I’ve been
used the verb to collect to express accumulation of things, but in the context of the poster it
meant ‘to pick up someone’.

If we talk about the listening practice, although I got 27/32 it means about 4.2 out of 5.0, I think I
could get better, nevertheless something I found tricky was the British accent, I do not know if it
was received pronunciation, thought I do not think so, I think it was a local accent or so. I did not
get some words they produced. Anyway, it probably happens because most of the exposure I have
been in with the English language has been the American pronunciation, so I realized I must watch
British series from time to time.

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