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as we know there are 4 seasons. it's winter, spring, summer, fall.

each season has its advantages and disadvantages.
as for winter, I like it when it snows a lot, I can sledding and skiing. i
like to play snowballs, make a snowman. it is also a vacation time we
can rest after a difficult semester. it is also a time when family
gathers at one table. but in winter I don't like the session the most. i
am constantly nervous about the exam . I also don't like winter
because I still have to say goodbye to my dormitory friends because
everyone is going home.
 as for spring, it's a great time of year when everything blooms. I like
the smell of trees and flowers. it makes me happy. also i like this time
because we can not wear warm clothes like in winter. but I don't like
the beginning of spring with because it is so much swamp. i hate it.
as for summer, I don't like this time because in June I need to take
exams. also I don't like it because it's always hot, I want to drink a lot
of water. i like when the air temperature is + 23-25 because the most
comfortable temperature for me. i like summer because i can travel, i
can visit friends and relatives. summer is also a time of self-
development. a time when we can do what we want. this is a time
when we can do our favorite work.
as for fall, first of all I have a birthday on september 3 and so i like
this season. I also like autumn because I can meet my classmates. this
is also where learning begins and we continue to learn with new
strength. also what i like is i will meet all my dormitory friends. but I
don't like autumn because the weather can be cold and gloomy. also I
do not like autumn so the holiday is over and I need to study.
so in every season there is something I like and dislike, but what i like
more then I dislike.

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