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Seiki Soho : A celebration of Life

« Seiki Soho » Literally means ‘Guidance of Vital life Energy’. It is an efficient and practical method but not easy to
explain. The experience is essential in Seiki, it is also quite individual and it defies any explanation.
Still I would like to define it as follows:
Seiki is minimalist energy work,
based upon the spirit and the principles of Shinto.

In Seiki one works from experience and intuition, in the spirit of Mushin (empty mind) and Woe Wei or doing by not
doing. The art of waiting, looking and no questions asked or ‘Fu Monshin’. The method does not follow strict rules or
theories, but relies on feeling, quality of touch which should lead to the proper actions. As Kishi sensei, the Japanese
founder of the method himself said ‘
“My technique is no technique.»
The purpose of Seiki is to restore the natural state of a person or GenKi., the original Life Force of a person. To be
healthy does not mean the same thing for everybody, so in Seiki one does not try to ‘balance’ a person but to guide him
or her to restore his original regenerating powers.
Health is not some static harmony but a dynamic ever changing and complex movement, responding to many influences
such as life style, eating habits, environment, social relations, work and thinking. It is the expression of our deep desire,
wishes, dreams and hopes
Nature and the body are always searching for harmony and what we call symptoms or sickness is just part of tthis natural
process: the attempt of the body to rebalance itself and restore its full capacity. What we call sickness or symptoms is just
a sign of this movement.
This point of view is based on confidence and once we understand this fully, life becomes really interesting.
Life is a game !

The ‘treatment’, or rather, the exchange follows the principle of Ki Do Ma: the right action at the right place at the right
With an empty mind or Mu Shin, it is possible to reach what Kishi called Point Zero, where time and space become
one, even disappear. One is at the same time in contact with his self and becomes one with the surroundings. Repressed
emotions and tensions are released, physically, emotionally, intellectually, even spiritually.
Your energy or Ki starts to move and the communication between mind and body, between consciousness and sub
consciousness, between the person and his surroundings and his roots is restored. One becomes aware of one’s emotions
and becomes really one, connected, whole and healed. Gyo Ki or breathing through the hands is essential in Seiki. It
develops your sensitivity for energies and the capacity to use it.
Katsu Gen or spontaneous, regenerating movement is an often occurring reaction upon Seiki treatment. It allows you to
get rid of tensions and to re-take control of your body and your life. In Seiki we create the circumstances where these
changes can occur. It is an invitation to health.
The effects of the healing process are often unexpected and unpredictable, sometimes spectacular, but always natural.
During a Seiki exchange, body and soul will reunite to create a feeling of freedom and power.

Katsu Gen: Mouvement spontané et régénérant

Katsugen is the way to re-establish the natural condition of one's body by free movement, thus restoring the natural
healing capacity of our body…
Intellectual arrogance is the main cause of stress and provokes many sicknesses as well emotional, mental as physical.
The goal of Katsugen is to get rid of the illusion of the power of thought which we think should govern our life and to
find our sensitivity and natural intelligence back.
Your body is not stupid!
Katsugen will restore the natural vitality of your autonomous nervous system. It is a movement which is superior to
dance or sports, a primary exercise which emerges from our deepest bodily needs. It is open to all ages, all conditions
physical or otherwise and even for people with limited physical mobility.
Katsugen undo is different for every single person. It is mostly agreeable and can take from a couple of minutes to
several hours. It kind of shakes up your system, orders it and it has a durable effect on one’s vitality, metabolism and
immune system.
For sure everyone in his life has experienced this movement already in some form, for instance just before falling
asleep… Also sneezing or shivering from the cold or sighing are mild forms of Katsugen.
One can practice Katsugen alone or in a group but it is preferable to do it in a location where one feels safe and
protected since it is a rather intimate practice/.
The result is a feeling of peace, bliss and deep relaxation which overwhelms you. One feels purified, alert and more
sensitive: finally breathing again…

Clear mind, clear desire, clear plan, clear action!

Resonance: what we are talking about….

During a Seiki treatment or guidance one looks for and establishes an energy communication with one’s resonance
points. Some of these points are well known by experience (empirical) and sometimes also tsubo (acu-points), or chakra
are used to establish contact with one’s partner/client. Some points are not fixed and differ from person to person. They
are found by intuition and sensitivity
At first trying to work without strict methods or rules feels a bit strange but by practice and experience, little by little
one develops the capacity to touch a person right at the spot where contact and energy communication can occur. Then
Seiki is becoming really exciting!
It is like entering a dark room: at first one sees nothing, but as time goes by, out of the shadows, forms emerge and
things become clear. At some point you see as if in bright day light.
One can clearly feel this resonance, deep inside one knows and at the same time one will observe different and specific
signs and reactions in the body of the partner which indicates a clear response to the exchange such as deepening of the
respiration, feeling warm or cold, small body movements, shivers, muscle contractions, yawning and emotions coming to
the surface…
The practitioner waits patiently for resonance, with attention and respect. The body is deeply relaxing and entering a
state of self- healing and the physical contact becomes almost superfluous.
The core of Seiki can be found in the following expressions and words: respect, natural, intimate, enjoy, relax, let go,
conficence,(wat will je hier zeggen Frans?) relief, blue sky, self confidence, independence... Finally breathing again!

KISHI AKINOBU °1949—2012

Kishi sensei –as many Japanese youngsters– was introduced to shiatsu by his father at the age of 5. He graduated as a landscaper at
Tokyo University, but decided to specialise in Shiatsu at the Shiatsu College (Namikoshi), where he obtained his official
license./degree He further studied at the Iokai Centre (Zen Shiatsu) with Shizuto Masunaga sensei, where he was soon asked to assist
and teach classes to younger students.
During his succesfull career as a Shiatsu practitioner -eager as he was to further develop himself- he observed and studied many
manual methods in Japan and Europe, where he lived for several years. Because of health problems he returned to Japan and unhappy
with Shiatsu as it was thought those days, he began his search for the origins of Shiatsu via Shinto (Original Japanese Religion) and
other traditional methods such as Seitai, Te ate, Tekistasu and Kiatsu… For him the only possible outcome was to simplify: Less is


As a medical student he was introduced to the secrets of Oriental medicine and healthcare by Dr. Marc Van Cauwenberghe in 1970.
He decides to change his direction and starts his long journey and studies at the Eeast West Centre in Boston (USA) with Michio and
Aveline Kushi, Shizuko Yamamoto and other Japanese and Chinese teachers.
Back in Belgium he runs a succesfull Healthfood restaurant which he sells and then leaves for Japan with his whole family to study
Shiatsu, Seishoku and to train in Aikido. On his return he starts a practice and a Shiatsuschool. In 1992 he meets Kishi Akinobu sensei
and makes another carreer shift, a direction which he holds onto until now as a Shiatsu and Seiki practitioner and teacher.


Founded in 1985 as an educational centre for Japanese and Oriental medicine & health care. After his ’retirement’ he stops the
Shiatsuschool in 2012, and devotes his time to Shiatsu and Seiki treatments and workshops in Europe and the World.

Tel 00 32 (0) 478 564 866

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