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Journal of Mammalogy, 82(1):1–21, 2001




Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University,

West Lafayette, IN 47907-1159 (RKS)
Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK 99775 (JPB)

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Mammals can influence growth, reproduction, competitive ability, and survival of woody
plants by virtue of selective browsing and gnawing of dormant shoots during winter. Ap-
parently in response to this type of herbivory, plants have evolved chemical and mechanical
deterrents to mammalian herbivores. We report on plant ontogeny and biogeography, which
exert their influence on herbivory at different spatiotemporal scales. To evaluate how plant
ontogeny influences herbivory, we conducted a meta-analysis of 128 studies, encompassing
37 plant and 10 mammal species, in which juvenile and mature growth stages of conspecific
plants were made available to mammals during winter in temperate and northern latitudes.
Mammals ate more of the mature-stage growth in 96% of the studies, and stage-specific
differences in consumption were very large (d1 5 2.16). Plants characterized by rapid
growth rates or low tolerances to resource limitation elicited the greatest degree of stage-
specific discrimination by mammals, consistent with existing theories regarding tradeoffs
governing plant growth and defense. The influence of a plant’s growth rate and tolerance
to resource limitation was dependent on climatic regime; plants grown in areas with harsh
winter conditions tended to elicit greater discrimination of juvenile- and mature-stage
growth by mammals than plants grown in more moderate climates. Further evidence for
biogeographical variation in mammalian consumption came from 14 feeding studies, in-
cluding 6 plant and 6 mammal species, that compared conspecific plants of the juvenile
growth stage either grown or collected at different localities. In 86% of the studies, extent
of herbivory by mammals varied inversely with latitude, and this yielded a moderate effect
(Z1 5 20.46, r1 5 20.53). We discuss potential roles of life history, climate, and historical
association of plants and mammals in shaping these biogeographical patterns.

Key words: biogeography, development, herbivory, latitude, mammals, secondary chemistry, win-
ter, woody plants

In terrestrial ecosystems from temperate riculture and forestry as a consequence of

to polar latitudes, mammals are the domi- winter herbivory by mammals (Conover et
nant group of herbivores during winter. al. 1995; Gill 1992; Swihart and Conover
Several orders of mammals depend upon 1990). Winter herbivory by mammals also
woody plants as important sources of en- is of interest because mammals can alter
ergy and nutrition in winter, relying on fer- growth, reproduction, competitive ability,
mentation systems in the digestive tract to survival, and perhaps other fitness compo-
process roots, cambium, shoots, or buds nents of woody plants (Buckley et al. 1998;
(Robbins 1993; Van Soest 1982). Of prac- Healy 1997; Kielland and Bryant 1998;
tical concern is the damage incurred in ag- Tilghman 1989). Ultimately, feeding by
mammals can alter the composition and
* Correspondent: successional trajectories of plant commu-


nities (Bryant and Chapin 1986; Kielland place during a plant’s life. Maturation or
and Bryant 1998; Pastor and Naiman 1992; phase change refers to relatively rapid and
Ritchie et al. 1998). predictable ontogenetic changes occurring
Browsing mammals during winter tend early in the life cycle of a woody plant and
to be polyphagous, yet they exhibit clear characterizing its transition to a sexually re-
preference and avoidance of certain plants, producing adult (Kozlowski 1971). A sim-
that is, they are selective generalists (Bry- ilar but slightly broader concept that incor-
ant and Kuropat 1980; Swihart and Yahner porates physiologic alterations during plant
1983). Most descriptive studies of winter development has been termed the develop-

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diets of mammalian herbivores have ex- mental stream (Kearsley and Whitham
amined variation in consumption of several 1998). Developmentally based changes in
species of plants from a single locality. In plant–herbivore interactions have received
those studies relating dietary choices to relatively little attention from ecologists,
chemical characteristics of plants, differen- but results in well-studied systems indicate
tial consumption of plants seldom seems to the need for closer examination. Experi-
be based solely on energy or nutrient con- ments have demonstrated strong effects of
tent (Basey et al. 1990; Rousi 1990). More- plant development on insect herbivores of
over, mammals often respond negatively to cotton (Gossypium hirsutum—Karban and
secondary metabolites when making dietary Thaler 1999) and cottonwoods (Populus
choices (Bryant and Kuropat 1980; Palo sp.—Kearsley and Whitham 1989, 1998).
and Robbins 1991). Other studies have demonstrated strong,
In light of the potential impacts of mam- chemically based effects of plant develop-
malian herbivory, an important goal of ment on winter herbivory of hares (Lepus)
managers and ecologists is to identify fac- in subarctic taiga (Bryant 1981a, 1981b;
tors that influence dietary choices. These Bryant et al. 1985).
factors typically function as constraints, ei- Basic life-history considerations and em-
ther on use of plants by herbivores or on pirical studies of plant population dynamics
defense of plants from herbivory. Con- suggest that selection for plant defense
straints are manifested as genetic tradeoffs against herbivores is greatest in the juvenile
resulting from physiologic, ecologic, and (pre–sexually reproductive, sensu Kozlows-
evolutionary processes (Herms and Mattson ki 1971) stage (Watkinson 1986). Although
1992). These processes span an array of the notion is not new that plant develop-
scales in space (e.g., microclimate, geo- mental stage may influence investment in
graphic range) and time (e.g., bite rate, his- defense (Bryant 1981a; Bryant et al.
tory of species associations). Mammals 1983a), the generality and strength of its
seem capable of exerting considerable se- effect on mammalian herbivory has not
lective pressure on woody plants to evolve been examined. We reviewed published
defenses to deter winter herbivory. Indeed, comparisons of stage-specific differences in
heritable, intraspecific variation in deterrent consumption of winter-dormant shoots by
capabilities has been documented for sev- mammals, combined these with results
eral mammal–woody plant interactions from our unpublished work over the last
(Chiba and Nagata 1976; Dimock et al. several years, and used meta-analysis to test
1976; Rousi 1990; Rousi et al. 1991, 1997; the null hypothesis that plant ontogeny has
Silen et al. 1986). We examined the impor- no influence on patterns of consumption of
tance of plant ontogeny and biogeography, woody plants. We also tested whether se-
which exert their influence on herbivory at lected physiologic, morphologic, and life-
different spatiotemporal scales. history attributes explain additional varia-
Ontogeny as used here refers to tightly tion in consumption by mammals.
regulated developmental changes that take Even less is known about geographic

ecology of mammalian herbivory. Attempts ing test subjects. When captive subjects were
to generalize findings on winter dietary used, each usually received its own plant mate-
choices of mammals from 1 locality to an- rial, and consumption thus reflected per capita
other have met with limited success (Swi- use, subject to the constraints of interpreting re-
sults from trials with captive mammals. When
hart and Yahner 1983; Wolff 1978). In ad-
free-ranging mammals were used, .1 individual
dition to obvious effects due to differences could potentially visit any given test station pro-
in relative availability of plants at different visioned with juvenile- and mature-stage
localities, we believe that constraints oper- growth. Under free-ranging conditions, con-
ating on resident plants and mammals could sumption values did not necessarily reflect per

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differ across large spatial scales. We ex- capita use. Moreover, independence of stations
plored this possibility in 2 ways. First, we cannot be assured under free-ranging conditions,
tested whether geographic differences in or- although most studies spaced stations far enough
igins of woody plants, categorized accord- apart to minimize the likelihood that a single
ing to classes of winter severity, explained mammal would visit .1 station during a test pe-
significant levels of variation in discrimi- riod (e.g., Bryant 1981b).
Our review of the literature provided suitable
nation by mammals when offered shoots
data from 19 published studies on relative con-
from plants at different stages of ontogeny. sumption of juvenile- and mature-stage growth
Second, we reviewed published studies of of winter-dormant woody plants by mammals;
feeding experiments in which juvenile- those studies included feeding trials involving
stage growth was offered from conspecific 82 combinations of mammals and woody plants
plants either growing in different geograph- (Table 1). We supplemented those data with pre-
ic areas or grown in a common environment viously unpublished feeding trials with which
from seed collected in different areas. We we have been involved over the past 2 decades.
then tested for a latitudinal trend in those Those trials involved 46 combinations of mam-
data using meta-analysis and proposed pos- mals and woody plants; most of those trials test-
sible explanations for patterns that we ob- ed plant species singly. Thus, our total database
for examining patterns of consumption related
to plant ontogeny included 128 sets of trials,
conducted with 37 different species of plants
and 10 species of mammals (Table 1).
Sources of data.—Data for testing patterns of For each set of feeding trials, we also cate-
consumption as related to plant ontogeny were gorized woody plants according to growth rate
derived from studies in which mammalian her- (slow, medium, fast), tolerance to resource lim-
bivores were provided with a choice of winter- itation (principally to limitation of light: low,
dormant juvenile- and mature-stage growth, and medium, high), growth form (shrub ,2 m tall,
consumption of each type was measured subse- shrub .2 m tall, tree), and leaf type (deciduous,
quently. Although details varied among studies, evergreen). Classifications were made after con-
2 general protocols were followed. In some stud- sulting Fowells (1965), Harlow and Harrar
ies, juvenile and mature growth forms were pre- (1969), Loehle (1988), Tutin et al. (1964, 1968),
sented in equal (or nearly equal) amounts to and Viereck and Little (1972). For species not
mammals in cafeteria-style feeding trials involv- covered by those sources (usually shrubs or trees
ing several plant species simultaneously (e.g., of little commercial value), levels of categories
Klein 1977). In other studies, juvenile and ma- were assigned based on our personal knowledge
ture growth were presented simultaneously to or after consulting forest ecologists from the re-
mammals in trials involving a single plant spe- gion where the species of plant was tested. We
cies (e.g., Bryant et al. 1985). Of the 2 protocols, further categorized sets of trials according to the
the latter provided a less variable assay of dis- digestive strategy of the herbivore involved
crimination by mammals as a function of plant (foregut or hindgut fermentation). Finally, for
ontogeny because interspecific influences on each feeding experiment, we classified the geo-
consumption were absent. Studies also differed graphic locality from which the plant material
in whether they relied upon captive or free-rang- was collected according to severity of winter

TABLE 1.—Feeding experiments used to test hypotheses regarding effects of plant ontogeny on mammalian herbivory during winter. Acronyms
for categories of plant attributes are listed sequentially as follows: growth rate (F 5 fast, M 5 medium, S 5 slow)–tolerance to stress (L 5 low,
M 5 medium, H 5 high)–leaf type (D 5 deciduous, E 5 evergreen)–growth form (T 5 tree, H 5 shrub .2 m, L 5 shrub ,2 m)–severity of
winter temperatures (V 5 very severe, S 5 severe, M 5 moderate, Mi 5 mild). See text for discussion of variables used in meta-analysis. NA 5
not available.

Categories of Xj/(Xj
Plant Mammal plant attributes di 1 Xm) nj nm Source
Acer rubrum Lepus americanus M-L-D-T-M 0.81 0.43 6 6 Current study
A. rubrum Odocoileus virginianus M-L-D-T-M 0.49 0.35 4 4 Current studya
Alnus crispa Clethrionomys rutilus M-H-D-H-V 1.91 0.15 10 10 Current studyb
A. crispa Dicrostonyx groenlandicus M-H-D-H-V 4.27 0.11 10 10 Current studyb
A. crispa L. americanus M-H-D-H-V 2.73 0.03 5 5 Bryant (1981b)
A. crispa L. americanus M-H-D-H-V 1.56 0.19 25 25 Bryant et al. (1983b)
A. crispa L. americanus M-H-D-H-V 14.82 0.19 30 30 Current study
A. crispa L. americanus M-H-D-H-V NA 0.48 5 5 Clausen et al. (1986)
A. crispa L. americanus M-H-D-H-V NA 0.19 10 10 Clausen et al. (1986)
A. crispa L. americanus M-H-D-H-V 3.63 0.20 4 4 Klein (1977)
A. crispa Microtus pennsylvanicus M-H-D-H-V 1.52 0.21 10 10 Current studyb
Alnus incana L. americanus M-H-D-H-V 11.64 0.17 30 30 Current study
Betula alleghaniensis L. americanus M-M-D-T-M 0.08 0.49 7 7 Swihart et al. (1994)
B. alleghaniensis L. americanus M-M-D-T-M 1.16 0.39 10 10 Swihart et al. (1994)
B. alleghaniensis L. americanus M-M-D-T-M 20.04 0.50 8 8 Swihart et al. (1994)
B. alleghaniensis L. americanusc M-M-D-T-M 3.98 0.31 8 8 Current study

Betula glandulosad L. americanus M-H-D-L-V 4.18 0.10 30 30 Current study

Betula lenta L. americanus F-M-D-T-M 0.16 0.47 7 7 Swihart et al. (1994)
B. lenta L. americanus F-M-D-T-M 0.38 0.48 5 5 Swihart et al. (1994)
B. lenta L. americanus F-M-D-T-M 20.12 0.52 7 7 Swihart et al. (1994)
B. lenta L. americanusc F-M-D-T-M 2.22 0.39 8 8 Current study
B. lenta O. virginianus F-M-D-T-M 10.97 0.00 2 2 Current studya
Betula papyrifera L. americanus F-L-D-T-M 1.14 0.44 5 5 Swihart et al. (1994)
B. papyrifera L. americanus F-L-D-T-M 1.69 0.09 7 7 Swihart et al. (1994)
B. papyrifera L. americanus F-L-D-T-M 0.98 0.33 9 9 Swihart et al. (1994)
B. papyrifera L. americanusc F-L-D-T-M 14.38 0.05 8 8 Current study
Betula pendula Alces alces M-M-D-T-M 1.43 0.20 13 17 Danell et al. (1990)
B. pendula Lepus timidus M-M-D-T-S 6.38 0.13 10 10 Bryant et al. (1991)
B. pendula L. timidus M-M-D-T-S 3.65 0.18 10 10 Bryant et al. (1989)
B. pendula Microtus agrestis M-M-D-T-M 0.61 0.38 12 12 Danell et al. (1987)
Betula pubescens A. alces M-M-D-T-M 0.60 0.29 12 15 Danell et al. (1990)
Vol. 82, No. 1

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TABLE 1.—Continued.

Categories of Xj/(Xj
Plant Mammal plant attributes di 1 Xm) nj nm Source
February 2001

B. pubescens L. timidus M-M-D-T-S 1.82 0.29 10 10 Bryant et al. (1991)

B. pubescens M. agrestis M-M-D-T-M 2.76 0.16 10 10 Danell et al. (1987)
Betula resinifera L. timidus F-L-D-T-V 6.45 0.00 10 10 Bryant et al. (1989)
B. resinifera A. alces F-L-D-T-V NA 0.07 20 20 Reichardt et al. (1984)
B. resinifera C. rutilus F-L-D-T-V 1.70 0.02 10 10 Current studyb
B. resinifera D. groenlandicus F-L-D-T-V 371.90 0.00 10 10 Current studyb
B. resinifera L. americanus F-L-D-T-V 19.11 0.08 5 5 Bryant (1981b)
B. resinifera L. americanus F-L-D-T-V 339.54 0.03 30 30 Current study
B. resinifera L. americanus F-L-D-T-V 8.22 0.07 5 3 Klein (1977)
B. resinifera L. americanus F-L-D-T-V 2.35 0.01 10 10 Reichardt et al. (1984)
B. resinifera L. americanus F-L-D-T-V 8.40 0.02 10 10 Reichardt et al. (1984)
B. resinifera L. americanus F-L-D-T-V 46.71 0.01 100 100 Reichardt et al. (1984)
B. resinifera L. americanus F-L-D-T-V 11.63 0.12 4 8 Current studye
B. resinifera L. americanus F-L-D-T-V 1.82 0.00 8 8 Current study
B. resinifera M. pennsylvanicus F-L-D-T-V 2.50 0.02 10 10 Current studyb
B. resinifera 3 glandulosa L. americanus F-L-D-H-V 9.38 0.05 30 30 Current study
Juniperus virginiana O. virginianus S-L-E-T-M 2.26 0.18 7 7 Swihart and Picone (1998)
Kalmia latifolia L. americanus S-M-E-H-M 0.07 0.49 6 6 Current study
Larix laricinad L. americanus M-H-D-T-V 11.05 0.38 30 30 Current study
Picea glauca L. americanus M-H-E-T-V NA 0.18 5 5 Bryant (1981b)
P. glauca L. americanus M-H-E-T-V 7.26 0.19 30 30 Current study
P. glauca L. americanus M-H-E-T-V 1.92 0.24 4 4 Klein (1977)
P. glauca L. americanus M-H-E-T-V 10.72 0.06 3 3 Sinclair and Smith (1984)
P. glauca L. americanus M-H-E-T-V 16.64 0.04 3 3 Sinclair and Smith (1984)
P. glauca L. americanus M-H-E-T-V 1.95 0.10 6 8 Current studye

P. glauca L. americanus M-H-E-T-V 7.60 0.10 3 2 Current studye

P. glauca L. americanus M-H-E-T-V 1.92 0.11 4 4 Current studye
Picea mariana L. americanus S-H-E-T-V 2.51 0.39 5 5 Bryant (1981b)
P. mariana L. americanus S-H-E-T-V 2.43 0.32 30 30 Current study
P. mariana L. americanus S-H-E-T-V 1.42 0.18 4 4 Klein (1977)
Pinus radiata Lepus californicus F-M-E-T-Mi NA 0.14 49 49 Libby and Hood (1976)
Pinus sylvestris L. timidus M-M-E-T-S NA 0.00 5f 5f Rousi et al. (1987)
Populus balsamifera C. rutilus F-L-D-T-V 2.37 0.02 10 10 Current studyb
P. balsamifera D. groenlandicus F-L-D-T-V 1.71 0.03 10 10 Current studyb
P. balsamifera L. americanus F-L-D-T-V 4.86 0.02 5 5 Bryant (1981b)

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TABLE 1.—Continued.

Categories of Xj/(Xj
Plant Mammal plant attributes di 1 Xm) nj nm Source
P. balsamifera L. americanus F-L-D-T-V 12.42 0.05 30 30 Current study
P. balsamifera L. americanus F-L-D-T-V 0.01 0.48 4 4 Klein (1977)
B. balsamifera L. americanus F-L-D-T-V 11.06 0.04 6 6 Reichardt et al. (1990)
B. balsamifera L. americanus F-L-D-T-V 6.28 0.01 3 3 Sinclair and Smith (1984)
B. balsamifera L. americanus F-L-D-T-V 7.72 0.02 3 3 Sinclair and Smith (1984)
B. balsamifera L. americanus F-L-D-T-V 2.46 0.16 5 6 Current studye
B. balsamifera M. Pennsylvanicus F-L-D-T-V 0.75 0.02 10 10 Current studyb
Populus grandidentata L. americanus F-L-D-T-M 20.44 0.58 8 8 Swihart et al. (1994)
P. grandidentata L. americanus F-L-D-T-M 20.56 0.58 5 5 Swihart et al. (1994)
P. grandidentata L. americanus F-L-D-T-M 1.04 0.28 5 5 Swihart et al. (1994)
P. grandidentata L. americanus F-L-D-T-M 20.31 0.55 7 7 Swihart et al. (1994)
Populus tremuloides L. americanus F-L-D-T-V 7.24 0.03 5 5 Bryant (1981b)
P. tremuloides L. americanus F-L-D-T-V 41.20 0.21 30 30 Current study
P. tremuloides L. americanus F-L-D-T-V 13.28 0.15 5 3 Klein (1977)
P. tremuloides L. americanus F-L-D-T-M 0.75 0.34 7 7 Swihart et al. (1994)
P. tremuloides L. americanus F-L-D-T-M 2.68 0.05 4 4 Swihart et al. (1994)
P. tremuloides L. americanus F-L-D-T-M 0.30 0.44 9 9 Swihart et al. (1994)
P. tremuloides L. americanus F-L-D-T-M 2.06 0.17 5 5 Swihart et al. (1994)
P. tremuloides L. americanus F-L-D-T-V 2.41 0.25 2 3 Current studye
Pseudotsuga menziesii Odocoileus hemionus F-M-E-T-S 1.53 0.01 4 4 Dawson et al. (1990)
P. menziesii O. hemionus columbianus F-M-E-T-Mi NA 0.34 8 8 Silen et al. (1986)

Salix alaxensis C. rutilus F-L-D-H-V 12.05 0.13 10 10 Current studyb

S. alaxensis D. groenlandicus F-L-D-H-V 1.92 0.34 10 10 Current studyb
S. alaxensis L. americanus F-L-D-H-V 3.49 0.10 10 10 Bryant et al. (1985)
S. alaxensis L. americanus F-L-D-H-V 21.93 0.04 10 10 Bryant et al. (1985)
S. alaxensis L. americanus F-L-D-H-V 7.60 0.32 5 5 Bryant et al. (1985)
S. alaxensis L. americanus F-L-D-H-V 3.43 0.02 9 9 Bryant et al. (1989)
S. alaxensis L. americanus F-L-D-H-V 20.18 0.25 30 30 Current study
S. alaxensis L. americanus F-L-D-H-V 17.29 0.06 3 3 Sinclair and Smith (1984)
S. alaxensis L. americanus F-L-D-H-V 11.81 0.11 3 3 Sinclair and Smith (1984)
S. alaxensis L. americanus F-L-D-H-V 0.00 0.20 7 8 Current studye
S. alaxensis L. americanus F-L-D-H-V 7.09 0.06 10 8 Current studye
S. alaxensis L. timidus F-L-D-H-V 1.42 0.50 10 10 Bryant et al. (1989)
S. alaxensis M. pennsylvanicus F-L-D-H-V 4.49 0.29 10 10 Current studyb
Salix arbusculoides L. americanus M-M-D-H-V 0.27 0.35 3 3 Current studye
Vol. 82, No. 1

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TABLE 1.—Continued.

Categories of Xj/(Xj
Plant Mammal plant attributes di 1 Xm) nj nm Source
February 2001

S. arbusculoides L. americanus M-M-D-H-V 8.39 0.07 30 30 Current study

S. arbusculoides L. americanus M-M-D-H-V 1.66 0.17 2 2 Klein (1977)
Salix bebbiana L. americanus M-L-D-H-V NA 0.04 5 5 Bryant (1981b)
S. bebbiana L. americanus M-L-D-H-V 44.30 0.05 30 30 Current study
S. bebbiana L. americanus M-L-D-H-V 17.12 0.10 2 2 Klein (1977)
Salix brachycarpa L. americanus M-M-D-H-V 10.22 0.06 30 30 Current study
Salix caprea L. americanus F-L-D-T-S 8.08 0.22 9 9 Bryant et al. (1989)
S. caprea L. timidus F-L-D-T-S 2.01 0.34 2 2 Bryant et al. (1991)
S. caprea L. timidus F-L-D-T-S 9.12 0.25 10 10 Bryant et al. (1989)
S. caprea L. timidus F-L-D-T-S 16.86 0.18 3 3 Tahvanainen et al. (1985)
Salix glauca L. americanus M-M-D-H-V 11.32 0.08 3 3 Sinclair and Smith (1984)
S. glauca L. americanus M-M-D-H-V 6.02 0.26 3 3 Sinclair and Smith (1984)
Salix lasiandra L. americanus F-L-D-H-V 14.16 0.09 30 30 Current study
Salix myrsinifolia phylicifolia M. agrestis F-L-D-H-M 1.77 0.21 9 9 Danell et al. (1987)
Salix nigricans L. timidus F-L-D-H-S 8.26 0.10 3 3 Tahvanainen et al. (1985)
S. nigricans L. timidus F-L-D-H-S 1.81 0.41 2 2 Tahvanainen et al. (1985)
Salix novae-anglieae L. americanus M-M-D-H-V 12.60 0.07 30 30 Current study
Salix pentandra L. timidus F-L-D-T-S 10.49 0.06 3 3 Tahvanainen et al. (1985)
S. pentandra M. agrestis F-L-D-T-M 1.23 0.32 10 10 Danell et al. (1987)
Salix phylicifolia L. americanus M-L-D-L-S 1.06 0.40 9 9 Bryant et al. (1989)
S. phylicifolia L. timidus M-L-D-L-S 3.20 0.14 10 10 Bryant et al. (1989)
S. phylicifolia L. timidus M-L-D-L-S 10.49 0.11 3 3 Tahvanainen et al. (1985)
S. phylicifolia L. timidus M-L-D-L-S 5.43 0.15 2 2 Tahvanainen et al. (1985)
Salix planifolia L. americanus M-M-D-L-V 15.84 0.15 30 30 Current study

Sorbus aucuparia M. agrestis M-M-D-T-M 0.47 0.43 20 20 Danell et al. (1987)

Tsuga canadensis L. americanus S-H-E-T-M 3.01 0.14 6 6 Current study
T. canadensis O. virginianus S-H-E-T-M 1.56 0.23 6 6 Swihart and Picone (1998)
Trials conducted in conjunction with P. Picone.
Trials conducted in conjunction with H. Henttenon.
c Trials conducted using hares in Alaska.

d Tolerance ratings to stress were based on nutrients for B. glandulosa and L. laricina, and to light for all other species.

e Trials conducted in conjunction with J. Cary and C. Krebs.

f Approximate number of hares present.


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TABLE 2.—Summary of studies reporting winter herbivory by mammals on woody plants origi-
nating from .1 geographic locality. Data from $3 localities were required for a study to be included
in the meta-analysis testing overall strength of the correlation between latitude and extent of herbiv-
ory, and $4 localities were required for inclusion in the meta-analysis using Fisher’s Z-transformation.
In some studies, it was not possible to calculate r (or Z); for those studies, we merely report authors’
tests of significant differences for consumption of conspecific plants from different localities. NS 5
not significant.

Plant Mammal ri Zi n Source

Betula pendula Lepus timidus 20.54 20.60 4 Rousi et al. (1989)

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B. pendula L. timidus 1.74 4 Rousi et al. (1989)
B. pendula L. timidus 20.85 21.26 4 Rousi et al. (1989)
B. pendula L. timidus 20.86 21.29 4 Rousi et al. (1991)
B. pendula Microtus agrestis NS 2 Rousi (1988)
Pinus contorta M. agrestis 20.44 20.47 25 Hansson (1985)
P. contorta Alces alces P , 0.01 35 Hansson (1985)
P. contorta A. alces P ø 0.10 16 Hansson (1985)
Pinus ponderosa Lepus 20.36 20.38 10 Squillace and Silen (1962)
P. ponderosa Odocoileus 20.62 20.72 10 Squillace and Silen (1962)
P. ponderosa Lepus californicus 0.38 0.40 17 Read (1971)
Pinus sylvestris Alces alces 20.63 20.74 29 Niemelä et al. (1989)
P. sylvestris A. alces 20.51 20.56 30 Niemelä et al. (1989)
Populus grandidentata Lepus americanus 20.93 3 Swihart et al. (1994)
Populus tremuloides L. americanus 20.99 3 Swihart et al. (1994)
P. tremuloides L. americanus 20.99 3 Bryant et al. (1994)
P. tremuloides L. americanus 20.99 3 Bryant et al. (1994)

temperatures (very severe, severe, moderate, Meta-analysis.—Meta-analysis refers to a set

mild). Categories reflected a gradient from long, of statistical methods that enables comparison
cold winters (very severe) to short, warm win- and synthesis of results of multiple studies (Gel-
ters (mild). Generally, sites with more severe ber and Goldhirsch 1991; Gelber et al. 1992;
winter temperatures occurred at higher latitudes, Hedges 1992). Ecologic and evolutionary stud-
with reductions in winter severity associated ies have begun to use meta-analytic techniques
with lower latitudes and maritime climates. (Bender et al. 1998; Côté and Poulin 1995; Gur-
Additional information on geographic varia- evitch et al. 1992; Hamilton and Poulin 1997;
tion in palatability of woody plants to mammals Møller and Thornhill 1998), and meta-analysis
was obtained from studies that monitored con- can improve rigor of reviews and syntheses
sumption of a single growth stage (juvenile) col- (Arnqvist and Wooster 1995; Gurevitch and
lected from conspecific plants at .1 source. Hedges 1993). Meta-analysis was chosen be-
Those studies varied somewhat in terms of de- cause data were compiled from multiple sources
sign and sampling procedures, but generally that used similar techniques but analyzed data
they took 1 of 2 forms. In some feeding trials, and reported results differently (Rosenberg et al.
mammals were presented with shoots of plants 1997). We were interested in whether regulari-
collected from different geographic localities ties existed in the direction of differences re-
and hence exposed to different environmental ported for multiple sets of trials that collectively
regimes during development (e.g., Bryant et al. indicated a strong underlying process.
1994). In the remaining trials, mammals chose Procedures for meta-analysis are covered
among plants of different geographic origins but elsewhere (Gurevitch and Hedges 1993; Gure-
grown from seed in a common environment vitch et al. 1992; Hedges and Olkin 1985). After
(e.g., Niemelä et al. 1989). Both captive and gathering data from multiple studies that address
free-ranging mammals were used as test sub- a common question, meta-analysis tends to ad-
jects. Our review of the literature provided data vance sequentially (Arnqvist and Wooster 1995).
from 9 published studies, including trials involv- First, results of studies were transformed to a
ing 6 plant and 6 mammalian species (Table 2). common scale, called effect size, which repre-

sented the magnitude and sign of the effect of et al. 1997), which permitted us to increase the
interest. By necessity, studies of the effect of number of studies used in some comparisons
plant ontogeny on mammalian herbivory in- (Table 1). Thus, ln(RR) was used in statistical
volve a comparison of consumption of 2 growth analyses. Each set of trials received a nonpara-
stages (j 5 juvenile, m 5 mature). To test wheth- metric weighting, wi 5 njnm/(nj 1 nm) (Adams et
er mammals discriminate between conspecific al. 1997; Rosenberg et al. 1997). We used
juvenile- and mature-stage growth of plants, we mixed-model analyses because they do not re-
computed an effect size, d (Hedges and Olkin quire that all sets of trials within a particular
1985), for each study in which it was possible category (e.g., fast-growing plant species) share
to obtain information on mean consumption of a common, true effect size (Rosenberg et al.

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each growth stage, standard deviations about 1997). For each analysis, we computed a mea-
each mean, and sample sizes (Table 1). The ef- sure of the variation in mean effect size between
fect size, di, for the ith set of trials was given by categories (e.g., between sets of trials conducted
J(Xm 2 Xj)/s, where Xm was the mean measure using evergreen and deciduous leaf types),
of consumption of mature-stage growth, Xj was termed QB* (Rosenberg et al. 1997). Larger val-
the mean consumption of juvenile-stage growth, ues of QB* reflect greater differences in mean
and s was the pooled standard deviation of the effect sizes between categories. Adams et al.
juvenile and mature groups (Hamilton and Pou- (1997) urged ecologists to use resampling meth-
lin 1997; Rosenberg et al. 1997). J was used to ods when evaluating the significance of main ef-
correct for bias caused by small samples and fects in meta-analysis studies, thereby avoiding
was given by Hedges and Olkin (1985) as J 5 problems associated with distributional assump-
1 2(3/[4k 2 1]), where k 5 nj 1 nm 2 2, and tions of parametric tests. To test the null hy-
nj and nm represented the samples for juvenile- pothesis that effect sizes did not differ among
and mature-stage growth, respectively. Effect categories, randomization tests consisting of
size was considered small if di , 0.2, moderate 4,999 iterations were used to derive a null dis-
if di 5 0.5, large if di . 0.8, and very large if tribution for QB*, from which a P-value was ob-
di . 1.0 (Cohen 1969). The variance in di was tained. We also used MetaWin to calculate bias-
vi 5 [(nj 1 nm)/njnm] 1 [di2/2(nj 1 nm)]. corrected bootstrap confidence intervals (95%)
Next, we combined effect sizes from individ- to facilitate comparisons (Adams et al. 1997;
ual sets of trials into an overall effect size. To Dixon 1993; Rosenberg et al. 1997).
compute a mean effect size across all t sets of Because some of our main effects for plant
trials (i 5 1, . . . , t), we computed d1 5 Swidi/ ontogeny were correlated traits (e.g., growth rate
Sdi, where wi was the weight of the reciprocal and leaf type), we conducted our tests according
of vi, which gave greater weight to sets of trials to the following criteria. First, each main effect
with larger samples and, presumably, more pre- was tested as described above. Main effects
cise results (Gurevitch et al. 1992; Hedges and yielding at least marginally significant differenc-
Olkin 1985). The variance of d1 was v1 5 1/ es (P # 0.15) in ln(RR1) among categories were
Swi. Confidence intervals (95%) for d1 were d1 subsequently subjected to fine-scale analysis by
6 1.96v1. cross-classifying pairs of categories and repeat-
To test for differences in effect sizes among ing the meta-analysis. No category was included
sets of trials grouped by plant growth rate, tol- in an analysis if it contained #5 sets of trials.
erance to limiting resources (hereafter termed When samples were sufficient, we also exam-
stress tolerance), growth form, leaf type, mam- ined cross-classified pairs of categories for in-
malian digestive strategy, or winter severity, we dividual genera of woody plants (Betula, Popu-
used MetaWin (Rosenberg et al. 1997). We ex- lus, Salix).
pressed the result of each set of trials for this A slightly different form of meta-analysis was
part of the analysis as a response ratio, RR, used to examine whether geographically based
where RR 5 Xj/Xm. In meta-analysis, effect size differences in mammalian herbivory existed
typically is computed for ln(RR) rather than RR. among juvenile-stage growth of conspecific
An advantage of ln(RR) as a measure of effect woody plants (Table 2). Based on previous work
size was that, when combined with resampling (Swihart et al. 1994), we hypothesized that lat-
tests (see below), it did not require knowledge itudinal gradients in palatability would exist,
of intraclass variation in resampling (Rosenberg with northern plants being less palatable than

more southern conspecifics. To test that hypoth- ing significant results (Adams et al. 1997). Re-
esis, we used procedures described by Côté and search bias did not likely play a role in the ma-
Poulin (1995). For study i, we computed the cor- jority of studies used in our meta-analyses be-
relation, ri, between the latitude from which a cause choice of species often was governed by
plant originated and the extent of herbivory. factors, such as economic importance or avail-
Next, we computed an overall correlation coef- ability, that are unrelated to hypotheses we test-
ficient, r1, which weighted each ri by its sample ed. Another concern is a possible lack of inde-
size, Ni: r1 5 SNiri/SNi. Observed population pendence of sets of trials included in a meta-
variance was computed as vr 5 S[Ni(ri 2 r1)2]/ analysis, which could result when multiple tests
SNi. Observed variance was partitioned into the are reported from single studies (Arnqvist and

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true population variance and variance due to Wooster 1995). We could not rule out that pos-
sampling error. Variance due to sampling error, sibility because several studies provided .1 ef-
ve, was approximated as ve 5 (1 2 r12)2/(N 2 1), fect size for use in our analyses and some spe-
where N is the average sample size across stud- cies were represented disproportionately often.
ies. The true population standard deviation, s, However, all effect sizes were independent in
was then estimated as (vr 2 ve)½. If the ri are the sense that they were derived from different
normally distributed, then a test of the null hy- combinations of test subjects, plant species, and
pothesis that r1 5 0 can be made using Z 5 r1/ localities.
s. Because the correlation coefficient can exhibit
undesirable statistical properties, particularly RESULTS
when samples are small, we also conducted a
Plant selection based on ontogeny.—If
second meta-analysis on these data after apply-
ing Fisher’s Z-transformation (Rosenberg et al.
mammals do not discriminate between ju-
1997): Zi 5 {ln[(1 1 ri)/(1 2 ri)]}/2. We used venile and mature growth stages of conspe-
Zi as effect sizes, with weights of Ni 2 3 (Ro- cific plants during winter, then each growth
senberg et al. 1997), to derive an overall effect stage should be eaten in equal proportion.
size, Z1. However, relative consumption nearly al-
Meta-analysis has many advantages over ways favored mature-stage growth; juve-
qualitative summaries and ‘‘vote counting’’ pro- nile-stage growth comprised ,50% of the
cedures (Arnqvist and Wooster 1995; Hedges average total consumption by mammals in
and Olkin 1985; Hunter et al. 1982). In partic- 123 of 128 trials (96%). In the majority of
ular, meta-analysis is useful because it provides feeding experiments, consumption of juve-
an estimate of the magnitude of an effect that nile-stage growth comprised ,20% of the
takes into account differences in sample size
total (Fig. 1). Effect sizes showed a similar
among studies, and it provides greatly improved
control of type II error rates (Arnqvist and Woo-
pattern; di was ‘‘very large’’ (Cohen 1969)
ster 1995). However, meta-analysis is not with- for 99 of the 120 experiments (82%) for
out its limitations. One concern is that the prob- which it could be calculated (Fig. 1). The
ability of a type I error could increase if studies overall effect size for the studies was d1 5
with nonsignificant results were published less 2.16, with a 95% CI of 2.03–2.29. When
frequently than studies with significant results. presented with a choice between juvenile-
A plot of sample size versus effect size failed to and mature-stage winter-dormant growth,
suggest that selective reporting occurred in our mammals avoid the juvenile stage.
data (Palmer 1999). We doubt that a publication When feeding experiments were catego-
bias exists because data that formed the basis for rized by plant growth rate, there was a ten-
our analyses usually represented only a fraction
dency for differential discrimination to oc-
of the data reported in any given publication,
cur between juvenile and mature growth
and they often were presented ancillary to a pa-
per’s central theme. In addition, 36% of the data stages (QB* 5 6.27, P 5 0.062). Overall
sets in Table 1 represented unpublished work response ratios exhibited a gradient, with
that clearly had not been subjected to such bias. the greatest level of discrimination by
A 2nd concern is that researchers might select mammals occurring between juvenile and
subjects for study because they anticipate deriv- mature growth stages of fast-growing plants

0.35, n 5 12, CI 5 0.14–0.87). Discrimi-

nation of ontogenetic stages by mammals
did not differ as a function of growth rate
when Salix was presented in feeding exper-
iments (QB* 5 2.72, P 5 0.12).
When experiments were categorized ac-
cording to stress tolerance of the plants in-
volved, a marginal tendency for differential
discrimination occurred (QB* 5 5.18, P 5

Downloaded from by guest on 14 March 2021

0.108). Plants with low tolerance ratings
elicited the greatest discrimination in their
juvenile and mature growth stages when
presented to mammals (RR1 5 0.11, n 5
74, CI 5 0.07–0.16), whereas proportion-
ately twice as much juvenile-stage growth
was consumed by mammals offered plants
with medium (RR1 5 0.21, n 5 30, CI 5
0.10–0.35) or high (RR1 5 0.20, n 5 24,
CI 5 0.14–0.27) tolerance ratings.
Mammals did not discriminate between
ontogenetic stages as a function of either
leaf type (QB* 5 0.04, P 5 0.832) or plant
growth form (QB* 5 1.94, P 5 0.582). Cat-
egorizing mammals by type of fermentation
FIG. 1.—A) Distributions illustrating the pro- system also failed to reveal any additional
portion of total consumption of juvenile-stage variation in response ratios (QB* 5 0.17, P
growth in trials in which mammalian herbivores 5 0.693), although only 9 feeding experi-
were presented with approximately equal ments involved mammals with foregut fer-
amounts of juvenile- and mature-stage growth; mentation (Table 1).
note the preponderance of studies for which Interactive effects of winter severity and
,50% of total consumption consisted of juve- plant life history.—To examine more close-
nile-stage growth. B) Distribution of effect sizes, ly how mammalian herbivory varies as a
d, from Table 1; designations regarding effect function of plant ontogeny, we partitioned
sizes follow Cohen (1969).
feeding experiments according to winter se-
verity and plant growth rate. When mam-
(RR1 5 0.11, n 5 72, CI 5 0.07–0.16), an mals were presented with juvenile and ma-
intermediate amount occurring for plants ture growth stages of fast-growing plants,
with medium growth rates (RR1 5 0.19, n they discriminated differentially as a func-
5 49, CI 5 0.12–0.25), and the least dis- tion of winter severity (QB* 5 16.04, P 5
crimination between ontogenetic stages oc- 0.001). Fast-growing plants from areas of
curring for slow-growing plants (RR1 5 moderate winter temperatures elicited less
0.36, n 5 7, CI 5 0.24–0.56). An analo- discrimination between juvenile and mature
gous pattern was seen for experiments in- growth stages than fast-growing plants from
volving Betula (QB* 5 12.94, P 5 0.004), areas of severe or very severe winter tem-
with mammals exhibiting greater discrimi- peratures (Fig. 2). A similar pattern of dis-
nation between ontogenetic stages when of- crimination was evident when mammals
fered fast-growing species (RR1 5 0.04, n were presented with plants characterized by
5 22, CI 5 0.02–0.09) than when offered medium growth rates (QB* 5 15.57, P 5
species with medium growth rates (RR1 5 0.003), except that the lowest RR1 occurred

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FIG. 2.—Response ratios (RR1 5 J/M) mea- FIG. 3.—Response ratios (RR1 5 J/M) mea-
suring the discrimination exhibited by mamma- suring discrimination exhibited by mammalian
lian herbivores between juvenile- and mature- herbivores between juvenile- and mature-stage
stage growth of winter-dormant woody plants. growth of winter-dormant woody plants. Re-
Response ratios are categorized by plant growth sponse ratios are categorized by plant tolerance
rate and severity of winter temperatures; colder to limiting resources and severity of winter tem-
winters elicit greater discrimination against ju- peratures; colder winters elicit greater discrimi-
venile-stage growth by mammals. Vertical lines nation against juvenile-stage growth by mam-
are 95% bias-corrected bootstrap confidence in- mals. Vertical lines are 95% bias-corrected boot-
tervals based on 4,999 samples. strap confidence intervals based on 4,999 sam-

for feeding trials of plants from areas with

severe winter temperatures (Fig. 2). Quali- when presented with plants of low (QB* 5
tatively, mammals did not seem to discrim- 18.14, P 5 0.0002) and medium stress tol-
inate among ontogenetic stages of slow- erance (QB* 5 11.32, P 5 0.011). For both
growing plants on the basis of winter se- tolerance classes of plants, mammals dis-
verity (moderate, RR1 5 0.41, n 5 5; very criminated between ontogenetic stages to
severe, RR1 5 0.43, n 5 3). the greatest extent when plants were grown
We also partitioned feeding experiments in areas with very severe winter tempera-
according to winter severity and stress tol- tures (Fig. 3).
erance of plants. Insufficient samples were Biogeographic patterns of mammalian
available to permit analysis of experiments herbivory.—Categorizing plants according
on plants from areas with mild or severe to severity of winter temperatures where
winter temperatures, or for plants charac- they were grown revealed strong differen-
terized by high stress tolerance (Table 1). tial discrimination in consumption of juve-
Mammals exhibited differential discrimi- nile-stage and mature-stage growth (QB* 5
nation of juvenile and mature growth stages 24.59, P 5 0.0002). Overall response ratios

exhibited a gradient with respect to winter DISCUSSION

severity. Mammals discriminated greatly
Plant ontogeny and cost of herbivory.—
between juvenile and mature growth stages
In the absence of herbivory, competition
from areas with very severe (RR1 5 0.09,
between plants is the major factor deter-
n 5 76, CI 5 0.06–0.13) and severe winter
mining resource allocation patterns in a giv-
temperatures (RR1 5 0.13, n 5 16, CI 5
en environment (Tilman 1990). Relative
0.04–0.26). However, a nearly 4-fold in-
costs of herbivory are magnified in the ju-
crease in relative consumption of juvenile-
venile stage of ontogeny for woody plants
stage growth occurred in areas experiencing
because a given level of herbivory removes
moderate winter temperatures (RR1 5 0.40,

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a proportionately greater amount of a ju-
n 5 34, CI 5 0.25–0.55). Although an in-
venile plant’s biomass and growing points
sufficient number of experiments (n 5 2) compared with a larger, reproductively ma-
were conducted in mild localities to warrant ture conspecific. Herbivory also can have a
inclusion in the analysis, they exhibited greater impact on a plant’s fitness if it oc-
qualitative agreement with our other results curs in the juvenile stage and subsequently
(RR1 5 0.28). Betula (QB* 5 39.06, P 5 diminishes (or precludes) lifetime reproduc-
0.0002) and Populus (QB* 5 16.90, P 5 tive success via, for example, mortality be-
0.0008) followed that pattern, although fore maturation, a delay in age at 1st repro-
only plants from areas with moderate and duction, or a decline in competitive ability
very cold winters were subjected to testing. (Bulmer 1994; Prins and Nell 1990; Rough-
When mammals were offered Betula from garden 1998; Stearns 1992). As a conse-
areas with very severe winter temperatures, quence of the potentially greater cost of
they were more discriminating (RR1 5 herbivory in the prereproductive stage,
0.02, n 5 14, CI 5 0.01–0.04) than when plants should invest relatively more in de-
offered Betula from areas with moderate fense of this growth stage. For woody
winters (RR1 5 0.34, n 5 17, CI 5 0.15– plants in which the chemical basis of pal-
0.58). Similarly, when mammals were of- atability to mammals has been determined,
fered Populus from areas with very severe juvenile-stage growth is more heavily de-
winter temperatures, they were much more fended than mature-stage growth, usually
discriminating (RR1 5 0.06, n 5 14, CI 5 by lipid-soluble secondary metabolites of
0.03–0.12) than when offered Populus from low molecular weight (Bryant 1981a; Clau-
areas with moderate winters (RR1 5 0.53, sen et al. 1986; Reichardt et al. 1984,
n 5 8, CI 5 0.23–0.93). Experiments with 1990). In our analysis, mammals strongly
Salix were conducted only using plants and consistently chose mature-stage growth
from areas with very severe and severe over juvenile-stage growth. Mammals dis-
winter temperatures, and no difference in criminate among plants on the basis of plant
discrimination of ontogenetic stages was chemistry, morphology, and texture and
noted (QB* 5 0.92, P 5 0.34). avoid ingestion of plants or plant parts that
Intensity of browsing was negatively cor- contain high levels of defensive substances
related with latitude in 12 (86%) of the 14 (Palo and Robbins 1991). Our analysis pro-
studies (Table 2). Overall correlation be- vides overwhelming support for the idea
tween browsing intensity and latitude was that palatability of plants to mammals dif-
20.53, yielding a Z of 21.53 (P 5 0.066). fers as a function of ontogenetic stage in a
For Fisher’s Z-transformed correlations, we manner consistent with an evolutionary re-
obtained a moderate (Cohen 1969) effect sponse of plants to stage-specific differenc-
size of 20.46, which differed from the zero es in costs of herbivory (Fig. 1). Moreover,
predicted by the null hypothesis of no re- because those experiments were conducted
lationship (CI 5 20.62 to 20.30). on winter-dormant woody plants, it seems

highly unlikely that insects or pathogens plants characterized by fast growth rates
could have caused the response we ob- and low tolerances to resource limitation
served. Rather, mammals likely are the evo- (i.e., plants facing intense competition in re-
lutionary force generating these stage-spe- source-rich environments) should invest
cific differences. relatively more in defense of the juvenile
Effects of plant life history.—Mammalian stage than slow-growing, stress-tolerant
discrimination between juvenile- and ma- plants. Consistent with this expectation,
ture-stage growth varied somewhat as a when feeding experiments were categorized
function of plant growth rate and tolerance by plant growth rate, mammals exhibited

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to resource stress. We suspect that these the greatest degree of ontogenetic discrim-
patterns are a consequence of differences in ination for fast growers and the least dis-
responses to resource-rich and resource- crimination for slow growers. Similarly,
poor environments. In resource-rich envi- when feeding experiments were categorized
ronments, competition among plants is in- by plant tolerance rating, mammals were
tense, and success is dependent on rapid ac- most discriminating when presented with
quisition of resources and on allocation of juvenile and mature growth stages of low-
these resources to vegetative structures tolerance plants and least discriminating
needed for subsequent acquisition of addi- when offered ontogenetic stages of plants
tional resources (Coley et al. 1985; Herms with either medium or high tolerance rat-
and Mattson 1992). As a result, plants ings. Overall differences in discrimination
adapted to resource-rich environments typ- between ontogenetic stages, as measured
ically exhibit fast rates of growth (Herms using RR1, indicated a 2- to 3-fold change
and Mattson 1992). In resource-poor envi- for the extreme classes of growth rate and
ronments, competition among plants may tolerance rating.
be less intense, and success is dependent on Constraints of winter severity.—Discrim-
efficient use and retention of resources ination of ontogenetic stages by mammals
(Chapin 1980; Tilman 1990; Vitousek varied as a function of winter severity, even
1982). Consequently, plants adapted to re- after correcting for differences in plant
source-poor environments exhibit inherent- growth rate (Fig. 2) or tolerance rating (Fig.
ly slow rates of growth (Chapin et al. 1989; 3). Mammals tended to consume relatively
Coley et al. 1985). Not surprisingly, plant less juvenile-stage growth when occurring
growth rate is correlated inversely with tol- in areas with severe or very severe winter
erance to resource limitation (Shipley and temperatures.
Keddy 1988). Greater discrimination in colder climates
Plants adapted to resource-rich environ- may result from more stringent constraints
ments typically are more nutritious and thus for mammals faced with a trade-off be-
are more valuable to mammalian herbivores tween energetic needs and detoxification
than plants from resource-poor environ- capabilities for ingested toxins. Energetic
ments (Bryant and Kuropat 1980; Coley et costs of thermoregulation during winter
al. 1985). Herbivory presents an added di- typically increase for a mammal of a given
lemma for growth-dominated plants in rich size as temperature declines (Lindstedt and
environments because beyond the direct Boyce 1985; Moen 1973; Robbins 1993).
costs associated with lost tissue and nutri- Although costs can be partially offset by
ents, reduced competitive ability in the ju- changes in behavior (e.g., movement, hud-
venile stage could reduce future reproduc- dling), insulative quality of pelage, or re-
tive success. Moreover, growth-dominated duced metabolism, it seems likely that in
plants exhibit considerably greater pheno- many instances increased costs also must be
typic flexibility than stress-tolerant plants offset by increased food intake. An excep-
(Herms and Mattson 1992). We suspect that tion may be larger species that can rely to

a greater degree on fat reserves during win- feeding trials were conducted, and 3 species
ter. Nonetheless, sites with colder winter of Betula grown in a moderate climate were
temperatures in temperate and northern lat- provided to snowshoe hares (Lepus ameri-
itudes are associated with shorter growing canus) inhabiting interior Alaska (Table 1).
seasons; thus, mammalian herbivores from In all cases, overall level of discrimination
these areas are forced to rely on dormant by hares in Alaska was greater than any of
woody plants as a primary food source for 9 sets of trials for the same plant species
a longer period each year. Finally, herbi- provided to hares inhabiting the more mod-
vores from northern latitudes typically must erate climate of Connecticut (Swihart et al.

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rely on a food base that is less diverse than 1994).
at more southern latitudes, which can limit Mammals are equipped with genetic,
dietary breadth. physiologic, and neurologic capabilities for
Juvenile-stage growth of woody plants learning and remembering quality of poten-
often contains elevated concentrations of tial food items (Provenza 1995, 1996).
secondary metabolites that can elicit acute, Moreover, they prefer the flavor or odor of
subacute, or chronic toxicosis (Bryant et al. nutritious foods (Villabla and Provenza
1992; Harju 1996a, 1996b; MacArthur et al. 1996), yet they limit their intake of nutri-
1991; Reichardt et al. 1984). Detoxification tious but toxic foods and thereby avoid sat-
of plant secondary metabolites is essential urating their detoxification system (Pfister
to maintenance of acid–base homeostasis in et al. 1997; Wang and Provenza 1996a,
mammals, but it is a saturable process (Fo- 1996b, 1997). Our data do not permit us to
ley et al. 1995). If intake of secondary me- assess whether mammals in harsher cli-
tabolites is great enough to saturate a mam- mates have developed more effective detox-
mal’s system for excretion of organic an- ification mechanisms. However, evidence
ions, deleterious effects on protein metab- exists for Lepus that physiologic capabili-
olism and sodium balance result (Foley et ties for detoxification vary (Iason and Palo
al. 1995; Iason and Palo 1991; Illius and 1991).
Jessop 1995). Increases in dietary energy Latitudinal trends and evolution of plant
and protein apparently can ameliorate ef- defense.—Although constraints imposed by
fects of toxins, at least in ruminants (Burritt geographic variation in winter severity
et al. 2000; Wang and Provenza 1997). seem to influence levels of ontogenetically
When faced with few plant species from based discrimination of woody plants by
which to choose, such nutrient supplemen- mammals, this explanation is insufficient to
tation seems unlikely for herbivores in explain geographic variation in patterns of
northern latitudes. consumption of conspecific, juvenile-stage
We suggest that mammals in harsh cli- growth (Table 2). In these studies, mam-
mates have 2 options for dealing with con- mals at a single locality were either pre-
straints imposed by their greater rate of sented with plants grown on site from seed
food intake and need to avoid toxicosis. collected at several different localities, or
They must either forage more selectively offered plants that had been collected as ju-
with respect to plant secondary metabolites veniles from several localities. Yet our anal-
or evolve more effective means of detoxi- ysis indicates a moderate effect size for lat-
fication. Our results are consistent with the itude, with mammals consuming propor-
former prediction, although discrimination tionately more biomass of plants of south-
in our analysis also might result from cli- ern origin. This effect likely has a
matic constraints on plants. Additional, substantial genetic component, because
stronger support for the influence of winter plants were grown in common environ-
climate on discrimination comes from 3 ments for 67% of the studies exhibiting in-
feeding experiments in which reciprocal verse relationships between latitude and

palatability. Moreover, comparison of her- However, the lower species richness and
bivory by snowshoe hares on juvenile-stage productivity of woody plant communities
growth of closely related species (Populus typifying taiga and subarctic regions pre-
grandidentata, P. tremuloides) grown in sumably would elevate selective pressure
common environments repeatedly has exerted on any given plant. Moreover, in
shown that hares consume less of P. tre- northern latitudes with long winters, popu-
muloides, the species with the more north- lations of arvicoline rodents and lago-
ern geographic range (Swihart et al. 1994). morphs associated with specialized preda-
Large-scale clinal variation in palatability tors and relatively unfragmented habitat

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could result from evolutionary responses of seem more prone to cyclical dynamics of
plants to $2 selective forces associated high amplitude (Bjørnstad et al. 1995; Han-
with cold climates. Although numerous ex- ski and Korpimaki 1995; Keith 1990; Keith
ceptions exist, soil temperatures in northern et al. 1993). During peak years, herbivory
latitudes generally are colder than in south- can cause widespread mortality of seedlings
ern latitudes of the same altitude. Colder and saplings (Wolff 1980). Thus, some ev-
soils reduce the rate at which nutrients are idence exists that latitudinal variation in
mineralized from organic matter and hence plant defense could arise as a direct con-
made available for uptake by plants (Chap- sequence of latitudinal variation in intensity
in and Shaver 1985). Consequently, cold- of winter herbivory.
soil plants growing in otherwise compara- Geographic variation in defense.—Effect
ble conditions could become more nutrient sizes for latitude were not large, and other
limited (Swihart et al. 1994). Nutrient lim- factors unrelated to latitude clearly influ-
itation constrains rate of plant growth and ence geographic variation in mammalian
thus simultaneously serves to increase cost herbivory and plant defense. We were un-
of a unit of herbivory (Bryant et al. 1983a; able to examine effects of altitude in our
Coley et al. 1985) and diminish opportunity analysis, but we suspect that plants adapted
costs associated with investing in defenses to montane environments exhibit defensive
at the expense of growth (Chapin 1989; characteristics similar to plants grown in
Herms and Mattson 1992). Greater levels of northern latitudes. Indirect evidence is con-
defense against herbivory could evolve, sistent with this notion. Hansson (1985) rat-
then, as a consequence of nutrient limitation ed damage by field voles (Microtus agres-
associated with cold soils. Although harsh tis) in Sweden to lodgepole pine (Pinus
winter conditions also can lead to physio- contorta) collected from a variety of local-
logic changes in plant responses to dessi- ities in western North America. For plants
cation and winter hardening, these changes from 25 localities, our rank correlation of
do not explain patterns of herbivory that we latitude and damage was 20.44 (Table 2).
observed (Swihart et al. 1994). Hansson (1985) noted that northern prove-
Growing seasons are shorter at more nances were less damaged than southern
northern latitudes, which forces northern ones, with 1 dramatic exception. Voles only
herbivorous mammals to rely on dormant weakly damaged the most southern prove-
plants as sources of food for longer periods nance, which came from a high-altitude lo-
of time than their southern counterparts. For cality. Removal of this locality from the
an identical complement of mammals, then, analysis strengthened the latitudinal corre-
plants in northern latitudes will experience lation by 41%, to 20.62.
more herbivore-days of browsing pressure Geographic variation in the historical in-
during winter. Greater productivity in the tensity of herbivory also may be unrelated
more southern latitudes of the temperate to latitude. Bryant et al. (1989) documented
zone could ameliorate this selective force dramatically different responses of hares to
by yielding greater densities of herbivores. congeneric woody plants; plants from an

area with no history of browsing mammals in palatability. These differences are onto-
were least defended chemically and con- genetically based, they often are large com-
sumed in greatest quantities by hares, plants pared with many of the interspecific differ-
from an area with a long history of brows- ences that we and others have observed for
ing mammals but hare populations that did plants of the same ontogenetic stage, and
not cycle were intermediate in defense and they seem to have evolved principally as
palatability, and plants from areas with a defensive responses of plants to mammalian
long history of browsing mammals and herbivory during winter.
populations of hares with high-amplitude The degree to which our findings gener-

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cycles were least palatable and exhibited alize to other seasons, biomes, and taxa re-
the greatest levels of chemical defense. In- mains to be seen. Few studies have exam-
traspecifically, only 2 studies in our analy- ined effects of plant developmental stage on
sis failed to show an inverse relation be- herbivorous birds in northern latitudes
tween extent of mammalian herbivory and (Muller 1995; Ryala 1966; Svoboda and
latitude (Table 2). In 1 of these, Read Gullion 1972), but results thus far have
(1971) recorded browsing by black-tailed been consistent with our findings. Insect
jackrabbits (Lepus californicus) in Nebras- herbivores also seem sensitive to develop-
ka on ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) mental differences in plants during the
seedlings originating from 17 localities growing season, but their responses vary in-
throughout the western United States. He terspecifically and the number of studies is
documented a significant difference in her- small (Karban and Thaler 1999; Kearsley
bivory as a function of longitude of origin; and Whitham 1989, 1998; Waltz and Whi-
plants with origins west of the Continental tham 1997).
Divide were browsed more severely. Inter- Large-scale spatial variation also is evi-
estingly, the intermountain area west of the dent and seems to be driven largely by win-
Divide has no history of intense herbivory ter severity. Physiologic and ecologic con-
by large mammalian herbivores, in contrast straints imposed by harsh environments in
to land east of the Divide (Mack and northern latitudes seem to have resulted in
Thompson 1982). Thus, even though evolution of plants with better defenses and
Read’s (1971) study did not yield an inverse mammalian herbivores with more discrim-
latitudinal gradient in herbivory, its findings inating palates than their counterparts from
are consistent with mammalian herbivory more moderate latitudes. Moreover, these
as a force influencing geographic patterns selective forces have generated a latitudinal
of defense in woody plants. pattern that seems to differ from patterns of
geographic variation reported for insect
CONCLUSIONS (Coley and Aide 1991; Levin 1976) and
We reviewed the literature and docu- aquatic (but see Steinberg 1986; Targett et
mented patterns in the consumption of win- al. 1992) systems. Thus, any general theory
ter-dormant woody plants by mammalian formulated to predict large-scale patterns in
herbivores that reflected small- and large- plant defense against herbivory will have to
scale variation in mammal–plant interac- reconcile these disparate findings.
tions. Only by examination of a broader
spectrum of mammalian herbivores and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
woody plants will the generality of our We thank F. S. Chapin III, W. J. Foley, S. H.
findings be determined. In particular, com- Jenkins, L. K. Page, F. D. Provenza, K. Raffa,
parative studies of ruminants are needed. K. Schwaegerle, H. P. Weeks, Jr., and an anon-
Based on available information, at any par- ymous reviewer for helpful comments on the
ticular locality mammals perceive signifi- manuscript. K. Danell and L. Ericson provided
cant intraspecific and intraplant differences rankings of life-history categories for several

species of European plants. Support was provid- comparison of Alaska and eastern North America.
Oikos 70:385–394.
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