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Name : Nesta Adewata

Class : 2B
Nim : 1130019096
Assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh
Hello everyone, My name is Nesta Adewata. I live at Bungkal, Surabaya City. I am college
student of University Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya. So today in my video i tell about my daily
1. I have woken up for pre – dawn meal at 3 a.m ( present perfect )
2. I am going to pray subuh at 4.11 a.m ( future tense )
3. I have slept for 3 hours ( present perfect )
4. I have woken up at 7 a.m ( present perfect )
5. I will workout at 7.30 a.m ( future tense )
6. I will take a bath at 8 a.m ( future tense )
7. I will watch tv at 8.30 a.m ( future tense )
8. I will play social media in mobile phone at 10 a.m ( future tense )
9. I am going to pray dzuhur at 11.26 a.m ( future tense )
10. I have slept at 1 p.m ( present perfect )
11. I have woken up at 2.30 p.m ( present perfect )
12. I am going to pray ashar at 2.48 p.m ( future tense )
13. I will workout at 4.30 p.m ( future tense )
14. I will take a bath at 5 p.m ( future tense )
15. I am going to pray mahgrib at 5.22 p.m ( future tense )
16. I will break the fast at 6 p.m ( future tense )
17. I am going to pray isya at 6.33 p.m ( future tense )
18. I will read qur'an at 7 p.m ( future tense )
19. I will read nurse book at 8 p.m ( future tense )
20. I will play game online in mobile phone at 8.30 p.m ( future tense )
21. I have slept in the bedroom at 9.30 ( present perfect )

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