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Chapter “Time Management”

Q: 1 Explain in your own words “respect time and time will respect you”
Answer: In my opinion this quote clearly says that if you won’t respect your own time others won’t
respect your time either. They will think of you as useless as useless you think of your time. Respecting
time means to invest it in something which has a positive outcome on you or for others. Doing
something creative or productive which somehow grooms you is a way that you can respect time and
earn respect in outer world because this world respects only those who are successful and a person
cannot be successful until or unless he/she doesn’t respects time or doesn’t knows how to manage it.

Q: 2 define in your own words what is 80/20 rule?

Answer: This rule states that the actions or efforts you put for any task should be potentially the most
productive and identify them for future so you can get outcome of 80% just by putting an effort of 20%.
This also eliminates waste of time and resources.

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