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The figure below shows the wiring diagram:

Figure 103: Wiring diagram of the keypad remoting kit controlling multiple inverters The Communications Protocol

Standard MODBUS RTU protocol is used for communications.

Set the values below for the inverter/keypad; please refer to the Programming Manual of the inverter being
used for the setup of the relevant parameters (see Sinus Penta’s Programming Guide):

Setting values to the inverter

Baud rate: 38.400 bps

Data format: 8 bits
Start bit: 1
Parity: NO
Stop bit: 2
Protocol: MODBUS RTU
Device address: configurable between 1 and 247 to avoid conflicts (default address is 1)
Electric standard: RS485
Inverter response delay: 5 ms
End of message timeout: 2 ms

Setting values to the keypad

Device address: configurable between 0 and 247 (default address is 1)

In order to scan the connected inverters, set the device address to 0 for the keypad. The keypad can
communicate with one device at a time, based on the address that has been set up.

If different parameter values are set, communication errors between the

inverter and the keypad may occur.


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