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Comparative analysis

Both Duffy and Chicago are feminists artists where one expresses it in her poems and
the other in her art. Though they both write about womanhood, they adopt their style to
portray women.
Carol mostly uses imaginary characters or characters from Greek mythology, who have
been defied by men. These characters are also shown to be weak at the starting of
each poem. If observed one might also notice that carol loves demonstrating the growth
of feminism in each of her poems, as in each of her poems she starts by showing the
women week, and then throughout the poem the character faces trouble making it
stronger gradually. Carol also mentions the cycle of life in her poems by expressing it in
terms of the menstrual cycle or moon phases.

Judy uses real-life characters or characters from various mythologies, who have
achieved something and created an example in the world. These works were more like
a tribute, unlike Carol's work where she wrote her characters' stories. However, there is
a small hint of what happened in the women's life, the plate represents. For example, in
the plate of Sojourner Truth, There are three faces one with a black face representing
injustice faced by a black, the second one with a tear showing injustice faced by slaves,
and then, at last, the face looking straight which shows the state of women in those time
who were kept in silence.
There are also some similarities between Chicago and Duffy for example One of the
plates painted by Chicago represented kali where The cycle of life was metaphorically
represented by the seeds which were drawn in the center of the plate. Similarly, in the
poem, The red cap wine is represented as blood. Both of them also like to express
bloodshed in their ways for example Kalis` plate contains the color of blood, red. And in
The red cap Wine is represented as blood.

They both also like showing women as delicate but strong as in, the Kalis` tablecloth in
Judy Chicago's work contains lines in the border of the tablecloth where kalis plate is
kept, that look like hands but it's made with smooth edges showing delicacy. In the
poem red cap, the girl is also shown to be delicate even while she is killing the wolf.

Carol and Chicago both are great feminism activists with work that can not be
compared. Carols' work is direct but unique, and Chicago's work is intricate and unique.
They have their style of writing and they are the ones leaving a mark behind in this

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