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Lucca Proenca

Valid VS Invalid Arguments

Critical Thinking skills in todays society are so important. We as a nation have been lacking this part of
the thinking process when judging something as valid or invalid.

To understand this, we must understand the deductive argument. A deductive argument is an argument
where the premises guarantees the conclusion


The concept of validity is a tool that is used to evaluate the internal logic of a deductive argument. An
example of this Is when we analyze two premises that were in the news the other day and it goes like

P: All US senators are politicians

P: Ted Cruz is a senator

Conclusion: Ted Cruz is a politician.

The first and second premises linked together, makes the conclusion argument valid and sound.


An invalid argument is the direct opposite. This happens when one or more of the premises do not lead
to a valid conclusion. An example of this is when Trump said in one of his gatherings as a joke:

“The other candidates were sweating because they did not know that there was no air conditioning in
the room, how are they going to beat ISIS like that.”

P: Other candidates did not know that there is no air conditioning in the room

Conclusion: they are not going to beat ISIS

This logical fallacy implies that one thing will lead to another, which in this case is just ridiculous
assumption. Therefore, his argument is invalid.

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